K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Junior Creatologist
I love the Macro shot man. Just what i wanted, lol. i love how you can fuckin see the bulbus head trichomes with ease. I need a Digicam with more god damn megapixels, hehe.

OoOooOo also, i forgot, just a quickee cuz i dont have any pics, n im blitzed right now, lol.

I cleaned out my rez in the big grow, and i filled it up with a final dose of Liquid Karma, Pureblend PRO bloom formula, Cal Mag, Sweet Citrus (Thank you StinkBud for the Formula) and i did add some Purple Maxx in aswell, using that as a flower finisher, cuz im so fuckin indecisive when it comes to shit like that, i just ended up buying my new nutrients, and couldnt really think of anything to finish shit off with.I DO have a full dose of Gravity i've been holding on to for a while, but im not sure if i want to use it. i've never used Gravity but as a LIGHT foliar spray once or twice during last grow, and i dont know how it'll work out as a nutrient in my rez, so i dont think im gonna risk fucking anything up. I haven't really gotten any type of feedback as to what other finisher i should use, so i think ill go with my instinct on this one, lol.

Anyways, Ill be running the Stinkbud formula in my rez for 2 weeks Just to hopefully get my girls to wake the fuck up a bit, and then ill be using nothing but Clearex for the remaning week of growth. Hopefully all the new trace elements im adding into the rez will encourage more bud production in the final weeks. I know that the majority of bud growth usually happens in the final couple weeks, and its been proven over n over to me, lol, but i guess at this time in each of my grows ive tended to worry all the same. Just the speculative bastard in me i spose, lol.

K, well ill be back tomorrow with another update, Pics n all FOR SURE, but for all intents n purposes, it's still my birthday tomorrow, so ill probably get my pics on here early so i can continue to join in on the festivities, lol. I celebrate Holidays over a period of an entire weekend. One day isn't enough to celebrate the birth of a Prolific Asshole such as myself ;)

Love you All,

The K1 has left the building, lol.


New Member
man I really wanted to see how that first LST plant finished in the end, but I can't find anything the thread has been way too hijacked by casual chatting.


Active Member
Hey dude I've loved going through your journal. I have a closet setup right now, my first grow. I didn't go through everything, but did you ever end up moving into the basement? Or is that tent containing the beautiful looking scrog setup in your room? It is scrog right? I'm thinking of doing that myself, as I only have around 6' total vertical space and a pretty thick HPS that I'll have to exhaust from the top. How tall do you let them get in that tent before you tie them to the screen?


New Member
Hey dude I've loved going through your journal. I have a closet setup right now, my first grow. I didn't go through everything, but did you ever end up moving into the basement? Or is that tent containing the beautiful looking scrog setup in your room? It is scrog right? I'm thinking of doing that myself, as I only have around 6' total vertical space and a pretty thick HPS that I'll have to exhaust from the top. How tall do you let them get in that tent before you tie them to the screen?

bro I think you were looking at someone else's pics, this thread has been junked by RIU's thread jacking posters.


New Member
I believe he is in right thread dbo24242, K1 grow is located in the basement I believe

k, I'm just confused because it says cardboard and hes asking about a tent and honestly I won't post here again because I didn't read the whole thing, I just tried to find the end of the cardboard grow and it was impossible!!!! I went through like 30 pages where I thought it should be and it was mostly other people discussing their grows and long series of their pictures.


Well-Known Member
King IS still around...

and his box is not cardboard anymore...

If you look back you will see his grow is THRIVING...:clap:

Here's one of his posts a page or so back..:lol:


Ill come check u out in a sec TC bro :D

So, heres some pics of this run's bountiful harvest. I still have my Strawberry Blue n Church plants to chop down, and so far i've managed to get just over 8oz dry from my babies. WAY more than expected, and im thankful for every single gram i managed to grow man :D

Without further ado, just some quick shots of my nuggets:

Northern Lights:

Red Diesel:

Sour P:

White Dwarf:

Sputnik #1:

