All Plants FRIED from the Cali heat?!?! :(


Hey all,

Today has got to be the worse day ever. I went outside today to check all 4 of my plants. I just gave them all Grow Big a couple days ago. They're all 4 weeks old, I go outside and notice 3 of them are fried. The leaves are all crumbled up. The stem still seems fine, nice and straight.

My question is, will these plants continue to grow new leaves since most of them are fried? The stems from each node appear to be fine along with the main stem. Is this the end for them? I hope there is something that can be done. :sad:


Active Member
Hey all,

Today has got to be the worse day ever. I went outside today to check all 4 of my plants. I just gave them all Grow Big a couple days ago. They're all 4 weeks old, I go outside and notice 3 of them are fried. The leaves are all crumbled up. The stem still seems fine, nice and straight.

My question is, will these plants continue to grow new leaves since most of them are fried? The stems from each node appear to be fine along with the main stem. Is this the end for them? I hope there is something that can be done. :sad:
Umm Without any of the leaves it will be hard for them to come back but who knows it is a weed. My experiance is it seams like when you have outdoor plants and feed them within 24hours of a really hot day with strong sun rays hitting them for long periods of time it frys the leaves for sum reason. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me thanks to the socal heat this weekend. 3 of my 4 week old dieselryders looked pretty sad. One I just threw out because the leaves were too crumbled. The other 2 are coming back after watering them and keeping them in the shade for the most part. Good luck with yours.


just my two cents but you might try flushing them with plain water really good. I have done that to some plants many years ago when I used chemical I just you manure tea and never have a problem with burning them. Best of luck with your babies


Well what I did was I went ahead and snipped off the dead leaves from each branch node. I did not cut off any nodes, just where the leaves meet the branch. The stem and the nodes still look very green and healthy, so I just placed them in the shade and watered them a bit. Are the chances of these plants reviving themselves still pretty slim?


sounds like you are going to stand a good chance to revive them. I would think that you don't want to give them too much shade, at least bright bright light, maybe not direct sunlight. Keep us posted good luck.


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to me, except in MICHIGAN, wtf. it was 95 a couple days ago with a heat index of 101. now today is a high of 68. lulz. anyway, yeah, mine seems to be coming back to them, they used to be all shriveled up, now some color is back, try giving a small dose of veg nutes and water and mist them as much as possible.