Why the End of America is Closer than You Think


Well-Known Member
I consider real estate to be a 'cold" asset. Not easily liquidated (especially now). If you have only the property you live in, cashing that out is probably not an option.

So let's deal with "hot" assets. This would be hard cash, stocks, bonds, etc... Gather them all up and cash out (believe me the stock market is dead dead dead). get that money out of the country into a tax haven location such as the Cayman islands, or the Isle of Man. there are others and I don't wish to say which is the right one over another. You will have to make that determination. Once your money is safely out of reach of the obama theft machine, it can grow unfettered.
Then you have basically two options. Stay in the US and make do with your income and try to hope things will turn around (new govt.), which is what I am doing, or leave the country when your cold assets become attractive to sell. Again, you will have to make that determination. Once the bulk (not all) of your hot assets are overseas, you cannot bring them back in (legally) without penalties. That is for right now. if a new govt. is established, that will probably change. This is what I hope for.

Of course if everything goes south, then the decision to get out will become clear and you will already by 75% prepared to leave.

For any money equity you still hold back, I would suggest no more than 10% in gold and the rest in short term T bills. I'm afraid at this juncture, there are no other safe options.

Hope this helps... :peace:
I appreciate the advice. I saw the real estate and stck market crash coming and switched to raw land here in Cali. I managed to get a subdivision done and now have it divided into small ranches. Unfortunately this is not a liquid asset. I am in my 50s and need to get some kind of plan going.


New Member
I can still remember talking to a new neighbor who moved in 20 acres away form me three years ago. He bought at the top of the cycle, although after five minutes of talking to him, i realized he was not aware of it. He paid the asking price for the house and land which was highly overpriced. I told him the market was about to fall out and he looked at me as if I was insane. :lol:

Now his property has lost 50% of its value and he can't even look at me anymore....

What did raul emmanual say again? Never let a crisis go to waste? That works both ways. We are in a crisis right now and it is going to get A LOT worse. Don't let it go to waste. Get prepared.


Well-Known Member
Whoa whoa whoa, calm down there buddy! All these events are very iffy. Either you have taken to much cid, or you have taken way to much cid. Really? Do you really think America is going out like that? Fuck no i dont. We will survive, we have in that past and we will again. Things are not Nearly as bad as they were in the great depression era. Yet your ranting like we have already surpassed the horrible poverty experienced in the depression. Just take a chill pill and calm down
Go to http://www.shadowstats.com/ And you will soon notice that things are WORSE than in the depression. the only reason you haven't felt it yet is because the fed is pumping money into the system at an unbelievable rate and are keeping things propped up. It won't work forever.


Well-Known Member
that was a good article.
hey crazkerjack do you think the housing market will rebound at all in the next 2 years?
that obama deception movie is interesting as well.. that part with bush talking about weapons of mass destruction was funny.


New Member
Go to http://www.shadowstats.com/ And you will soon notice that things are WORSE than in the depression. the only reason you haven't felt it yet is because the fed is pumping money into the system at an unbelievable rate and are keeping things propped up. It won't work forever.
One of the BIG reasons why it seems to be a mystery to ppl, is the media just isn't talking straight on the issue. They are working so hard to make Obama look like a success, they protect his every flank. There was a poll flashed on ABC this morning that 65% of Americans think Obama is doing a good job with the economy. Now let's forget just for a moment that any poll can be set up to give the answer DESIRED, and let's just ask.... what percentage of Americans understand how the economy works. There's the fly in the ointment right there.

that was a good article.
hey crazkerjack do you think the housing market will rebound at all in the next 2 years?
that obama deception movie is interesting as well.. that part with bush talking about weapons of mass destruction was funny.
Simply put.... no. Credit is tightening because of the bailouts. It will only get worse, and the Obama admin. is putting out policies which discourage folks to take risks. Housing is not coming back anytime soon. oh, there will be small pockets and if you live in one of those, consider yourself a lottery winner. These pockets will be touted by the media to no end to give the ILLUSION of housing solvency, but don't believe it. I'm sorry to tell you this...:sad:


Well-Known Member
I own a place, totally paid for, small condo, worth around $ 75,000.00 do you think selling it would be a good idea, or just ride it out.
I got the number 75$ from another place that just sold in here for 84,000.00.


Well-Known Member
well I paid 63,000.00 for it in 2002, during the high market like 3 years ago condos were going in the complex for the low 120's now things have fallen off.
my condo is the only investment I have, no stocks, gold, nothing.


Well-Known Member
The socialist agenda always started with the destruction of the capitalistic system. This would lead to a dependancy on gov. for the well being of the people. As I have pointed out before it would be an interesting exercise to investigate the historical linkage or relationships between marxism, sds, weatherman, acorn, americorp and obama.


