SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
looks like it should work great...... whats the temps running.
temps are hanging in the mid 80's... i think when i get shit done tho temps will drop a lot... i talked to a good friend today who also is in the know and we decided to build a wall instead of using the damn poly.. i think it will look better and work better... so i plan on going and getting all the wood i need in the next few days and putting the wall up.. by that time, or hopefully maybe even at the same time, i will get my new lights and have the veg room finally set up the way i want..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thats not bad at running at my highest 82 degress. luving every minute of it....


Well-Known Member
thats not bad at running at my highest 82 degress. luving every minute of it....
i guess it isnt too bad.. i mean it could be worse... in mid to high 90s... but i just like to keep a cooler temp.. im used to having things in mid 70's... so its got me pissed that i cant get it down.. but the room right now, with the poly wall down, is 1150 cubic feet.. and the exhaust fan is only a 400 cfm.. so it definatly isnt pulling enough air out.. once the wall goes back up it'll chop it down to a 480 cubic foot room.. so the fan will work a LOT better and move a LOT more air out.. i was also thinking about sticking an attic fan between the attic and the grow room just to pull extra air from the grow room into the attic.. i am going to wait and see how things turn out first tho.. i am probably going to get a small squirel cage fan to put at the end of the duct, right before it pours into the exhaust room... ill have a few 90 degree bends in it so i figure for 20 bucks its worth having a little extra help pulling the air out of the duct just to keep things moving smoothly...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i guess it isnt too bad.. i mean it could be worse... in mid to high 90s... but i just like to keep a cooler temp.. im used to having things in mid 70's... so its got me pissed that i cant get it down.. but the room right now, with the poly wall down, is 1150 cubic feet.. and the exhaust fan is only a 400 cfm.. so it definatly isnt pulling enough air out.. once the wall goes back up it'll chop it down to a 480 cubic foot room.. so the fan will work a LOT better and move a LOT more air out.. i was also thinking about sticking an attic fan between the attic and the grow room just to pull extra air from the grow room into the attic.. i am going to wait and see how things turn out first tho.. i am probably going to get a small squirel cage fan to put at the end of the duct, right before it pours into the exhaust room... ill have a few 90 degree bends in it so i figure for 20 bucks its worth having a little extra help pulling the air out of the duct just to keep things moving smoothly...
now keep in mind that if you have a few fans going on high they can and will interfear with one another..exmp. if i have my intake fan on high and my exchaust fan on high it make the air flow in a circular motion and wontexit the heat coreccrtly.. i have to have one or the other on med and one on high to exhaust the heat out properly.


Well-Known Member
well right now i only have the 1 exhaust fan going in the grow room.. and 1 going in the exhaust room, but that doesnt interfer with anything.. i also have a oscilating fan and 1 box fan going on high.. do you think i should cut down the speed of the 2 "regular" fans so that air movement isnt so much in the room which would help keep the hot air from being moved so much?? or should i let them go as is for now?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well right now i only have the 1 exhaust fan going in the grow room.. and 1 going in the exhaust room, but that doesnt interfer with anything.. i also have a oscilating fan and 1 box fan going on high.. do you think i should cut down the speed of the 2 "regular" fans so that air movement isnt so much in the room which would help keep the hot air from being moved so much?? or should i let them go as is for now?
it wouldn't hurt to play with them to seewhere you get your best air flow to the exhaust fan. its posiale that they could be interfering...


Well-Known Member
it wouldn't hurt to play with them to seewhere you get your best air flow to the exhaust fan. its posiale that they could be interfering...
maybe ill fuck around with it today and see... im sort of on the fence about it.. because i could spend all the time trying to get things right.. then just have to redo it all again cause i am putting up the wall or moving the location of the actual exhaust fan because of the new lights... i suppose for now i might as well grit my teeth and bare it.. it could be worse than it is... but i dont know how much its worth the time trying to figure it out when its all just gonna get changed around in the next few days anyways..


