What soil to buy?


Well-Known Member
Take your pick. Just make sure there is no nutes added to it. Ya dnt want the stuff that says feeds for 3 months. After ya buy the soil you are going to need some perlite.


Active Member
So why wouldnt i want the stuff that says feeds for however many months? Doesnt my plants need nutrients to grow for the first month or so. Then I would start to give them veg nutes then flower nutes and whatnot


Well-Known Member
So why wouldnt i want the stuff that says feeds for however many months? Doesnt my plants need nutrients to grow for the first month or so. Then I would start to give them veg nutes then flower nutes and whatnot
Because the nutes are too strong. Get some foxfarm soil and you will be good.


Active Member
So I guess i blew it because I recently bought this soil that says it feeds for 9 weeks? and my plant has just sprouted?


Well-Known Member
What soil did you buy? They mostly say 'feeds for X months', never saw one that was so specific in weeks. My guess is MG Organic Choice Potting Mix? It claims 2 months feeding.


Active Member
What soil did you buy? They mostly say 'feeds for X months', never saw one that was so specific in weeks. My guess is MG Organic Choice Potting Mix? It claims 2 months feeding.
I got it from walmart. It was the only soil i cud find without MG in it. It just say potting soil and also says it feeds for 9 months rather that 9 week from what I said earlier, my mistake, but it has shpagum moss, and perlite in it :weed:


Well-Known Member
9 months? shit, that's some slow time release
well, dirt is usually cheaper than seeds, so buying fresh dirt is probably a good idea
if you have a lowes, you can get MG Organic Choice Garden Soil for about $4.50 a cubic foot
not all MG products are bad, many have good results with this one, i have anyways


Active Member
I used organic potting soil with manuer mixed in it. I have not added anything to it and my plant is about 3 feet tall and is looking healthier than ever(i have some pics on some of my past threads). I think Lowes has a big selection of soil and it not expensive at all.


Well-Known Member
im lost i use MG moisture controle soil and all my plants are doing great i think are you saying that it would be better if i got some nute free soil and transplanted them all out? im confused how is mg to strong but all my plants are green and growin?


Well-Known Member
im not debateing im just learning and asking for logic to back up what your saying. wouldent the plants get nute burn if the soil was to strong?


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of growers that have good luck with MG Potting Mix and MG Moisture Control.
These 2 soils can release their nutes in a way that isn't always beneficial for cannabis. I had terrible luck with MGMC. Normally, what happens is a grower(often inexperienced) will have a bit of a problem in one of these soils. May look like nute burn. To correct, he waters/flushes. With the time release pellets, he instead gets a large release of fertilizer, really starts to burn. Often turns into a death spiral of troubles.
These soils are actually used by some large scale growers, they have a lot of nutes for their cost. But if you have a problem, it may be tough to fix.


Active Member
Yeah but im planning on using this amazing package of nutes because they are suposed to be really good. So when using a package like I have does there have to be no nutes in the soil in the beggining of the grow? or does the plant need a bit of nutes for its seedling stage?


Well-Known Member
An unfertilized soil is probably waht you want, some thing other than the ones with the little time release pellets. Which one depends on whether you want to buy locally or not. I like mg organic choice garden soil, it's cheap and works well. Others here have their own preferences. Fox Farm soils are a popular choice.

Fallen Buckshot

i personaly like using whats basicly promix (i mix it myself tho)
3-4 parts peat moss
1 part vermiculite
1-2 parts perlite

i buy it in seperate bags and mix it to how i want it. hoffman brand is damn good quality of all 3