Well-Known Member
I consider real estate to be a 'cold" asset. Not easily liquidated (especially now). If you have only the property you live in, cashing that out is probably not an option.

So let's deal with "hot" assets. This would be hard cash, stocks, bonds, etc... Gather them all up and cash out (believe me the stock market is dead dead dead). get that money out of the country into a tax haven location such as the Cayman islands, or the Isle of Man. there are others and I don't wish to say which is the right one over another. You will have to make that determination. Once your money is safely out of reach of the obama theft machine, it can grow unfettered.
Then you have basically two options. Stay in the US and make do with your income and try to hope things will turn around (new govt.), which is what I am doing, or leave the country when your cold assets become attractive to sell. Again, you will have to make that determination. Once the bulk (not all) of your hot assets are overseas, you cannot bring them back in (legally) without penalties. That is for right now. if a new govt. is established, that will probably change. This is what I hope for.

Of course if everything goes south, then the decision to get out will become clear and you will already by 75% prepared to leave.

For any money equity you still hold back, I would suggest no more than 10% in gold and the rest in short term T bills. I'm afraid at this juncture, there are no other safe options.

Hope this helps... :peace:
IMO your right for the most part, a few exceptions though. First off if the president wants to go into your over seas account and take all of your money, he can at a whim. Money is not safe in ANY account. The Patriot act has already given authority to do this. You might actually be safer to invest in precious metals and bury it in your back yard. Gold by itself has netted a 2700% gain since it was made legal to own in 1973. no other asset class has come close to those gains. Silver is probably an even better buy as it is SOOOOO undervalued at this time. It was trading at $50 an ounce in the 80's its at 13.65 now.it was in the 20's last year at this time. It should be at $100. When it goes it will be a moon shot and silver owners will make many fold on the investment.

Ownership of land is very important, you may want to start growing food in the future. Of course the gubbermint will probably tax the land so much that you will have to sell it, but that is yet to be seen.

Gold and silver can move across the borders of this country in any amount and never has to be declared, its the law. It is also never taxed because it is not a reportable asset, again this is law. You only get taxed on the sale and accompanying gain, although since its not reportable I doubt anyone actually does that. You can bury it for 20 years, dig it up and its as good as new. Usable anywhere in the world as the ULTIMATE money. You don't have to convert it to another currency because all countries of the world use gold and silver as money. USA fighter pilots carry a 1 ounce gold coin in case they get shot down over enemy territory cuz gold is money anywhere.

I don't really think T-Bills are a good investment at this time, they do not have shit for yield and they are valued by the issuing country. If the USA tanks, its t-bills and other financial instruments will be worth nothing. Commodities would be a better choice, or gold mining stock is another good choice. Stay away from ETF GLD and SLV, unless you actually have physical you will be left holding the bag from the COMEX as they normally sell 2 times what even exists on earth..naked short selling at its finest.

Things that will be worth more in the future: Drugs, Alcohol ( Whiskey, vodka Et Al.), Sugar ( Does not spoil) , Honey ( Also no spoil), Grain, gold, silver, guns, ammo. things like that. Basically things you need to survive. Owning a Horse might be another good thing too. They just fuel up at the nearest shaded grassy hill. BP has no control on the running expense of a horse.

Prepare now for the worst and hope for the best. Its not going to go down exactly as we think, and it might take a few years to go, just like the depression took 4 years before it actually got really bad, we are just at the beginning stages.

When you told your neighbor his value was going to tank and it bacame true sounds just like the advice I gave some of the folks at work. I told them to refinance their homes when the rates were at 4.5%, but my boss believed the government and said he would wait until it got to 3.9% just like Bernanke said it would. And all the other sheep at work followed the leader. It never got below 4.5 really, and everyone except me waited for the magical 3.9. They are still waiting even though its at 6% now. For some reason they think that the Fed has total control over the interest rate, but I told them that its really the Bond market that controls the rates. The feds can't make it artificially low in an economy going belly up like ours is and they are losing their grip. None of them realized that a 1% rate hike is like a 20% down payment over the term of the loan.

Too many people who do not understand the true nature of Money and Finance these days. The government education system makes sure that the vast majority of informnation we receive is construed in such a way as to make us oblivious to the theft going on.

Anyway I digress, I have to go rep a bunch of others so I can get back at ya.!


Well-Known Member
Why the End of America is Closer than You Think

Saturday, March 21, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: America, Federal Reserve and Economy

(CounterThink) I recently moved to Ecuador. Not for a vacation. Not for a month or two. I moved to Ecuador for good, as a permanent resident. Upon hearing my plans for living in South America, many people who knew me in the States asked things like, "Well what about the stability of Ecuador as a nation?" To which I would respond, "Oh, you mean the stability of banks that don't make loans and don't invest in derivatives? You mean the stability of a nation where the population still has the courage to march in the streets and throw corrupt officials out of its capitol?"

