Do you "save" stuff to do for once you're stoned?


Well-Known Member
I like to hold off on jerking off until I'm ripped...almost feels like a waste to jack it before I smoke.

I like to wait till I'm stoned to eat too.


Well-Known Member
I always eat and jerkoff before I smoke. Sure. It's more fun high but it's also a high killer.


i do save things to do until i am stoned..... but i expected something like home repair, housework, pay bills..... not jack off:shock:


Well-Known Member
I save making music for when i'm stoned, especially my "instrumental masterpiece" that ive been working on for months, I only add onto it when im stoned. Other than that, house work is something I get done stoned, goes by faster bongsmilie


Active Member
For me, there is more things i Do while im stoned, rather than not. Usually my day starts with a bowl and a few cups of coffee...then watch tv, eat, shower, etc. Then I run my errands with a tiny puff beforehand, then I come back to the lair to work. See, i'm a comic book writer, so I work from home. I smoke a good amount, and begin to pound out the scripts. Then I just chill for awhile, then go to bed or smoke and go to bed.


Active Member
I enjoy doing just about everything more stoned.
I have minor ADD ...brain is always trying to go in ten directions at once.
When I'm high I tend to focus on things more and for long.