Well-Known Member
today has been a shit day already... first off i wake up to temps outdoors of 85... hot as fuck... and there is almost NO air movement outside.. which makes it even worse.. pretty sure its up to about 90 already... plus my damn dogs got me up before sunrise because they wanted to go out and play... was so pissed i couldnt get back to sleep.. so that started my day of bad...

then i go to check on the girls... and just as i feared the clones i got are close to kickin it.. a couple took really well.. but a couple arent doing so hot... as i said when i got them they were covered in mites... i did what i could to get rid of them but they were severly damaged when i got them... so the mites, coupled with the fact i didnt plant them low enough in the hydro pots to properly get flooded and the damn room temp... well boys.. they frankly look like shit... i knew getting them that early and not being ready for them anyways was going to be a problem.. to have them just thrown on me with a 10 minute notice and having no where or way to plant them properly fucked them up... so now im pissed at my fucking partner because he is off doing whatever and im stuck trying to figure out the solution...

the heat is up to about 90 now because my house doesnt have central air and the air the is passively filling the room is the same temp as the outside air... the pussy ass window a/c dude got isnt enough to keep up... so im busting ass today to try to get the wall up and get things back under control... i think i am going to stick the a/c in another room to try to cool the area around the grow room down, thus bringing in cool air passively.. which should help somewhat.. if i can cool down the area even a little it'll be that much cooler air being sucked in the grow room...

the blueberry girls are what im most concerned about.. of the 8 i had to start 5 have died... ill take the blame for them... ill preparation and planning.. out of the 3 surviving ones, 1 is starting to take off and the other 2 are sort of in a stasus lock.. just not doing much of anything.. again ill take the blame for that for not having worked more with the hydro system than i did.. but then again i really didnt have the time to run test runs with it before i had to get the clones and sprouts into it.. had i had more notice about the clones and not been in such a rush to germinate the blueberry, and white shark seeds for that matter, i could have avoided this issue all together...

so of the 12 girls i have going now here is where i am at... i have hope for 1 of the chemdogs to make it... the other 2 where SEVERLY damaged when i got them, and all this other shit hasnt helped.. so im shooting for 1 of 3 to really make it.. and if thats the case im cloning the SHIT out of it... out of the 5 OG kush i have down 2 im sure are good, 1 i had to pull today cause it died, and 1 im not sure of... the 2 that are taking are starting to blow up... but the other 2 are sort of in a lock also.. of the 3 blueberry girls i have 1 is golden, and the other to are still in question.. and the white shark is growing AMAZINGLY... im blown away at how well she is doing... but the root system on her was one of the largest that was produced during the fucked up germination period they went through...

i really am attributing most of the fuck ups to ill preparation, not enough time to properly test the hydro system, and the fact temps are so high.. and its not even the air temp im worried about.. its the res temp... so i think i am going to get a chiller regardless... i dont see how i can get away with not getting one at this point.. and at least run it for the summer... the roots on the og kush i pulled today were definatly fried... whether they were fried before i replanted them lower, or the water temp is what did it... i dont know.. i lean more towards them being fucked before i transplanted them lower only because the girls that are growing are starting to grow expotentially... but i dont know..

im really fuckin down on myself about this.. i feel really fuckin stupid... i keep telling myself trial and error.. and live and learn.. but its definatly a disheartening feeling..

i went ahead and started germinating some soma seeds i had as back ups.. in case of failure such as this.. and now i have the light to germ them under corectly.. so im hoping they work out better... if i dont need to use them in the hydro system because everything else takes.. ill throw them in soil and grow them along side the hydro grow.... and clone them...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
today has been a shit day already... first off i wake up to temps outdoors of 85... hot as fuck... and there is almost NO air movement outside.. which makes it even worse.. pretty sure its up to about 90 already... plus my damn dogs got me up before sunrise because they wanted to go out and play... was so pissed i couldnt get back to sleep.. so that started my day of bad...

then i go to check on the girls... and just as i feared the clones i got are close to kickin it.. a couple took really well.. but a couple aren't doing so hot... as i said when i got them they were covered in mites... i did what i could to get rid of them but they were severely damaged when i got them... so the mites, coupled with the fact i didn't plant them low enough in the hydro pots to properly get flooded and the damn room temp... well boys.. they frankly look like shit... i knew getting them that early and not being ready for them anyways was going to be a problem.. to have them just thrown on me with a 10 minute notice and having no where or way to plant them properly fucked them up... so now im pissed at my fucking partner because he is off doing whatever and im stuck trying to figure out the solution...