N i'd have some pics of my Durban Poison, but that shit is SHMOKED, lol. Sorry guys. I'll just say it was good as hell, and got me higher than shit, hehe. As for all of the other strains, like i said before, i dont get why they all end up lookin so damn similar in my soil garden, but i aint lookin a gift horse in the mouth, thats for sure. There are subtle differences that let me be able to tell the difference between strains, so as long as i can still do that, im all good. On the other hand, my hydro garden is fuckin amazing, every strain looks so completely different from the next, its gonna look crazy when its done. Buds are starting to fatten up, and over the next 3-4 wks, shit is gonna be happening in my garden that i've never seen up close n personal. Can't fuckin wait man. Here's some pics so you can enjoy right along with me :D :

My Ebb n Flow monstrosity:

Some shots of Blueberry (Dj Short). She went from her leaves yellowing up, to the beginnings of turning purple. Cant wait to see what these nugs look like when theyre done. I dont give a fuck what happens, i'm taking the time to cure these motherfuckers properly. Them along with some other ones, but without a doubt, all of my BB will be jarrred up until completely done. I'm tired of lookin at dank bud that doesn't have that one of a kind DANK, FUCKIN DIGGITY DANK smell to it. Shit just doesn't feel validated without that smell man, lol.

And now, for the rest of the garden:

...Also, just throwin out a couple pics of the beginnings of my OG KUSH line, and my Space Queen babies too. In case you missed my last update, i was gifted some great gear by Elite. I got hooked up with some amazing un-tested strains in bean form, and look forward to growing them out to fruition. My new strains include:

Lemon Larry OGK x The White Kush cut

Tahoe OGK x Sour Larry OGK

Larry OGK x Chemdawg D

- These are ALL beautiful strains in their own right, so seeing them crossed with one another is something that im gonna make sure is really something special. I just hope that the beans grow out to be the actual cross, although i gotta say that im not gonna complain if i end up with Plants that are dominant one way or the other, lol. I'd absolutely love to grow out any one of those by themselves, so the crosses should be amazing :D

Space Queen:

Tahoe OGK x Sour Larry:

LL x The White Cut:

Larry x Chemdawg D:

- And there you have it. All in all, i couldn't be happier with the way everything is turning out. Granted, i have a long road ahead of me to get everything going, and working like a well oiled machine, but im on my way there. I'll be picking up my other flood trays next week sometime, so i'll be able to get started on setting up the next harvest after this one, which will be nothing but Power Plant. Not too excited about it personally, but hey, you gotta start somewhere if you wanna go anywhere, right??

lol, thanks for watching guys, i'll be back soon to shoot the shit.

-K1 :D

the thread is alive and well...:eyesmoke:


Junior Creatologist
man I really wanted to see how that first LST plant finished in the end, but I can't find anything the thread has been way too hijacked by casual chatting.
I pm'd you with a link to an update that was close to the end of my bagseed plant's lives. They ended up getting a SEVERE mg deficiency, and i had to do some drastic shit to them to ensure i would end up with bud to smoke, but all in all, I just chalked it up to a learning experience. But by all means, follow along :D

Hey dude I've loved going through your journal. I have a closet setup right now, my first grow. I didn't go through everything, but did you ever end up moving into the basement? Or is that tent containing the beautiful looking scrog setup in your room? It is scrog right? I'm thinking of doing that myself, as I only have around 6' total vertical space and a pretty thick HPS that I'll have to exhaust from the top. How tall do you let them get in that tent before you tie them to the screen?
Yes, i ended up moving into the new house, and am now growing in the basement,lol. I did just finish up a grow in my spare bedroom, but i had the whole room to play in, so that was pretty cool. :D

As for the ScrOG, at first it was a straight up scrog grow, but then it kinda got out of hand, as i didnt have enough room to train everything out completely. So i just ended up getting to a certain point, and then letting them go, making sure to thin out all leaves blocking light from any buds every week or so. Fairly simple to maintain, but if your addicted to seeing giant fuckin Colas on your plants, ScrOG is not the method for you. BUT, if you are looking to do this, height really isn't an issue, so much as making sure you top your plants early, and often.

I didnt really top my plants as much as i should have to have gotten maximum yield, but the effect was definitely achieved, and i hope to harvest well over an lb from this grow. The book recommends that you suspend your screen about 12" from the tops of your pots/medium, which is about right considering the amount that your plants will stretch over the course of flowering.

So however tall your setup is gonna be (i dont know if your doing soil or hydro), plus height for your medium, and then add on another 12" to that, and from there, you'll probably only need about 10" or so of height for the buds to grow through the screen, as all the training that you'll be doing will keep everything nice and low. So 6' should be plenty of space for you dude. Im only working with somethin like 8', and 3 of it is wasted with my fuckin frame for my flood trays, lol.

