Water Question!!!!!!! Need help fast!!!!!!!


Active Member
I'm using Reverse Osmosis water and understand that this removes minerals such as calcium and magnesium from the water. That being said;

How much and how often should i use cal-mag to replace the calcium and magnesium that has been removed?

Quick note: I watered twice the first week of veg and the plants are already deficient of both.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
1 tsp/gal is what I've read, never needed it myself. Just use tapwater, it's never done mine any harm.


Well-Known Member
if you live in the US or any other industrialized country, you can use plain tap water. anything that's safe for you to drink is safe for your plants to drink. If you're worried about calcium, let the water sit in an open container for 24 hrs.

I use epsom salt to add Magnesium when I feed since my nutes are low in mg. 1 tbsp every other feeding


Well-Known Member
1 tsp/gal every time soil gets wet?
Everytime you water, yeah mix with the water. 1 tps per gallon as explained above. I agree with tapwater is fine, unless you live in Mexico or something? I have a britta filter on my facet. Use tap water and fill gallon containers, let them sit without lid on for at least 24, most the time 4 days at a time, or whenever my plants get fed. Reverse Osmosis is good for the advanced grower.


Well-Known Member
Tap water is just fine, and will work. It's the chlorine/chloramine in the water that hurts. It fucks with the micro-biology of the soil, and thats a bad thing. The micro-biology of soil is too great a subject to discuss in depth here, but suffice it to say that it's REALLY important.
Using RO water one needs to supplement the minerals lost. I am just now starting to use cal mag and silica, and I am sold!! The difference in the plants is nothing short of amazing.
Call the water co, and ask if they use chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine is a free radical ion, and will come out of solution quite easily by aeration. (you can smell it when you run the tap) Chloramine is more stable, and is more problematic.


Active Member
Tap water is just fine, and will work. It's the chlorine/chloramine in the water that hurts. It fucks with the micro-biology of the soil, and thats a bad thing. The micro-biology of soil is too great a subject to discuss in depth here, but suffice it to say that it's REALLY important.
Using RO water one needs to supplement the minerals lost. I am just now starting to use cal mag and silica, and I am sold!! The difference in the plants is nothing short of amazing.
Call the water co, and ask if they use chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine is a free radical ion, and will come out of solution quite easily by aeration. (you can smell it when you run the tap) Chloramine is more stable, and is more problematic.
What is silica? Anyone else using Ro water add this?


Well-Known Member
I used ro for awhile. It was a pain in the ass to get everything right. I only use the ro for flushing now. Figure if I'm getting a build up it would flush with the ro then back to the reg watering.