My First Coco Grow!


Well-Known Member
Topping and lollipopping (removing bottom 1/3) so they fit in the tent nice? <snifff> they grow up so fast ....


Nice job buddy. ;) :clap:
LMAO, Thanks doog. Seems to work well for you, so I thought I'd try it out. Hopin this will save me a little bit of space, lettin em grow wild they take up ALOT of space and the lower buds didn't produce shit not to mention they were a pain in the ass to trim cause they were so small. Ended up cuttin a bunch of em off and throwin em in with my shake bag for my gumby hash im gonna be makin after I harvest the WB.


Well-Known Member
Hey MJG I would deff recommend topping, fimming, supercropping, lollypopping... lst... put all those techniques together ... you will get favoreable results as long as your strains have extreme vigour and no intersexed tendencies... How long do you veg for?


Well-Known Member
Hey MJG I would deff recommend topping, fimming, supercropping, lollypopping... lst... put all those techniques together ... you will get favoreable results as long as your strains have extreme vigour and no intersexed tendencies... How long do you veg for?

Till they are about 10 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Here are The pics I promised!!!!!!!!!

Got pics of Everything!!!! I have my Widow that is 9 days flowering, The WB that is 46 Days now, I have a 2nd Gen SS I just put in the tent last night to start flowering, and I have 2 autos that are just staring to grow. Thats all in the Tent.

In my Veg room I have a 2nd Gen WB that will be going to flower in the next week or so. The 5 Widow clones I took about a week ago, 4 out of 5 have rooted, and my clones I took last night. I have a random assortment of WW, WB, and SS. About 6-7 of each aprox, most of them will be going outside in about 3 weeks.

Also threw in a few pics of my SS cola and my jars that are curing. some dank ass shit!!!!!!!!

Will be starting a new journal for the WW, and 2nd Gen SS, and WB soon.



Well-Known Member
lookin real nice man good work +rep

Thanks man....Well guys it looks like with most good things it is time for me to shutdown! Seems as though people can't keep their fucking mouths shut! Had a guy come up to me that I can't fuckin stand anyway at my JOB , and tell me that if I want to get rid of anything he can do it and make good money off it. Seems as tho someone has opened their mouth when they shouldn't have, imagine that. So after I harvest my WB Friday I will be taking everything down!!!! I am going to try to get everything I have now out so my time isn't a complete waste. Guess I have learned a valuable lesson, DONT FUCKIN TELL ANYONE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought I could trust atleast the few friends I have, obviously not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man....Well guys it looks like with most good things it is time for me to shutdown! Seems as though people can't keep their fucking mouths shut! Had a guy come up to me that I can't fuckin stand anyway at my JOB , and tell me that if I want to get rid of anything he can do it and make good money off it. Seems as tho someone has opened their mouth when they shouldn't have, imagine that. So after I harvest my WB Friday I will be taking everything down!!!! I am going to try to get everything I have now out so my time isn't a complete waste. Guess I have learned a valuable lesson, DONT FUCKIN TELL ANYONE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought I could trust atleast the few friends I have, obviously not.

:twisted:NO WAY MAN !!! WTF !:cuss:

Do you hook anyone else from your work up, maybe they have the loud mouth?


Well-Known Member
:twisted:NO WAY MAN !!! WTF !:cuss:

Do you hook anyone else from your work up, maybe they have the loud mouth?

I have never hooked this dude up, my rommie tried to buy a bag off him with my money awhile back and he took off with the money. He works for the overnight cleaning service, not for the same company I work for. Thats why im takin down all my shit, worried about who else knows now......


Well-Known Member
Rule number 1

Tell no-one
exactly, you broke the cardinal rule!! it is tough not to tell folks, but no good can come from it...there's always exceptions though, when i'm growing ONLY 2 other folks know besides me, my 2 best friends in the world, i'd trust em with my life....stay safe everyone..



Well-Known Member
exactly, you broke the cardinal rule!! it is tough not to tell folks, but no good can come from it...there's always exceptions though, when i'm growing ONLY 2 other folks know besides me, my 2 best friends in the world, i'd trust em with my life....stay safe everyone..


Yeah I know, I feel stupid for having done so. yet another lesson learned....On the bright side of things my WB is looking great, hairs are all red and she is about 50% Amber and 50% Cloudy. Should be a GREAT somke, I can't wait


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, tonight was the night. My WB got the chop, she was completly yellow with some of the yellowing moving in close to the buds. That shit is STICKY AS FUCK!!!!!!! was a pain in the ass to trim, leaves and shit stickin to everything. I will get some pics for you guys tomorrow. This is the End for me for awile anyways guys, I will check in on things from time to time. I will deff put up a smoke report when the berry is done drying and cures awhile. Peace guys and happy growing!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous hahaha i gotta get some gravity and purple maxx

Yeah I wanted to get some Purple maxx for my WB to see if it would bring out the purple in it, but im takin everything down tonight after work. One thing I am wondering is, what would cause my WB to have seeds? Last night while trimming I found like 10 seeds, but only in the very bottom buds. I ended up stepin on about half of them so now I only have 5 of em. Another thing will these be feminized seeds? Would be nice to have some if and when I ever start back up.


Well-Known Member
so far i'm loving the coco, and to think i was scared when i bought it. thanks mjg420, this thread was what made me make the switch.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wanted to get some Purple maxx for my WB to see if it would bring out the purple in it, but im takin everything down tonight after work. One thing I am wondering is, what would cause my WB to have seeds? Last night while trimming I found like 10 seeds, but only in the very bottom buds. I ended up stepin on about half of them so now I only have 5 of em. Another thing will these be feminized seeds? Would be nice to have some if and when I ever start back up.
Did you have any light leaks during flowering? Did you see any male parts on the plant?


Well-Known Member
so far i'm loving the coco, and to think i was scared when i bought it. thanks mjg420, this thread was what made me make the switch.

Happy to see that I can inspire other growersbongsmilie

Did you have any light leaks during flowering? Did you see any male parts on the plant?
My grow area was in the basement, no light unless the MH/HPS was on. So no light leaks forsure. There were definatly no male parts on her, I looked after I found the seeds. Only buds EVERYWHERE LOL After talking to Doog he says its due to the fact that I also have an veggie garden outside, and was caused from not changing clothes before goin to my grow room. So it sounds like they were pollenated by either the peppers or the tomatoes I have that have been flowering for awhile. Will be interesting to see how the seeds grow sometime.