Hope i answered your question ok, its late as shit n im tired, lol. But yeah man, welcome to the thread :D feel free to hang out if you like.

bro I think you were looking at someone else's pics, this thread has been junked by RIU's thread jacking posters.
Actually dude, The regulars in my journal all have some pretty amazing grows going on. You could learn a thing or two from my thread jacking posters, lol. If any one of these guys jacks your thread for any specific reason, i'd listen to them if i were you. In here though, they're my friends and i love them dearly, so cynnicism is sort of sneered upon here brotha :D

I believe he is in right thread dbo24242, K1 grow is located in the basement I believe
n Welcome :D

k, I'm just confused because it says cardboard and hes asking about a tent and honestly I won't post here again because I didn't read the whole thing, I just tried to find the end of the cardboard grow and it was impossible!!!! I went through like 30 pages where I thought it should be and it was mostly other people discussing their grows and long series of their pictures.
Hasta La Vista homeslice.. Once again though, pretty much every single grow posted in here is a grow you can learn from. Every grower thats stuck around and posted in here has progressed aggressively from their first grows to whatever creation theyre working on now, which in just about every case consists of a monster garden that is lush, thriving, and producing gigantic DANK NUGGETS on a fairly regular basis. There's been alot of mistakes made too, so try to think of this more as a living tutorial, and not just a bunch of people fuckin around. Although, we are just a bunch of people fuckin around, lol :mrgreen:

King IS still around...

and his box is not cardboard anymore...

If you look back you will see his grow is THRIVING...:clap:

Here's one of his posts a page or so back..:lol:

the thread is alive and well...:eyesmoke:
Well thank you kind sir, lol. N i got some more comin up right the fuck NOW :D . But, it's a short one man. I was in a rush. Sue me, lol.

Stay tuned,



Junior Creatologist
Ok, so here's the update as promised :D

It's a short one though, cuz i was in a hurry gettin out the door this morning to let the festivities begin. But im sure you'll get the general idea. Im thinking about throwing in my other 1000w into the mix, so there are NO shadows or lack of light ANYWHERE in the enclosure....Although im not positive how well it would work, as it's already almost harvest time for most of the plants. But hey, it cant hurt right?? here we go:

--So, Other than the plants themselves, lol, nothin special here, just the same shit you saw last week. I'm still hoping for some radical growth in the last weeks of life here, which DOES tend to happen, so im here hopin my ass off that it does, lol. Everything is lookin awesome, and i'll be flushing in a week. i MIGHT push it back a week though, because im still seeing mostly clear trichomes all over the place, and in the very back of the grow, alot of buds are way underdeveloped, and need a little more time under more intense lighting.

I moved the light last week up to the rafters, which is something like a good 10" at least difference from where it was, and the damn light seems about 10x brighter than what it was. Im hoping that i'll see some drastic improvement, so i wont have to put in the other 1k light,but if i need to i need to. But i'll cross that bridge when i come to it. And i have absolutely no problem with harvesting in stages.

I think its more fun that way man. I still havent gotten over enjoying manicuring and all that good stuff. Yeah, it can get a little aggrivating after trimming your 500th bud of the afternoon, but takin a break, smoke a doob, n having a snack recharges the ole batteries, n im ready to go again, lol. Can't imagine what guys like AL B. do to recharge, lol. But hey, i guess it's one of those problems i'd love to have to handle one day, hehe.

Til' next time guys!! :D



New Member
Actually dude, The regulars in my journal all have some pretty amazing grows going on. You could learn a thing or two from my thread jacking posters, lol. If any one of these guys jacks your thread for any specific reason, i'd listen to them if i were you. In here though, they're my friends and i love them dearly, so cynnicism is sort of sneered upon here brotha :D

my bad about the thread-jacking comments, just got fed up with it all around.


Well-Known Member
Hey King..

Looking BEAUTIFUL:clap::clap:

And I agree trimming CAN be a chore...

But Al, and all the other perpetual SOGers, including me:eyesmoke:, stagger our harvests for that exact reason, among others of course...

He only chops 25 ~30 single colas every 2 weeks... that's not too much of a chore ...:lol:

I'm doing 2~3 single colas a day... again.. piece of cake...

