I started getting everything together for my first grow and ive hit a little wall
so to speak ... i was given one of those grow tents form a friend its 8feet long 4 feet wide and 6.5 feet tall.... my plan was to divide it in two and get two four by four areas so i can have one group in veg and on in flowering so i can cut my harvest time in half ..... so heres where im stuck lighting, and finding a large enough something to use to make into a dwc system and plant spacing..... soo heres the questions
1. for lighting i wanted to use something i could flower and veg under was thinken electronic hid systems from hid hut that can use either hps or mh, with them i was not sure to go 250watt or 400 watt ( dont want to over heat). then i was thinken led the ufo not sure whats up with them i did my research but everyone whos selling them sayes something different and how theres are better so if some knows where to get a good one that works and give tight buds please let me know.
2. for the dwc i was gunna make a bubbleponics system i saw on youtube... can put a link if no one knows what im talken bout..... But i need a tub or tote or a premade dwc thing and have no idea where to find one thats 4foot by 4foot ive been busten hella googles surches for days on end to find nothen... if anyone knows where to find something that will work for my set up please let me know
3. plant spacing i know it depends on what type im growing.... i was going to grow "Ice" form Nirvina seed.... i was thinken four rows of four or six rows of six but im not sure if that too close or if i could plant them closer
please helpkiss-ass

1. for lighting i wanted to use something i could flower and veg under was thinken electronic hid systems from hid hut that can use either hps or mh, with them i was not sure to go 250watt or 400 watt ( dont want to over heat). then i was thinken led the ufo not sure whats up with them i did my research but everyone whos selling them sayes something different and how theres are better so if some knows where to get a good one that works and give tight buds please let me know.
2. for the dwc i was gunna make a bubbleponics system i saw on youtube... can put a link if no one knows what im talken bout..... But i need a tub or tote or a premade dwc thing and have no idea where to find one thats 4foot by 4foot ive been busten hella googles surches for days on end to find nothen... if anyone knows where to find something that will work for my set up please let me know
3. plant spacing i know it depends on what type im growing.... i was going to grow "Ice" form Nirvina seed.... i was thinken four rows of four or six rows of six but im not sure if that too close or if i could plant them closer
please helpkiss-ass