iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Maybe if they dislike that stigma they can start treating their women better, maybe like humans instead of dogs. There are islamic nations where you can put your wife in your stead if you get sentenced to death. Not to mention the bullshit I have seen from ones who have been allowed to come to USA, taxi drivers not letting blind people ride with their seeing eye dog, refusing to let riders transport liquor, grocery clerks refusing to ring up pork. Assimilate or get the hell out! Whenever I cal a taxi, I tell them right off, if you send a muslim I wont get in.

And the Japanese during WW2 should have demanded a better leader, not one that was stupid enough to piss off a sleeping giant. They lucky I wasn't president, I wouldn't have waited that long to nuke them.
During WWII some American citizens of Japanese descent were put in concentration camps here in the USA.
Which leader should they have chosen?


Active Member
first of all war sucks . Second going to war with north korea could get real bad real fast. The north no matter how you look at it has a big army and a lot of moral. Willing to die at the drop of a hat. Gorilla tactics = a ton a lost lives. Vietnam type shit. Only this time they have nukes and are not affraid to use them

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
IRAN!!! I remember 1979!!!!!
N. Korea, we are still at war with the bitches, there is no peace treaty with them, just an armistice. Technically we are still at war 50 years later. :finger: the them and the Iranians...

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
The problem with pot is, it turns men into little girls, to many female hormones makes limp wristed liberals!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
im thinking iran would be better. We are already hurting these muslim bastards. Whereas n korea has a huge ass army and they have been waiting for this since the 50's.

Anybody know anything about the draft? I wonder iff they would try to draft me being a felon. Im not going either way. Cocksucker took my constitutional rights away so fuck em
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, it's just that simple.
Oh, they will take you just to get rid of you.....

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
We are where we are at because our Dads, Granddads, great Grandpa, great great grandpa. great great great great great grandpa, and out great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandpa. War is our nature, no changing that within 2 or 3 billion years of evolution dude sorry. Grow a pair of brass balls pussy men!!!

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member

It was good knowing you. We won't be hearing from you in a while.
The last thing you would ever here is the bullet I put in your head, girly boy.
I have a GAY friend he is looking for a bottom boy... you want his number pussy boy!?

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
You guys have no F'n idea how bad I want you in my cross hairs.... please god, I want civil war against girly men!!!!


Active Member
Really i have a lot of friends who are in Iraq and all over the globe. I hate war. I wish there would/could be peace. But history tells us that there is no peace only a subtile willing ness to do what is needed till we can over turn and over run that which has taken us over. Why was the United states formed. Were we not terrorists to the Indians, Brits, Come on and see that this world is gonna end someday and really no matter what side of the fence your on you will die one day and have to stand accountable for the life you lived. Some things we cannot control. What we can do is take a stand for freedom and liberty, and the basis of what my Great country was built upon by all thos men who risked their lives to sign the DECLARATION of independence. While we all get high and live our lives we forget daily how blessed we really are.One day at a time folks. I pray we dont go to war with any one else and that our Men and Women will come home. You can die for your country when you are 18, But cant drink, Pot is a plant and it was put on the earth to be used by us. It is natural and yet we ruin people lives for it. If The Psycho KIM J. IL wants a war he is Crazy. If we have to fight, Send me to his door, I will burn him and his house to dust and if it means sacrificing my life so others may live in peace... So be it. Thats just me.


Well-Known Member
I saw something on T.V. a long time ago about Anti-Nuke technology. Our plane goes in the air to intercept the nuke by aiming a laser at a specific part of the enemy missile.. So it's 2009 and we don't have the technology to defend against a poor countries weapon? I wish there was an ex-CIA member on RIU or something to reveal to us some of the secrets they're keeping, and they definitely are keeping secrets.

Seriously though, i thought Koreans were smart. Starting a war with the U.S. is suicide. I say this because even if their nuke hits us, our nuke will hit them and we'll still have an abundance at our disposal. It's like these measely pirates coming onto our vessels, its futile. Is peace with N. Korea not possible? Why don't we assassinate Kim and his associates all stealthy like?
korea cuz those small little bastard aint got shit on me and its way better than being in a desert like place but in korea u can camoflouge more then u can in iran..but thats hypothetaclly speaking i would fight a war for a white goverment just so they can have money i would ratther fight to ptrotect the people who can protect themselfs
you make a good point i aint going either they can kiss my ass i fight for the people i love not for those rich white f@#ks that dont do shit but yet get billions of dollars