1st grow. Criticism and advice please.


Active Member
they could be a little more compact and bushy but they all look nice and healthy.
Only thing I can think of it the light may be a little too high up, but obviously not so much so it's going to be a problem.


thanks. these were kind of the test of growing for me. Now, i'm going to purchase actual supplies and lights, etc. So everything should look better with next grow, instead of using house lamps :)


Well-Known Member
thanks. these were kind of the test of growing for me. Now, i'm going to purchase actual supplies and lights, etc. So everything should look better with next grow, instead of using house lamps :)
Good for you! What are your leaning towards when it comes to equipment?


uh... I'm thinking to use t5 for germ and early "seedling phase" / cloning. Then switching to mh/hps for veg and flower. As far as soil/nutes...still researching. these were just simple noobie MG and distilled water. so, not sure about that yet.


Well-Known Member
Check out my veg grow under my signature. I use t-5 and I get them bushy and tall. I have grown them over 24" useing 4' 4 bulb in the past. I am now useing 4-8 for veg only.
As for soil, Stick with something other than MG. I recommennd Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Roots Organic.


I'll have to check those out. what is the heat like coming off the t5? I know it's supposed to be minimal, just wondering, cuz i'm using cfl's in house lamps and my closet when the door is closed gets up to around 85 degrees. I'm assuming about the same.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to check those out. what is the heat like coming off the t5? I know it's supposed to be minimal, just wondering, cuz i'm using cfl's in house lamps and my closet when the door is closed gets up to around 85 degrees. I'm assuming about the same.
With my laundry fan on alone and all 8 bulbs on, the temp gets about 78 with the lights being 22" away.