the heat is up to about 90 now because my house doesn't have central air and the air the is passively filling the room is the same temp as the outside air... the pussy ass window a/c dude got isnt enough to keep up... so im busting ass today to try to get the wall up and get things back under control... i think i am going to stick the a/c in another room to try to cool the area around the grow room down, thus bringing in cool air passively.. which should help somewhat.. if i can cool down the area even a little it'll be that much cooler air being sucked in the grow room...

the blueberry girls are what im most concerned about.. of the 8 i had to start 5 have died... ill take the blame for them... ill preparation and planning.. out of the 3 surviving ones, 1 is starting to take off and the other 2 are sort of in a stasis lock.. just not doing much of anything.. again ill take the blame for that for not having worked more with the hydro system than i did.. but then again i really didn't have the time to run test runs with it before i had to get the clones and sprouts into it.. had i had more notice about the clones and not been in such a rush to germinate the blueberry, and white shark seeds for that matter, i could have avoided this issue all together...

so of the 12 girls i have going now here is where i am at... i have hope for 1 of the chemdogs to make it... the other 2 where SEVERLY damaged when i got them, and all this other shit hasn't helped.. so im shooting for 1 of 3 to really make it.. and if that's the case im cloning the SHIT out of it... out of the 5 OG kush i have down 2 im sure are good, 1 i had to pull today cause it died, and 1 im not sure of... the 2 that are taking are starting to blow up... but the other 2 are sort of in a lock also.. of the 3 blueberry girls i have 1 is golden, and the other to are still in question.. and the white shark is growing AMAZINGLY... im blown away at how well she is doing... but the root system on her was one of the largest that was produced during the fucked up germination period they went through...

i really am attributing most of the fuck ups to ill preparation, not enough time to properly test the hydro system, and the fact temps are so high.. and its not even the air temp im worried about.. its the res temp... so i think i am going to get a chiller regardless... i dont see how i can get away with not getting one at this point.. and at least run it for the summer... the roots on the og kush i pulled today were definitely fried... whether they were fried before i replanted them lower, or the water temp is what did it... i dont know.. i lean more towards them being fucked before i transplanted them lower only because the girls that are growing are starting to grow exponentially... but i dont know..

im really fuckin down on myself about this.. i feel really fuckin stupid... i keep telling myself trial and error.. and live and learn.. but its definitely a disheartening feeling..

i went ahead and started germinating some soma seeds i had as back ups.. in case of failure such as this.. and now i have the light to germ them under correctly.. so im hoping they work out better... if i dont need to use them in the hydro system because everything else takes.. ill throw them in soil and grow them along side the hydro grow.... and clone them...
hey bro god dammit, don't go getting down on your self cuz your NEW HYDRO setup ain't dialed in. you will get it there it don't happen over night bro,as you already no this.. with outside temps like that its hard to keep a low temp in a room. im starting to notice the same problem as the term out side rises so does my inside, witch really fucking sucks. so ima gonna put me in a window ac unite.. you should look into the same thing. i now this will solve my heat problem, just maybe yours to. but don't get down on your self brother you will get it there.


Well-Known Member
hey bro god dammit, don't go getting down on your self cuz your NEW HYDRO setup ain't dialed in. you will get it there it don't happen over night bro,as you already no this.. with outside temps like that its hard to keep a low temp in a room. im starting to notice the same problem as the term out side rises so does my inside, witch really fucking sucks. so ima gonna put me in a window ac unite.. you should look into the same thing. i now this will solve my heat problem, just maybe yours to. but don't get down on your self brother you will get it there.