These questions make Americans pause. Most tend to think of public demonstrations as signs of a political instability. But in fact, public demonstrations are a sign of a healthy Democratic process. And Democracy is alive and well in Ecuador (with the usual level of corruption you find in any democracy).

It is in America, where the sheeple have been terrorized into staying inside the boundaries of their little "protest zones," that you find a fragile, unstable nation.

Through complacency and fear-mongering, most Americans have become cowards when it comes to political activism. They think emailing their Senator a few times a year is all that's required to defend freedom and preserve a nation. Marching in the streets is seen as uncivilized... or even unpatriotic! The government agrees with this, too, now labeling anyone who protests in public a "potential terrorist" and targeting them for FBI investigations. (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0%2C29...)

The multi-trillion-dollar theft scheme

In the mean time, while the sheeple of America are caught up in their hypnotic dreams of world domination, white-collar hoodlums in Washington D.C. and Wall Street are stealing everything!

The oft-repeated creation of $1 trillion in new money out of thin air by the Federal Reserve has made the U.S. dollar the laughing stock of the world. The leaders of the G20 nations have already decided to ditch the dollar and shift to other world reserve currencies, and China is now blatantly and publicly asking the U.S. put up some kind of collateral to back up future debt purchases, to which the U.S. says "Don't worry about the debt. We're good for it!"

And when $165 million in bonus money got paid to AIG employees, the tyrants in Washington demonstrated the true reach of their confiscatory punishment by enacting, within mere days, a 90% income tax rate on those bonuses. Sure, I agree those AIG executives deserve no bonus money, but the fact that the legislative branch of the U.S. government can reach out and hammer a targeted group of U.S. citizens with a retroactive 90% income tax rate should send shivers through any American that earns any income at all.

It has all taken on the caricature of a political circus. The perception around the world now is that America is not merely a land of the incompetent and the bankrupt; it's also a land of fiscal buffoons and political puppets who have no real ability to save the crashing economy.

The Fed's plan to increase the money supply 15-fold

But the real story starts to unfold when you realize the Federal Reserve is now hell bent on multiplying the U.S. money supply by a whopping fifteen times in 2009! This excellent article explains how this number is derived: http://www.marketskeptics.com/2009/...

Now think about this: If the Federal Reserve increases the U.S. money supply by a factor of fifteen, that means your dollars will be worth only 1/15th the value they represent right now. So a loaf of bread that costs a dollar right now could cost $15 when all this extra money ripples through the system. (Which will obviously take a couple of years, but 2009 will be the beginning of it.)

This is called "hyperinflation." We're talking about a loss of over 93% of the purchasing power of the dollar. That, my friends, is called a collapse of the currency.

And once it starts, the floodgates will be opened and the tsunami of investors and nations offloading dollars will be catastrophic and irreversible. By the time it's all done, the dollar might end up losing 99.9% of its value, and you can use greenbacks to light a fire or wipe your back side, as they will be useless for anything else.

Why America's currency -- and government -- is headed for total collapse

That's why I say America's days are numbered. The America as we know it, at least. This repeated creation of trillions of dollars in new money by the Federal Reserve is the last great looting of the U.S. economy by the wealthy elite. The Titanic is sinking, and high officials have monopolized the life rafts, leaving everyone else to drown with the ship. And while they're rowing away from the doomed vessel that's taking on water, they shout back to the low-income workers clinging to the rails, "Don't worry! The ship isn't really sinking. It's just 'correcting!'"

The truth is that America IS sinking -- and it's not just the currency I'm talking about here: America's criminal health care system has sickened the population and outlawed any real healing practices, too. Meanwhile, the FDA and FTC have attempted to destroy all knowledge of natural remedies that can prevent and cure disease, further compromising the future of the American People.

On the dollars-and-cents side, America's economy is a fictitious mish-mash of corporations selling poisons to the people, and people buying junk they don't need, and everybody paying through the nose for disease care services that ultimately provide no net benefit to the population.

America's infrastructure is crumbling, its industries are already gutted, and its exports resemble third-world agricultural nations more than first-world developed nations. Its political leadership is, with very few exceptions, a band of diseased, ignorant influence peddlers who sell out their constituents at every opportunity.

Perhaps more importantly, America has abandoned the principle of law. Laws no longer matter in America because they are selectively enforced only against those who threaten powerful institutions or corporations. America is no longer a nation of freedom and justice for all. Rather, it is a nation of greed and profit for the few, followed by oppression and bankruptcy for everybody else.

