SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
im dreading anoter infestation.. i still got that pest strip hanging in there and veg area.. hope that knocks them out .. maybe i should be spraying neem regularly huh?
i still have mine hanging... i figure i might as well... i would definatly spray with some neem as a preventitive TM.. i would spray my own right now but i dont think even a mite would want to live on them...

people have to realize that the man has been on here like forever, 35k +post. im sure he has had just about enough of all the bullshit that does actually go on around here. i do avoid most cuz i don't want to get band.thats what they all need to do if they like it on this site.. say fuck you and walk away..... its really simple... it all comes down to the choices they make at that time, and the sum want to call the mods out and calling them names, what do they expect is going to happen. do they think they are going to get an award.......LOL:bigjoint:
i htink i should invest in sum pest strips

that was the thing.. dank called fdd out bad in some post.. i couldnt believe it.. its dumb enough to go off like that on someone on here.. let alone a mod... i think a lot of people on here just assume cause its free or they have a large post count and are "community loved" they should be able to get away with shit... but like you said.. the best thing to do is just avoid it.. i like this place... dont want to get banned cause i had a bad day or something...

pest strips are good bro.. or neem of course.. or tanglefoot even...


Well-Known Member
Whats up big sampson...Just stopped in to check shit out....How much longer till you get the bugs worked out of your system. I don't know a ton about hydro. My first grow was hydro, built with 2 ltr bottles and lava rock. I got shut down by my aunt. It wasn't stealth enough...


Well-Known Member
Whats up big sampson...Just stopped in to check shit out....How much longer till you get the bugs worked out of your system. I don't know a ton about hydro. My first grow was hydro, built with 2 ltr bottles and lava rock. I got shut down by my aunt. It wasn't stealth enough...

hey brotha... hows it goin?

should be this week before i have things locked down.. getting the wall finished today sometime... getting the new exhaust fan and water chiller this week.. so i say by friday i will have things exactly as i need them... or close to.. i got a better out look on things knowing im getting that stuff in... just hope the girls forgive me!


Well-Known Member
hey brotha... hows it goin?

should be this week before i have things locked down.. getting the wall finished today sometime... getting the new exhaust fan and water chiller this week.. so i say by friday i will have things exactly as i need them... or close to.. i got a better out look on things knowing im getting that stuff in... just hope the girls forgive me!

It going good. I got some new strains rooting right now...They should root minus any disaster, its cloning not rocket science.

I need to go back in the journal and see what day of flower im on...Ive been busy and lost track. Im sure when your dialed in they'll come around.


Well-Known Member
some people make cloning out to be rocket science tho.. i guess its like anything with growing.. the first time is the most nerve racking.. after that it gets easy... cloning is just another one of those things anymore ya know... hope you get all your strains going.. anything special this time around??

you should be close to harvest i would think.. maybe week 7 or so.. if i remember right where you were at.. which would amaze me if my memory was that good.. lol


Well-Known Member
some people make cloning out to be rocket science tho.. i guess its like anything with growing.. the first time is the most nerve racking.. after that it gets easy... cloning is just another one of those things anymore ya know... hope you get all your strains going.. anything special this time around??

you should be close to harvest i would think.. maybe week 7 or so.. if i remember right where you were at.. which would amaze me if my memory was that good.. lol

I think your memorys good, ive been flushing for a week now...I think I underfed this crop a little. The new light blows the old one away.


Well-Known Member
I think your memorys good, ive been flushing for a week now...I think I underfed this crop a little. The new light blows the old one away.
lol amazing i can remember silly shit like that but forget the important things.. lol

i bet that new light is the shit.. i cant run my hps lamps yet cause of heat.. but i cant wait to see how bright the room is with all 6 lights going

on a good note the guy i have helping me with my construction made at comment about how much bigger and better the girls are looking... i still see the raggedy side of them.. but at least he notices some positive growth!! things are lookin up!!


Well-Known Member
lol amazing i can remember silly shit like that but forget the important things.. lol

i bet that new light is the shit.. i cant run my hps lamps yet cause of heat.. but i cant wait to see how bright the room is with all 6 lights going

on a good note the guy i have helping me with my construction made at comment about how much bigger and better the girls are looking... i still see the raggedy side of them.. but at least he notices some positive growth!! things are lookin up!!

