1st set of leaves dryish?


Active Member
Plant is about 3 inches tall. Its been growing for roughly15 days since i planted her. They first set of leaves is dry and if i bend it, it starts to crack. But it is perfectly green and healthy?


Plant is about 3 inches tall. Its been growing for roughly15 days since i planted her. They first set of leaves is dry and if i bend it, it starts to crack. But it is perfectly green and healthy?
Im having the same problem with mine, they are on day 12 of the propagation period & are about the same size n also with the same problem so I would also b interested to know why this is happening:wall:


Active Member
Yeah maybe its normal. Because I basically made my leaf crack. I bent the tip off one of the first set of leaves on accident.


Active Member
Both my plants seem to be doing it. I water my plants with bottled water that i leave out for a couple days to distill the water then i can use it to water my plants with. I water them about every 2-3 days depending on if the soil is dry. What do you water yours with and how often?


Both my plants seem to be doing it. I water my plants with bottled water that i leave out for a couple days to distill the water then i can use it to water my plants with. I water them about every 2-3 days depending on if the soil is dry. What do you water yours with and how often?
Mine are in rockwool & are in a propagation tank I have a 600watt blue spectrum light on them all the time & do the same, when the rockwool gets dry i damp the bottom of the rockwool with water, I have used superthrive, roots exculerator & rhizotonic on very small doses but only once.
I started off with 25 seeds 14 days ago 6 of which didnt germinate & now & now 3 of the remaining are totally dry.
My main concern is that the 16 that are left only have very small roots still n look extremley dry:-(:-(
I should be transplanting them to the bubblepot system tomorrow but they dont seem healthy enough, I have been hardening them off for the last 2 days.


Active Member
Do you expose your roots to light? Maybe it could be our humidity in our grow rooms? But my plants seems to be doing better. Hope the same for you buddy.


Do you expose your roots to light? Maybe it could be our humidity in our grow rooms? But my plants seems to be doing better. Hope the same for you buddy.
No my roots are not exposed to the light, I have sprayed them with water & will leave them til tomorrow now & check on them but hardening them off doesnt seem to be making any difference except toughening up the stems which i assume is a good thing:!:
I only ave 1 seedling out of the 16 that is coming alond just nice:grin:
Also i woznt aware that the seedling stage took 6-8wks does this sound right:!: I thought it woz 2wks then I transplanted to the bubblepot system which is about tomorrow?????


Active Member
No my roots are not exposed to the light, I have sprayed them with water & will leave them til tomorrow now & check on them but hardening them off doesnt seem to be making any difference except toughening up the stems which i assume is a good thing:!:
I only ave 1 seedling out of the 16 that is coming alond just nice:grin:
Also i woznt aware that the seedling stage took 6-8wks does this sound right:!: I thought it woz 2wks then I transplanted to the bubblepot system which is about tomorrow?????
Well depending on the size of harvest your looking for, you should roughly stay in veg for about a month or so. Im growing mine for a month and a half or so untill i put them into flowering.


Well depending on the size of harvest your looking for, you should roughly stay in veg for about a month or so. Im growing mine for a month and a half or so untill i put them into flowering.
Thanks dude, just to confirm would you say the seedling & vegatation stage are the same or are they different growing stages? Thanks again for your input really appreciatedbongsmilie


Active Member
Yea basically the seedling stage and veg stage are exactly the same. Except during the veg stage you will be starting to feed the plant nutes. Sometime plant growers will put their light cycle on 24/0 throughout seedling and veg.(for faster plant growth) Where others put their cycle on 18/6. I personaly go with the 24/0 cycle to have speedy veg growth. Then after veg you switch the light cycle to 12/12 for flowering and your all set buddy.


Yea basically the seedling stage and veg stage are exactly the same. Except during the veg stage you will be starting to feed the plant nutes. Sometime plant growers will put their light cycle on 24/0 throughout seedling and veg.(for faster plant growth) Where others put their cycle on 18/6. I personaly go with the 24/0 cycle to have speedy veg growth. Then after veg you switch the light cycle to 12/12 for flowering and your all set buddy.
Thanks for that input m8:lol: I woz panicking thibking I had 6wks seedling then another 6-8wks vegging, my plants seem to of come on a little bit 1 of the curled up 1's ave started re-opening back up so fingers crossed aye:clap:


Active Member
Ha yea if you keep it in veg that long shed be a monster. Good to hear buddy. Keep me updated. You got any pic of the plant?


Active Member
Heres sum pics to b honest I dont think they have grown that much in the 16 days they have been under 24/7 light I really dont know what is up with them:-(:-(:-(
Woowzers man. Those look like their done for. It might be that soil your using possibly. Are all the plants yellowish and have brown tips?


Woowzers man. Those look like their done for. It might be that soil your using possibly. Are all the plants yellowish and have brown tips?
Un decided wot to do m8:wall: Ive just checked the roots & the mass has just started gud formation but still slow for its age, do you think they need to be pulled:?::?::?:


Active Member
All the ones that look like they are dying, pull em. Keep the rest they will survive if you get new soil. Also if your having problems with humidity and roots Id switch your lights to 18/6 for veg. It helps with the rooting and lets the plant rest.


Active Member
That soil your using I think needs nutrients to be put in before the grow. Thats why they are dying it seems like. Go to your local grow shop or hardware store and get organic or regular potting mix with perlite, shpagnum peat moss, and additional nutrients for early vegetative growth, then you can start feedling them nutrients when they get bigger.


I forgott to ask you how often you watered your plants?
Ive pulled the dead 1's & im down to 13 ( unlucky for some ) They are actually in rockwool & I think they were holding to much water so I give them a squeeze & turned the fan off but kept the extraction fan on to give them a rest but im struggling to keep the temp below 82, I woz debatin whether to put them in the bubblepot system tomorrow as this will b good for the roots or whether to just leave them for 2 days to let the rockwool dry out will also prob do the roots good ( I think ) I mixed 3ml of rhizotonic to 1ltr water yesterday & dipped the bottom 1cm of the rockwool into it as I thought this would b a good nitrogen boost for the roots:wall: Ave I done wrong?????


Active Member
Nope you doing fine. Maybe get some pics up of the bubblepot system and pics of the remaining seedlings. How often do you water them? You should be waiting till the soil is completly dry until the next watering.