What's coming soon for America

Given these circumstances, it is not difficult to predict the demise of America as we know it. The U.S. dollar will eventually collapse or be abandoned. This could happen literally overnight, or it could take years, but make no mistake: The American people will not be forewarned of the collapse of the dollar. It will be a sudden, surprise announcement, and all the politicians and banking elitists who engineered the whole thing will pronounce their "shock" that such a thing could happen! "We could never have predicted this," they will insist, even while the whole thing was actually engineered by the very same people.

One day, Americans will wake up and discover that all banks are on "bank holidays" (which means that someone in Washington is taking a holiday with your money while YOU can't access it).

Within hours, the National Guard will roll into the cities of the United States, and Americans will find themselves penniless prisoners in their own country. Anyone who protests will be arrested or shot. Law will be dispensed at the end of military rifles, and the President will get on television and explain how this is all being done for YOUR benefit! It's for your own safety and protection, didn't you know?

From here, it's difficult to say exactly what will unfold. We could see UN troops on U.S. soil, the IMF taking over the U.S. banking system, and the forced transition to a global currency. Other possibilities include the Balkanization of the formerly-united States of America, with regional nation-states declaring their own independence from Washington.

During this chaos, just-in-time delivery of food and products will grind to a halt. Store shelves will be emptied. A healthy economy of barter will immediately spring up to fill the void. Those who have things to trade (toilet paper, butter, salt, sugar, matches, gold, silver, food, fuel, etc.) will eat. Those who don't will starve. Health will plummet and infectious disease will become a very real threat in many cities. The conventional medical system will, of course, be utterly useless and will run out of medicine within days or weeks.

This economic transition chaos will be short-lived, however, and from the ashes of economic turmoil will spring a new nation (or nations) of People who have finally awakened from their complacency. New governments will be forged, and the fields of economic ruin will be ripe for the planting and sprouting of new ideas from a new generation of visionary leaders.

In my related article called How to Create A Healthy, Wealthy, Abundant Nation from the Ashes of America's Demise, I discuss some advanced ideas of how new nation states might structure themselves in a way that creates lasting health, wealth and abundance for its citizens. Read that story on the other network I write for. Just enter the title shown above in the search box of the other website (NN).
you forgot??? we still have our military and most of these events can be forstalled by taking over other countries and taking everything they have!! like the plan in irac,... syria and lebanon are next but ultimatly i could see the usa moving into south america or even canada,.....


Active Member
its sad, but i agree, people keep saying, '' theres no way it will be as bad as the great depression of old" but i think it will be worse, look at how many people are ''living'' off of their credit cards right now, thinking that everything will be ok when the economy perks back up., what happens when they cant pay their cards down?, and there are millions of people doing this right now.


New Member
well I paid 63,000.00 for it in 2002, during the high market like 3 years ago condos were going in the complex for the low 120's now things have fallen off.
my condo is the only investment I have, no stocks, gold, nothing.
I think to sell it now after 7 years to only reap 12k (minus selling costs) is a no go. You haven't a mortgage so I would hang on and hope for a better climate. As long as your building doesn't start to empty out, you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
those of you who REALLY think this wouldn't or couldn't happen need a reality check

the numbers DO speak for itself

US will experience a hyperinflationary economy crash just like guatemala and our standards of living will CHANGE drastically...not even necessarily for the worse....

I think people in this country over-consume farrr too much. Maybe values will be restored- in 16 year olds who spend all day texting on phones and driving around in cars bought by their parents. I'd love to see people walking, riding horses, and biking everywhere again. Seems to re-instill a strong sense of community and there's something spiritually-rewarding about learning to appreciate those little adventures/struggles again (and it's great for physical health of course)

on that same note...more and more people are reviving the home-garden due to the economy. How great is that for our spiritual health and environment?...delivering the freshest veggies possible to your family, being closer to plants, re-discovering natural remedies and proper nutrition that has been clouded by corporate-interest-fueled diet fads like atkins and such.

if you want to survive these days ahead and preserve your mental health, you're going to have to learn to see the good in what is happening. anxiety/stress can run your physical health down fast...so take life in simple stride. Wake up, eat, do the work you have to, go to bed. Keep it simple stupid

My 2 cents
Inflation will punish those that had the proper values of savings and thrift and reward the spendthrift and careless with self-amortizing debt. It is not a solution to our problems, just as more government is not a solution to our problems. The solution is less government. You can not create more freedom by taking ever increasing amounts of freedom away. To believe otherwise, well I have this nice piece of ocean front property in Arizona that I want to sell you.


Well-Known Member
What did raul emmanual say again? Never let a crisis go to waste? That works both ways. We are in a crisis right now and it is going to get A LOT worse. Don't let it go to waste. Get prepared.
He also said if your on the terrorist list your not apart of the american family anymore.