When you see them everyday they don't look like there growing. I need to get some venting issues handled, Its a pain because im not a morning person and the lights go out at 10 am. It dosen't give me much time to fuck with it. I need to do a home depot run. Im thinking of opening up the window I borded and puting a cool air intake for the room and a extake for the lights. Im going to build a box around it.

I should also leave a spot to mount the AC unit. Its getting up to 84 degrees in there right now with just one light going.

I love when the construction is over.


Well-Known Member
When you see them everyday they don't look like there growing. I need to get some venting issues handled, Its a pain because im not a morning person and the lights go out at 10 am. It dosen't give me much time to fuck with it. I need to do a home depot run. Im thinking of opening up the window I borded and puting a cool air intake for the room and a extake for the lights. Im going to build a box around it.

I should also leave a spot to mount the AC unit. Its getting up to 84 degrees in there right now with just one light going.

I love when the construction is over.
the only thing about having a fresh air intake next to where you have your exhaust is the fresh air intake will just suck in the exhaust.. opinions are like assholes so ill give you mine... leave the exhaust where it is... exhausting more hot air is more important than bringing in fresh air... if the grow room brings in more air than it is exhausting it causes a possitive pressure in the room.. the build up of pressure can actually make the temp rise because the more the air pressure the hotter the air gets... so if you can creat a negative pressure you will be better off... if you get the port a/c and exhaust it outside like you are doing with the lights now and leave the unit outside of your tent it shoud bring in plenty enough cool air to keep the tent temps down with little to no prob... now as long as air is constantly being exchanged in the tent you should have to worry about a fresh air intake anyways.. everytime the tent exchanges its air the old stale air is replaced by co2 rich new air... now.. if you really want to run a fresh air intake.. i would run a 4'' duct from the window to the bottom of the tent opposite of where the exhaust fan is... and just leave it as a passive intake.... dont attach a fan or anything to it.. that way as much of the exhausted air will actually be exhausted without being sucked back into the tent... so some of the air coming in will be 100% fresh and some will be partially exhausted air.. but at least that way you will still have an exhaust and not have to worry as much about hot exhausted air being sucked right back into your grow tent... make sense?? just a suggestion tho bro.. ill try to think of anything else i can come up with.. but thats the first thing that popped into mind..


so official update time....

i got the dividing wall and door up yesterday... i cut the door down to 4 ft so i didnt have to worry about opening it and hitting duct work or anything.. so officially the veg room is 5.5ftx11.7" total with a 5.5' x 9' grow-floor space... the best news is that even with the 2 x 400 hps lamps i have going i end up with a temp that doesnt exceed 90, but likes the mid 80's most, right now... and i am going to guess but i think once the new fan gets put in as additional exhaust it will be more like the mid 70's...

i am going to post some new pics.. but i am waiting for the new fan and chiller to come in first... plus its still a mess up there.. i didnt clean to much of it up.. yeah i was lazy as fuck... been bustin my ass the last few days for sure.. i need a break!! pretty much will only have a 1 day break, assuming my shit doesnt come in today.. which, if they called the order in friday and it went out, i could very well get a call today.. but im banking more on it being in tomorrow.. i cant wait!!

the girls are looking better and better everyday... where the white shark got "super cropped" the growth is amazing.... there are so many new shoots and foliage coming from it is keeping the top from straightening upright..

2 of the 4 somas didnt germ... and 1 of the remaining 4 arent looking like it will make it.. which would leave me with 3... which is exactly how many i need to replace in the system.. coinencedence or a sign from the MJ god that every little thing is going to be alright?? i like to think the latter... also i had some chinese food the other night.. my fortune said "all good things are coming your way"... there arent many good things i need except a good grow soo im hoping its all just signs that this is going to end up a great grow!


Well-Known Member
alright.. so i took a couple new pics with the wall up and the door.. temps are actually down to 80.. but with air movement its more like 70.. it feels nice to be able to say that.. im officially not worried about temps anymore...

the first pic is just the room pic.. you can see i still need to cover the wall with poly.. thats not a big issue tho.. i was thinking about just painting it flat white and going with it... im worried that the poly will start bowing inwards from negative pressure so i might just forgo the headache and frustration of it ripping and tearing on me and just paint it...