What I dread is like MBlaze...

He just chopped 3 plants... took 2 people an ungodly amount of hours STRAIGHT to trim more than 18 pounds of wet bud... all at once... from 3 plants...:lol:

THAT is something I cannot imagine looking fwd to...

But going in the op... looking around... choose 2 or 3 of the more mature plants...

Pop a movie in... light a J... trim for 30 min... finish the J...:lol:

That's not bad at all.... I think...


But anyways.. I wanted to know if I could or maybe even you... copy your pics over to my journal...

If you don't mind... I think there's some lurkers over there that would enjoy seeing it...;-)

Thanks Bro...

And HappY B-Day Celebrations!!!!:clap:

Many more to come....!!!bongsmilie:eyesmoke::lol::clap:


Junior Creatologist
Im about to crash out, but your absolutely more than welcome to copy whatever the hell you want dude :D Me picas es Sue picas, lol.

N Thanks again man, always great to hear happy birthday, lol :D

I'll swing by tomorrow sometime when i log back on. I gotta setup a journal over at Elite, n then i gotta write the Tude n beg them to email my ass personally when they get more of Dj Short's stock in, lol, n order some gear at the same time cuz i cant fuckin believe they FINALLY got his gear in stock!! lol.

But after that ill swing on by n checkit bro. N u should know you aint gotta ask me to fuckin post my pics dude. That shit is a compliment in my book, lol.

As for trimming, i think if i had 18 lbs to trim, While it would fuckin take paying someone off in bud to help you get it finished, would still be awesome to do. Just being able to say that I harvested 18 lbs would get me through that shit like i hopped in the DeLorian and fuckin jumped 10 hours ahead in time to when i was done man. It would fuckin fly by, lol.

This time around with the upstairs grow, i chopped 3 plants at once on the first day, and it took me like 2 hrs to fully trim up all 3 plants. I had wifey workin with me on it, lol, so shit was easy. I leave all the close trimming to her delicate hands man. Shit turns out better that way n trichomes dont end up gettin chopped off, lol.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Bro...!!!

And yeah.. I hear you.. but your plants are MUCH bigger than mine .. right?

It takes me about 10 min to do a real good, careful job to one of these...



Active Member
Dude, it's a real treat to have such a a complete and enthusiastic response to a question.

And I've enjoyed every second of this journal, even when I get lost looking for stuff lol. I love the funny back and forths and the posts by Gypsybush are always great.

I can see why that guy got frustrated but it kinda comes with the territory. Clutter happens. And I mean, how lucky are we to even have this. I can't imagine how hard it was to figure out how to grow good buds pre-internet days lol.

Your last big buch of pics looked soooo sticky sweet, love it.

I'm not all about the big colas, just yeild and quality, so scrog sounds good to me. But I've had my clones since June 15th and I havn't topped. I don't know when or how to do it but that's probably hard to coach via internet. I have a friend who can help me.

10" of space to grow above the screen. That's what I wanted to know. Thanks.

But what if I decide to utilize that extra space and place my screen much higher, around 20" above the top of my soil pots, and start flower there? Would you (or any regulars here) happen to know how much space I should need for buds to grow above the screen then?

The 3 gallon pots I'm gonna move to are about 9" tall. And my HPS with the ducting on top will take up as much as 12 inches. So that would leave around 30" for growth above the screen. Should be plenty of room, right? It's only a 250 watter, with glass shiled, intake, and exhaust. Would that require transplanting to 5 gallon pots instead? Will I get a better yeild from scrog when I have plenty of veritcal space? Will a tall scrog be a problem in my skinny 26" by 30" space? Will I ever stop wearing out my welcome?? lol Sorry for asking so many questions?

I may end up just placing the sceen around ten inches so I can hurry up and get my first crop.

Check my journal and give some input if you're bored. Links at the bottom.



Well-Known Member
Whats up bro!? Update looks great man, girls are comeing along really nicely. I noticed that attitude was selling DJ shorts now, I'd love to run some of his stuff too, so thats sweet!


Junior Creatologist
Thanks Bro...!!!

And yeah.. I hear you.. but your plants are MUCH bigger than mine .. right?

It takes me about 10 min to do a real good, careful job to one of these...

