what you on right now :)


Well-Known Member
Just got some dro. Smoked a bowl. But became hungry to soon after smoking..So its time to smoke again.

I think I am drinking in a little while. Not totally sure yet.


Well-Known Member
that guy only ever talks about that band hehehe :D

im fuckin stoned right now mother fuckers,

bed time JOINT

im off



Well-Known Member
About to trip on some DXM with my boy lol. Got some weed for the occasion..and techno FTW. Just ingested food so there is no problems in my stomach.


Well-Known Member
BDM is the shit!! i seen em twice and plan on seeing them again this august when they come back to the states. first time i went though i was in rehab so i couldnt drink or smoke lol. and there were a little group of people smoking a joint right next to me ughhh it sucked....

hey llama. i was thinking of doing dxm again tonight too. what a coincidence. either that or i got more tequila.

im fresh outa weed and money. so no bud for me til friday. payday!

but sadly im sober right now...


Well-Known Member
mescaline here i come...

just cut and dried my san pedro. i was planning on extracting from this but i only got 80 grams so i think i may buy some more or wait till my cactus grows more.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im having my nightly alcoholic beverage which will be followed up with some herb topped with bho followed by food then sleep. after some training tomorrow the process will repeat itself. other than that im pretty much permanently in my own world from years of herb and hallucinagen use i would have it no other way. peace