Miracle-Gro Organic Style?


Active Member
I bought a few bags of Miracle-Gros Organic mix and put outside and mixed with the normal soil in the ground and transplanted my babies into it. Was this a mistake? Ive heard a lot about how bad Miracle-Gro is but I figured it's organic so it must not be too bad, plus I live in Seattle and its supposed to rain all week long so I figured the soil would be flushed alittle from it? This is my first grow, so any advice welcome.


Active Member
Ok do I have to fertilize it when I water or whatever or can I just water it with normal water for its life cycle?


Well-Known Member
Don't start fertilizing for at least a month, then only mix the fertilizer at 1/4 strength and fertilize every other watering, slowly increasing the strength of the fertilizer.


Active Member
I don't trust miracle grow as a company..... They sell "Organic" soil based solely on marketing statistics. Not because they actually give a s#$^% about the environment or the health of the people using their soil. My top 3 brands of soil for fruits and veggies (Or whatever you're growing) is:
1. Gardner and Bloome in the Red or Blue Bag
2. Fox Farms (Supplement w/ kelp and fish emmulshion/ Guano Tea to avoid problems)
3. Whittney Farms is a local and trusted form of Organic Soil.......
Hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
Be careful mixing your soil with outside dirt. You could be mixing in bugs/their eggs. Or you could also unknowingly scoop in some unseen seeds of whatever. You dont wanna grow for 2 weeks then realize your pot seed isnt whats growing.

As far as MG Organic...All I can say is...it worked for me. Like Entropic said....dont add ferts early. BUT....the Organic MG doesnt have alot of nutes in the soil...so you may notice a Nitrogen deficieny early on. Thats when you should start adding your ferts. I started ferting about 2 weeks after potting in the Organic.

And the soil may come with fungus gnats/eggs in the soil....have something on hand to kill em off. They'll eventually all die...but it will take a few weeks if you dont use something to control their #s


Well-Known Member
Im on my second bag of MG Organic...bought 2 months apart....different stores. The second bag was for some flowers I have in planters on my front porch.

I had a little soil left over so I sealed the bag and threw it in my closet (with my plants). Bad idea. Ive been reinvaded. But let there be no doubt. Unless you wanna spend the few bucks just to see.....there are bugs in there. But I know how to handle em now....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
But after all is said and done...the one plant that is in the MGO is the tallest and fullest. But always seems to be craving the most nutes. It'll get yellowish if I wait an extra day or two longer to feed.


Active Member
I bought a few bags of Miracle-Gros Organic mix and put outside and mixed with the normal soil in the ground and transplanted my babies into it. Was this a mistake? Ive heard a lot about how bad Miracle-Gro is but I figured it's organic so it must not be too bad, plus I live in Seattle and its supposed to rain all week long so I figured the soil would be flushed alittle from it? This is my first grow, so any advice welcome.
I myself have the mg soil you speak of i ,myself have had great results in the same situation.as for fertilizers i use the standard blue mg and i water in the morning before the sun hits the crop.great resullts!be sure the fertilized water DOSE NOT hit the leaves, this will burn the leaves resulting faltaly for the plant.


Active Member
i have bugs in my mg organic soil, how do i get rid of them with out too much chems?. what and when should i fertilize with? i have clones and seedlings, the clones' tips are turning yellow and the leaves kinda curlying up. is this a nitrogen deficiency?


Active Member
i have bugs in my mg organic soil, how do i get rid of them with out too much chems?. what and when should i fertilize with? i have clones and seedlings, the clones' tips are turning yellow and the leaves kinda curlying up. is this a nitrogen deficiency?
Usually a couple minutes in the microwave on low will kill the bug's currently in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I heard it's primarily chicken...ummm...crap. In all actuality if that's true (I just heard, don't know for a 100%) then how truly organic is it? We feed chickens and what not loads of "crap" to make them produce more eggs, cows make more milk, so on and so forth. Organic seems like a term that is loosely thrown around these days IMO. I still use the "shit" though. :D


Well-Known Member
I use the "no name" brand of mixed potting soil so far so good..no bugs and it's the cheapest stuff at the store!


Well-Known Member
Damn i had some unknown little weeds in mine that looked like miniature pot plants. I had to pick them out one by one.