Yeah, i mean up until now, all my plants have been at least 3 ft-4ft tall, with shitloads of branching goin on. And most of the time the leave to bud ratio is horrible, lol, so it takes a shit ton longer man. I WISH i had a bud that big with so little leaf matter to trim dude. Thats like my fuckin Disneyworld, lol. N DANK nugget by the way man. OoOoo, n i wanted to ask, n ill come check you out here in a sec too, but hows that Cindy 99 comin along?? Cant wait to take a peek at what she produces :D

Dude, it's a real treat to have such a a complete and enthusiastic response to a question.

And I've enjoyed every second of this journal, even when I get lost looking for stuff lol. I love the funny back and forths and the posts by Gypsybush are always great.

I can see why that guy got frustrated but it kinda comes with the territory. Clutter happens. And I mean, how lucky are we to even have this. I can't imagine how hard it was to figure out how to grow good buds pre-internet days lol.

Your last big buch of pics looked soooo sticky sweet, love it.

I'm not all about the big colas, just yeild and quality, so scrog sounds good to me. But I've had my clones since June 15th and I havn't topped. I don't know when or how to do it but that's probably hard to coach via internet. I have a friend who can help me.

10" of space to grow above the screen. That's what I wanted to know. Thanks.

But what if I decide to utilize that extra space and place my screen much higher, around 20" above the top of my soil pots, and start flower there? Would you (or any regulars here) happen to know how much space I should need for buds to grow above the screen then?

The 3 gallon pots I'm gonna move to are about 9" tall. And my HPS with the ducting on top will take up as much as 12 inches. So that would leave around 30" for growth above the screen. Should be plenty of room, right? It's only a 250 watter, with glass shiled, intake, and exhaust. Would that require transplanting to 5 gallon pots instead? Will I get a better yeild from scrog when I have plenty of veritcal space? Will a tall scrog be a problem in my skinny 26" by 30" space? Will I ever stop wearing out my welcome?? lol Sorry for asking so many questions?

I may end up just placing the sceen around ten inches so I can hurry up and get my first crop.

Check my journal and give some input if you're bored. Links at the bottom.

Ok, first thanks man, its awesome to hear that shit, lol. Really appreciate the positive words dude. That typa shit is always welcome here.
Second, about your question as far as raising the screen.

--The reason that you put the screen 12" above your pots, is because when you put your plants into flower, theyre going to STTTTTTTTTRETCH like a motherfucker. Let's say your plants are about a foot tall when you go 12/12. They'll keep stretching through most of flower, and youll end up with potentially a 3 or 4 foot plant, maybe even more.

With the screen 12" above your pots, it gives you a primer of when to flower. Once your topped plants have grown their tips through the screen about 2 inches give or take, then you can start to flower. And this is how the actual ScrOG is achieved. As the plant stretches, rather than growing out vertically, your traning them to weave in and out of the holes in the screen, and you'll eventually end up with a massive canopy of nothing but solid popcorn nuggets. It's a beautiful thing to see in action man, at first you wont think that your doin it right, but as everything goes along n grows, you see itll all come together.

If you were to raise the screen to 20", all that would happen, is that you would end up with a whole lot of branching underneath the screen, that wont get any light. Once your canopy begins to establish itself, you should be stripping the bottom 1/3 of all your branches below the top canopy, as hardly ANY light at all is going to get through it, and everything below will just either die, or grow super slow and underdeveloped, and all this really does is take away energy from the plant that could be spent on bulking up all of the top buds that are woven through your netting. I mean, sure it's doable, but to be honest, you'd just be losing 8" of branch that would end up full of bud, and woven through your net. Instead, you'll just have an extra 8" of branch just sittin there n doin nothin for you thats productive, lol.

N as for your 250w, dude honestly i think you'll be ok if you ScrOG. I dont know where the hell to find it right now, but this one dude had an ebb/flow tray set up, and he put a ScrOG net over top of it, and used a 250w to flower everything out. The motherfucker ended up with a main bud the size of my fuckin leg (i got some big ass legs), and a shitload of little buds too. It was kinda jaw dropping, almost enough to make you question wether or not he actually used a 250. But he did man, n it goes to show that if you know what your doin, or learn what your doin, you really can amaze just about anybody with what your equipment is capable of producing :D .

--O, n topping. Dude, topping is simple, and you dont need to be coached through it at all. I'll lay it out for you right here real quick, and hopefully make things a little clearer for you.

