Did it rain inside my grow box


Well-Known Member
Yes I did. The day before putting them in there. If it was from watering this is gonna happen everytime I water then. I'm just wondering if I should pipe in fresh air from outside and pipe out the exhaust air. That way it's not sucking in the high humidity air from the basment.


New Member
One thing i'd say is try dabbing off the water before lights come on... coz the intensity of the lights could easily burn a hold in the leaf where the droplet magnifies it and that'd destroy me if i woke up and the plant was peppered with holes.


Well-Known Member
it might be trapping in the moisture from watering. You might need fresh air or adding a fan inside the box to move the air around might do the trick.


Well-Known Member
I just looked and all is dry now from what I can see. Lights came on at 10am. I also put a temperture/humidity gage inside the cabnet and the humidity is down at 44% inside the cabnet with the fan running. I wonder if I should have left the fan running all night. i left it off thinking it was ok.


Well-Known Member
what is your night time temps? its possible the dewpoint is being reached in dark cycle and will cause dew drops just like in the mornings!

I like your box is very similar to mine....i also use exhaust with holes in bottom for fresh air intake. If you are exhausting the warm moist air in the same room...then my guess is that the humidity is sticking around very high...then cools off at night causing the water droplets



Well-Known Member
what is your night time temps? its possible the dewpoint is being reached in dark cycle and will cause dew drops just like in the mornings!

I like your box is very similar to mine....i also use exhaust with holes in bottom for fresh air intake. If you are exhausting the warm moist air in the same room...then my guess is that the humidity is sticking around very high...then cools off at night causing the water droplets

I just looked(temperture gage stores lowest and highest temp and I reset these everyday so that was last nigths temp) and my night time temp dropped down to 68.5.


Well-Known Member
I say add a fan(nothing to big) to the inside of the box and leave the exhaust fan going all the time.

The exhaust fan is 1 you got at a home improvement store right? If so they dont cost that much to replace if it burns out.

Every pic you see of a room or grow box their is a fan blowing air around in the room or box, trust me dude makes a big diff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i am thinking now this was my mistake. just didn't think about it. I figured sence the lights were off it would be fine to have it off.
my fan comes on 15 minutes after lights on and 15minutes after lights out and fans are off...never had a problem. BUT if you have this high humidity going on with a dehumidifier in that room you will want the exhaust to keep circulating the moist air



Well-Known Member
I just looked(temperture gage stores lowest and highest temp and I reset these everyday so that was last nigths temp) and my night time temp dropped down to 68.5.
i dont know your location BUT check out with local news what your dewpoint status is.....here by me its 75 which means when it dips below 75 degrees F at night there will be wet grass.



a simple way my buddy decreased his humidity was to take a bunch of cork board and hang it inside, nothing real special but the cork helps absorb the humidity, then all you have to do is take out the cork board throw it away once its soggy


Well-Known Member
I say add a fan(nothing to big) to the inside of the box and leave the exhaust fan going all the time.

The exhaust fan is 1 you got at a home improvement store right? If so they dont cost that much to replace if it burns out.

Every pic you see of a room or grow box their is a fan blowing air around in the room or box, trust me dude makes a big diff.
Hey I am open to anything I will try adding a fan. I actually have some here right now I could put in there. I hate to put all this time and money to have it go bad on me this late in the game.

sirbudmaster just looked and the dew point here is 60 °F.


Well-Known Member
Leave the fan on during lights out and see if the problem persists. If you turn the fan off right as lights go off, the remaining radiant heat from the bulb/hood is going to make your humidity rise. That combined with little to no air movement is going to create dew.

If he has an exhaust fan on top and intake holes on the bottom, he shouldn't need intake fans. Negative pressure is enough to turn the air over and create air movement.


Well-Known Member
Ok so for tonight I will leave the exhaust fan running all night and see what happens. I just looked again and humidity inside the box has dropped down to 40% from 44%. So it seems to alot less them whats out side the cabnet. I'm gonna let that fan run all night. I am going to put a fan inside the cabnet to just move air around. I'n not gonna add a fan to the intake cause like forseti said it should be enough to exchange air and so far it seems to be cause if it it wasn't enough my temps most likly would have risen alot higher then what they are sence I do have a 400 watter in there.