Miracle-Gro Organic Style?


Active Member
Shit, now I'm just finding this out, I bought a damn bag of MG potting mix...

Argh, well I guess its not all bad, I haven't used it yet...

I'll have to get my magnifying glass out to see whats crawling around in my soil...
Damn i had some unknown little weeds in mine that looked like miniature pot plants. I had to pick them out one by one.
i had the same tiny weed seed in my soil too.this is the only kind of soil i can get without paying s+h.so i add lots of warm castings,some high phouphous bat guano an some mushroom compost,and sweet lime, then i water real good with general hydroponic micro.i never seen grow so fast and healthy.but nothing else will grow in it cept for that strang weed seed that sprouted.they burn right up.but as long as mj likes it so do i.i never even heard of mushroom compost.so i planted in it straight an the plant is doing fine. so mushroom compost is good shit.miracle is kind of hot but by the time i'm done with it it's not just mg potting soil any more.i mix all this stuff up and let it cook for awhile, while the seedlings get a month old.then i transplant into it.day 34 and so far so good.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm using mg organic right now i had bugs but I also had a lady bug that was chillin with my plant for a few days haven't seen any since. Even when i noticed them it was like 1 or 2 i'd see at most. My plants are doing fine nice and crystally n shit.


Well-Known Member
Damn this is really good info. I picked up a few bags of MGO too and I had a bunch of white flies. I didn't even think it was the soil, I though they got in through a crack in the window screen. But it makes a lot of sense that they were in the soil. I figured the plant could handle them so I just went easy on the water and mixed a tiny bit of Tabasco sauce with water and sprayed the leaves two or three times. They went away after a week.


New Member
Ive used ff and mgo, still am using mgo and cant tell the difference in the growth of the plants. I can say I wasnt impressed with the ff which is why i switched it up, plants took forever to grow and looked crazy deformed. When I first started growing I grew with the cheapest soil I found hyponex mixed with black cow manure and worm casting, that was the best soil I have ever used. But for where Im at now with my hobby mgo is good enough for what Im doing. After this bag is done which could be a year cuz I grow in tiny cups or pots I will switch to coco which is what I wanted to use from the very beginning damn near two years ago. Anyways good luck to all the mgo growers, by the way im even using their blood meal and bone meal too got a great sale on it at walmart. Gotto love bargain shopping got them for $2 a bag on clearance. By the way my plants are over two feet tall and look hella beautiful.


Active Member
Ive used ff and mgo, still am using mgo and cant tell the difference in the growth of the plants. I can say I wasnt impressed with the ff which is why i switched it up, plants took forever to grow and looked crazy deformed. .......
My experience is the same as yours between MGO and FF. However, it's almost mandatory to add half/two-third part light warrior and perlite to one part ocean forest for seedlings and veg. Also, my plants seem to be starving into 2nd/3rd week veg using MGO. At least with the FF/LW, vegetative nutes were rarely used by fourth week.

When generally shopping for any potting soil, just make sure it was stored inside instead of jsut outside on a pallet. And adding more worm castings in the mix and topsoil seems to help my plants in bug prevention too. btw, I grow outside.


Yep the MGO worked great for me too. Same problems knats and little weeds. I just pulled little weeds by hand. And the knats hatch out every time you water it seems. But they seem to be harmless I used a fly strip but didn't like it in my closet. So I added 1 Tbsp of chopped garlic to my water. Worked great for me. they don't like the garlic at all