thanks bro.. i know i shouldnt.. just cant help it... personality trait i have... not a good one.. i have the window a/c running on high 24/0 with the temp set as low as it will go.. but the damn thing is only like 7500 btu or some dumb shit... seriously weak... it just cant keep up.. if i shut it off it raises temps almost 10 degrees.. so it does help a little.. but not enough.. what i need to get is central air and run a duct into the grow room... then i can have a nice cool house and grow room with ease... instead of setting here in what is now an 88 degree living room... while my upstairs.. where the grow room.. is prolly about 10 to 15 degrees hotter... anyways.. i do feel better after venting a little... like you said i just have to dial everything in.. its a big undertaking.. new room.. new system.. new a lot of things.. just gotta take it a step at a time...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks bro.. i know i shouldnt.. just cant help it... personality trait i have... not a good one.. i have the window a/c running on high 24/0 with the temp set as low as it will go.. but the damn thing is only like 7500 btu or some dumb shit... seriously weak... it just cant keep up.. if i shut it off it raises temps almost 10 degrees.. so it does help a little.. but not enough.. what i need to get is central air and run a duct into the grow room... then i can have a nice cool house and grow room with ease... instead of setting here in what is now an 88 degree living room... while my upstairs.. where the grow room.. is prolly about 10 to 15 degrees hotter... anyways.. i do feel better after venting a little... like you said i just have to dial everything in.. its a big undertaking.. new room.. new system.. new a lot of things.. just gotta take it a step at a time...
ya bro i feel ya. when i was in the bathroom as myflower room with the one 1000wtt hps the temps were 90 to some times 102 degress, with plenty of air flow. did nothurt my yield none that was my 412 gram off that one plant.... however the mite problem i encounterd was fucking hell. but anyway back to heat, now im in the new room with the two 1000 's with temps running 82 to 87 degress. its not to badbut wouldlike to hang out at aound 77 degress. but hell im not stressin over spilled milk, lol


Well-Known Member
ya bro i feel ya. when i was in the bathroom as myflower room with the one 1000wtt hps the temps were 90 to some times 102 degress, with plenty of air flow. did nothurt my yield none that was my 412 gram off that one plant.... however the mite problem i encounterd was fucking hell. but anyway back to heat, now im in the new room with the two 1000 's with temps running 82 to 87 degress. its not to badbut wouldlike to hang out at aound 77 degress. but hell im not stressin over spilled milk, lol

well i got good news.. im getting that wall put up today... the guy whos helping me will be here in a couple hours.. then its off to get supplies and shit.. so the fresh air will be flowing here soon.. and like i said.. i think this will cut down on temps also because the exhaust fan will be pulling air from a room the size its actually rated for... more air movement should drop temps.. and worse case i will still need to pick up a water chiller... so the environmental issues i am having should soon be in check... im a lot better now cause im stoned as fuck... found the bag of my last grow i hid from myself while i wasnt paying attention so that i would find it later when i needed it most...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well i got good news.. im getting that wall put up today... the guy whos helping me will be here in a couple hours.. then its off to get supplies and shit.. so the fresh air will be flowing here soon.. and like i said.. i think this will cut down on temps also because the exhaust fan will be pulling air from a room the size its actually rated for... more air movement should drop temps.. and worse case i will still need to pick up a water chiller... so the environmental issues i am having should soon be in check... im a lot better now cause im stoned as fuck... found the bag of my last grow i hid from myself while i wasnt paying attention so that i would find it later when i needed it most...
super cool bro~~~~~~~~~ GET~R~DONE.....:hump:


Well-Known Member
what a fuckin day... got about half the work i wanted to done to the room... got the wall almost all the way up.. all i have to do is install a door and finish out the frame and get a little dry wall up...
got the window box up and the new fresh air intakes work great... i might have to do a little bit of light leak clean up.. but its not bad at all... looks like i have a small desk lamp in the room is on from the outside... not bad at all... and there is a little light leak from the veg room to the flower room... but it wont take any amount of work at all to seal up the little bit of light leak there...
temps got WAY to hot to work and finish the job today.. the room was approaching 110F with no exhaust fan going... but that should all be fixed here in the next day...
tomorrow i am going to pick up my new lights and reflectors.. they came in today, just didnt find out until it was too late.. so i plan on picking them up in the afternoon and getting them installed and running asap... so shortly after i get home.. LOL the floros are now running in length wise with the grow room instead of width wise.. i plan on putting the new lights between them... having the floros run long wise also gives me more space to spread the girls out... i think i will be able to veg for the 2 month period while the flowering plants flower.. once i get things up and running all the way... but for now i think i will just let them be...
due to space constrictions i made my own light lifters... i will have 3 rows of lights total.. i put 3 - 10 foot 2x4s where the chains will hang on the ceiling lengthwise with the room... i then attached plastic "J" hooks to the 2x4's down the length.. these were for support.. i took a 10 foot PVC pipe and drilled holes through it where the chains would hang in the room from the ceiling... i then took a 2 inch bolt, put it through the chain, stuck it through the hole, and then tightened it down with a nut.. so the chain is now attached to the PVC pipe in the spots where they would be if i attached them to the ceiling.. i also stuck a carriage bolt through one end so that i could prop the PVC in a "stop" posistion by using the bolt as a stopper against the ceiling.. i then put the PVC up on the "j" hooks and hung the lights from them... so now all i have to do is turn the PVC pipe and it will raise/lower the lights in the row... so i can raise them and easily move around the girls.. which will allow me to further use the space more efficiently..
**EDIT** i ended up putting some eye hooks along the length of the 2x4's and used some brick mason string to tie around the PVC as support.. the "J" hooks couldnt hold the weight of the lights by themselves.. had a couple break.. but they are fine now.. its not great looking.. but oh well... it works like a charm and i can lift all the lights at once!

