ways to reduce red eye without eyedrops?


too lazy to go to the store and buy or steal eye drops.
Are there anyways to reduce the devils eye?
I found drinking a bottle of water or 2 helps alot but not that much.
any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Because usually adults don't steal things that are so cheap. I wish you didn't steal because you were against the principle and not because your lazy. How about stop being lazy and get a job so that you don't need to steal from innocent store owners?


Because usually adults don't steal things that are so cheap. I wish you didn't steal because you were against the principle and not because your lazy. How about stop being lazy and get a job so that you don't need to steal from innocent store owners?
as robin hood said
Steal from the rich
give to the poor

and i do have a job.
And i go to school which costs ME money.
Idk any other ways to rid bloodshot eyes, but i do kno that when buyin eye drops, the cheapest ones DO NOT work. I have had times where I forgot my eds b4 school and borrowed some cheap drops and they made my eyes even more red. So make sure and get ones that work well.