3lbs with 1000 watts... sort of...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Ladies and gentleman.... these pictures are of a garden that yields NEARLY 6lbs with 2 - 1000 watt BULBs... that's 3lbs per 1000 watts

This garden will be featured in SeeMoreBuds new video.. "A Perfect Garden"
http://gardenknowm.com/ - click the free preview button.. cheers

Soon available for pre-ordering at www.seemorebuds.com


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
your such a pot pimp bro lol
ive got the first 2,,,whens the new dvd going to be out?
hopefully soon bro.... very soon.. sendng to printer in the next 5-10 days.. I am trying to get some video of a new BBOY movie coming out... and have it as a bonus track on the DVD..



Well-Known Member
FDD's from compton? :) word!, lol gardenkown, will there be a special for the 3 DVD's espcially for a rollitup member


Well-Known Member
i tried clicking for the free preview it doesnt work,maybe they are use my seeds from the time of the biblical giants.


Active Member
I'm a huge seemorebuds fan bro... I got all of your DVD's and I've watched them so many times I dream about it... not good.

But seriously... I got a few questions. I've got a huge grow area and I have the money to recreate the perfect garden for myself... which I plan to do withen the next couple months. I'll be making a few modifications... will probably eventually add a doser and the layout will be a little different.

Just have a few questions... you said that each room, 17 buckets per room, generated 6 pounds per grow. But you also said that each bucket was producing 3 ounces per bucket. 3 Oz's per bucket only equates to a little over 3 pounds per room. Dude would have to pull 6 ounces per bucket to hit 6 pounds per room right?

Can you let me know what i'm missing here.. Im sure I'm overlooking something. I'm very much the rookie still... but I think I'll progress rather quickly and will hopefully be the feature garden on seemorebuds volume 21:mrgreen:

Hope you don't mind the questions bro... I'm a bud growing bastard from hell in the making:hump:


Well-Known Member
I always wondered why not use tomato cages, fit nice inthe round pots etc. Now I will have to get some, and the rest of the books. Thorougly enjoyed it, has already helped me a lot. I'm partially color blind and couldn't see amber in the trichs. Feel a little more confident now. The man that delivered it to me, we call him postie is a regular customer. He was impressed. Thanx again GK.


Active Member
I'm a huge seemorebuds fan bro... I got all of your DVD's and I've watched them so many times I dream about it... not good.

But seriously... I got a few questions. I've got a huge grow area and I have the money to recreate the perfect garden for myself... which I plan to do withen the next couple months. I'll be making a few modifications... will probably eventually add a doser and the layout will be a little different.

Just have a few questions... you said that each room, 17 buckets per room, generated 6 pounds per grow. But you also said that each bucket was producing 3 ounces per bucket. 3 Oz's per bucket only equates to a little over 3 pounds per room. Dude would have to pull 6 ounces per bucket to hit 6 pounds per room right?

Can you let me know what i'm missing here.. Im sure I'm overlooking something. I'm very much the rookie still... but I think I'll progress rather quickly and will hopefully be the feature garden on seemorebuds volume 21:mrgreen:

Hope you don't mind the questions bro... I'm a bud growing bastard from hell in the making:hump:
Anyone else know what I'm talking about... each room producing 6 pounds yet each bucket only was producing 3 ounces... was there an error possibly?