spent a little over 130 bucks today.. and am spending another 800 tomorrow.. so for a grand i will have a nice dividing wall... 2 new lights, reflectors, and ballasts... and a new DIY vertical light moving system... cant complain.. just hoping the temps drop down pretty quick with the exhaust fan back up and going.. gonna check here after this update...

i took some pics of where im at.. again its only about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way done... the first few are just some of how the room was before... the rest are just how things look currently.. i plan on taking more once its finished tommrow.. but at least i can show some progress...



Well-Known Member
looking good bro. nice clean setup, should do very well.
i hope so.. i REALLY need to get the other part of the wall up today.... the area the exhaust fan is still pulling air from is to large with the opening.. and now, without the a/c going at all, i know what real heat can be like.. its stayin at 100 right now... yea.. fuckin temps... i took a large box fan and sat it up to blow the help pull out hot air last night... i figure pulling out hot air is better than trying to cool it down... cant much cool 100F temps down with 80F air... anyways.. the poly wall i have going into the room itself ended up falling down behind the fan so it blocked the air exchange all last night... well i should say it closed off the grow room and and didnt get a chance to cool down at all... no its becoming very apparent i need to get this done today without question... i think also i am going to remove the poly wall behind the door leading into the grow room.. i already have a door... why do i need another door after that door?? plus light leaks on the inside of the house dont matter... you cant hear/see/smell anything outside (except a small "desk lamp" like glow coming from the bottom of the window with the fresh air intake)... and otherwise the room i am using is at the end of a hall.. so if the door leaks light a little you cant see it from anywere... it may just come down to buying a second larger exhaust fan and installing it on the ceiling where the current one is and having it exhaust hot air as well as having the 6 inch one i currently have cooling the new lights.. oh well.. we will just have to see....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i hope so.. i REALLY need to get the other part of the wall up today.... the area the exhaust fan is still pulling air from is to large with the opening.. and now, without the a/c going at all, i know what real heat can be like.. its stayin at 100 right now... yea.. fuckin temps... i took a large box fan and sat it up to blow the help pull out hot air last night... i figure pulling out hot air is better than trying to cool it down... cant much cool 100F temps down with 80F air... anyways.. the poly wall i have going into the room itself ended up falling down behind the fan so it blocked the air exchange all last night... well i should say it closed off the grow room and and didnt get a chance to cool down at all... no its becoming very apparent i need to get this done today without question... i think also i am going to remove the poly wall behind the door leading into the grow room.. i already have a door... why do i need another door after that door?? plus light leaks on the inside of the house dont matter... you cant hear/see/smell anything outside (except a small "desk lamp" like glow coming from the bottom of the window with the fresh air intake)... and otherwise the room i am using is at the end of a hall.. so if the door leaks light a little you cant see it from anywere... it may just come down to buying a second larger exhaust fan and installing it on the ceiling where the current one is and having it exhaust hot air as well as having the 6 inch one i currently have cooling the new lights.. oh well.. we will just have to see....
ya you well get it down bro, just play with still trying to get mine down a little also..