Let's say you have a new plant growing, thats 2+ wks old. She's growin out beautifully, and has 4 or 5 branch sets, and is about 8" tall. Your ready to top. Take a pair of clippers, and go down to the 2nd set of branches, counting up from the bottom. Chop everything off above that branch set. Just chop the main stem, period. At that point, the branches that you left (the bottom two branch sets, or even just the bottom branch set), will then begin to grow out, and you'll end up with two main stems instead of one. it'll take about two weeks for the plant to fully recover from being topped, but at the end of that two weeks, you'll have two fat main branches, and they'll just keep producing branch sets. You can do this as many times as you want really, to each main branch. More branches = more budsites = more yield. Just remember that you need to give them the proper amount of veg time for recovery every time you top if you want each branch to reach it's full potential after being chopped.

In this pic, at the top left, there is a plant that hasn't been topped. In this example theyre topping just the top node, so you can easily see the results. You can actually top this way too, it's just as effective, but in your case you want to top often and early. Anyway, in the top right, is right after the plant is topped. Each arrow with a 3 attached, is pointing to the new growthsites. instead of these being potential budsites, topping the plant transfers its growing energy to the topmost pair of these potential budsites, and turns them into main stalks. They grow pretty damn quick, and before you know it, you have two main stalks that are just as thick, sturdy, and just as highly productive, if not more productive, than the original main stalk was. The bottom as it says, is the same plant just two days after being topped. See how fast they've stepped up and taken on the job of becoming the main stems? imagine what theyll look like after two weeks man. :D

Alot of people debate as to wether or not topping and traning give more yield than an untopped, single cola dominant plant. I personally think there's no comparison. I've grown both, and while a single cola plant produces one giant bud at the top with a shitload of popcorn nugs, a Topped plant can produce as many HUGE top colas as you decide, and you'll still end up with a shitload of secondary buds. Just always remember to give everything you prune proper veg time to recover, and your reward will come 8-10 wks after your flower man. Hope that helped, and i hope you dont need any additional coaching after that, lol, my fuckin fingers hurt now, hehe.

Whats up bro!? Update looks great man, girls are comeing along really nicely. I noticed that attitude was selling DJ shorts now, I'd love to run some of his stuff too, so thats sweet!
Hell yeah man, im fuckin stoked that theyre finally carrying his gear. I just need to make fuckin sure that im on top of it whenever they start carrying all of that shit that they say is out of stock man. Its gonna go like wildfire seriously man. I got my cc number taped to my pc screen, so i can order that shit the second i see it dude. I'm gettin my ass at least 2 or 3 of his strains to grow out. I want that Blue Satellite, i want Flo, and i think i wanna give Vanillaluna a try too. I sampled a nug of my BB dude, and its fuckin gorgeous. Amazing smoke, amazing taste. Smell is so citrusy, but i cant put my finger on it. It almost smells like Sour P did, but in the same sentence, i could say it smells completely differently, lol. I need to check out the nug profile for BB, n see what it has to say. Maybe i can put my finger on it a lil better man.. :D

Later guys,



hey K1 man,
Heres a bit or pornage from my 400w grow man, I know iv been holding out on updates and pics...trying to get back into my rhythm after moving house...I bet you understand man.

So yea man, drop into my thread dudes if ya want, everyones free to leave comments. Missy is in bondage now my first time lst-ing and i left it a bit late lol, but shes not even phsed, all her colas have turned to the light so shes going good man. Her eaves re beautiful green except the ones that are yellowing and being consumed for nutrients (on bloom nutes now).

Ur shits looking awesome dude. Serious, very nice man...and that pic by Gypsy...jesus...things got like 8 leaves and a pound wet lol...thats gotta be some sort of genetic engineering or something...gypsy man you are like the O wise one of growing insane pot dude...I so impressed!

Anyways man, looking good dude, theres a whole heap of pics in my journal if ya wanna see some porn, and tomorrow ill be going down and doing detailed pics of the 3 strains i have going (one random bagseed, 2x double gum - shit smells STRONG! 1x arjans silver haze - also smells DANK as, touch it anywhere and your eyes almost water man...loving it.



Well-Known Member
You will never find anything in my journal anymore...:roll::lol:

Here's the last shot of Cindy... taken yesterday I believe...:eyesmoke:
