What u cant understand what she went through ? u must be thick
thank you. obviously, the person who posted that doesn't know what
it feels like to be lied to for 2 whole years, and realize that your whole
relationship was a lie. Especially when the relationship was the only
thing keeping me happy in life.
This is so true!, I know what she is kin of going through same thing happened to me, but i'm male. Betrayal weather your feamle or male still hurts like shit and life seems so pointless and i know i didmnt wanna go on but things DKID get better i moved on and now its been for the best. Cause for once in 10 years i'm happy.
Relax like eveyone has said,
it will be hard but things will get better they always do. He'll realise he fucked up. Don't u dare take him back 6 million other fish out there that would do right by you and give u the things u deserve.
Hope all works out for you and remember everything will get easier as time goes by.
Yeah, I guess I'm not the only one. And he already realized he fucked up.
I know he regrets it, and he has said sorry countless times. But I had to be honest with him and tell him the truth; saying sorry isn't going to take back
what you did, and it wasn't going to make me feel any better. it also
isn't going to make the kid go away either.
I know its wrong to try
and make someone choose between their child and a spouse, so I made
the decision for him.
hey hey there. hang in, it's tough, and will stay tough for a while, but hand in. i have a very similar story, best friend, only friend really, i'm very close with someone, he comes down for a weekend, takes her away, knocks her up, that kind of thing, next thing i know he's down secrectly during weekends to see her without my knowing. so yeah, i've kinda expereinced some crap, just from the male side of things, but i took it with some female emotions, got VERY depressed, tore myself into ribbons, lashed out at people trying to help me. in the end my only option was to cut both of them outta my life, somnething that also nearly destroyed me, and i still years on have issues putting the meories aside without choking up.
but hey, i'm now one kick ass human being, i went out and got a full time job smoking weed, a full time job working, i keep myself occupied when i get a little low and i stay away from downers like a bottle of beer or two in the bath, and life jsut smiles back on the whole.
really feel for you, hope everything doesn't become too much (that is to say i think i am most people here would agree that killing him, while the positives overweigh the negatives, well, it's still not smart

you gotta do something that he has to live with

Thanks for telling me your story. It feels better knowing I'm not the
first, last, or only one who has been hurt this bad.
End/thread. This girl doesn't want our help...she's a glutton for punishment.
If I didn't want help, I wouldn't be on here asking. Obviously.
I never said I wanted to get back with him. Actually, I told him
I want to go cold turkey until I know I don't have feelings for him anymore.
Just because I'm willing to be his friend after what he did, doesn't mean
I deserve to be hurting the way I am now. You sir, are mean.
You tried to attack her while she was in her car with her son? Go get on meds for the protection of the general public.
Actually, yes. But do you really think I'm that crazy to hurt an innocent
baby? No, I wouldn't lay a finger on their child because I know if
anyone ever touched my niece or nephew (babies), I would be looking to seriously kill someone. The child didn't do anything to hurt me, why would
I hurt him?
i may not give a crap about the child, but that doesn't mean I would
try and hurt him. I had no intentions of hurting him, hell I don't even
like looking at his pictures.
I just hate her. She specifically told me "bitch, just wait, I'm gonna beat your ass".
Then for months and months she taunts me, calls me names, is calling
me out to fight her, but when I confront her about it, she sits there
looking scared and stupid as if she never said any of those things to me?
No. I don't think so. She should have known that when she was talking
shit to me, that she should have been prepared to back it up because
obviously, I'm not the person to test.
I'm pretty sure she thought she would never see me again after she
dropped out of high school, which is probably why she was saying all
that crap. But I guess she thought wrong now didn't she?