the second pic is of the door.. like i said.. its only about 4 ft tall.. maybe a little more... i dont need a big door between the two rooms really.. and since there is no buffer zone for light between the two i figure the smaller amount of places for light leaks the better off i am.. i do have some places i have to seal up for light leaks... which really isnt a big deal at all.. i do think i will end up making a poly door cover and velcroing it on for light leaks from the veg to the flower.. and maybe make a door flap that hangs over the door in the flower room just for added light protection..

the last pic is just my hand on the glass under the 400w hps.. i know they dont get super hot anyways.. and this isnt anything real special.. but they have been on now for almost 24 hours and arent hot at all.. if you touch the top of the reflector you wouldnt even know theres a bulb in it.. the glass is just barely warm..

anyways.. so i get the heat problem in check.. and now i have PH issues.. shouldnt make it sound like a problem.. cause it is and it isnt.. is a problem right now because the ph is up over 7.0... and i am out of ph down.. but i have some coming in with my fan and chiller today/tomorrow... so its only a temporary issue.. i went through a quart of ph down in a week... well a little over a week... so i ordered two gallons.. i should have grabbed a small bottle of it when i went and picked up my lights last time.. but i didnt think about it for some reason... i hope 2 gallons will get me through a couple months...

finally.. i am going to take some pics of the girls.. but i am going to wait until the day i get the chiller and everything hooked up... so you can see how they look when the chiller gets hooked up and how they progress from there... there really is little to no change in them since day 1... some for sure.. but not enough to write home about.. i just figure that the day the chiller gets hooked up i will count as day 1 of veg.. even though that is cheating.. :blsmoke:

fuck.. almost forgot to mention.. there are no girls right now in the middle row of pots.. i have the hps on and up about a foot just to throw light at the outside row of girls.. i know they are getting some light for sure from the hps.. but do you think its enough to warrant running the lamps??



Well-Known Member
nice setup and line up my dude
glad you stopped in and checked things out war..

yea im pretty happy with the setup... like i mentioned i am going to install an 8" exhaust fan still and a water chiller... im glad i am having these issues early on so i can prepare myself for when i expand the setup and get my what will be 4000w flower room up and going... that will be after this harvest tho.. but i still picture it in my head every day.. have a huge list of supplies i will need to get it up and going tho...


Well-Known Member
Sup brother how the morning treating u? did u finish off ur it wuz hot yesterday round here to be working...thank the big G for letting me finish that roof remodel be4 the scortching sun set in... anyways bout my girl 3 zone 3 roses...and some perenials..that we planted last night out front. also got 2 kick asss lilac scrubs..lilacs, and the roses loaded with bud happy to get some of the lanscaping knocked out.. are garden of veggies is taking off too.. its been rough cause normally my girl would be doing all this shit..but she too prego to be a good gardner this year...hope all is well hommie.. wish we could share a fatt blunt for a good wake and bake..and maybe clear the bong a couple times..


Well-Known Member
Sup brother how the morning treating u? did u finish off ur it wuz hot yesterday round here to be working...thank the big G for letting me finish that roof remodel be4 the scortching sun set in... anyways bout my girl 3 zone 3 roses...and some perenials..that we planted last night out front. also got 2 kick asss lilac scrubs..lilacs, and the roses loaded with bud happy to get some of the lanscaping knocked out.. are garden of veggies is taking off too.. its been rough cause normally my girl would be doing all this shit..but she too prego to be a good gardner this year...hope all is well hommie.. wish we could share a fatt blunt for a good wake and bake..and maybe clear the bong a couple times..
hey there brotha.. top of the morning to you too!! days been great here.. been nice and stoned all morning... yea i got the wall done.. thankfully.. dropped temps way down for me.. 80 degrees now with all 2500w of lights going.. tis a beautiful thing to see... its been cooler here than it has been... been happy bout that.. sorry your getting hit with the extreme heat now.. is it affecting the grow room at all?? glad your garden and landscaping is coming along nicely.. my roses are looking amazing this year.. im very happy about it.. i think i might plant a few more rose bushes around the place.. i was thinking about this.. but can you clone a rose bush the same way as an mj plant?? and furthermore can you super crop them as well?? i think i might experiment and see... i cant believe your girl is out gardening in that heat anyways!! i know a couple pregos who just bitch and bitch if they have to walk out to the mailbox right now.. sounds like you got yourself one of the good ones bro.. oh and it would have been great to share a few bongs and a couple blunts this morning bro.. someday it'll happen...


Well-Known Member
ya i think u can clone and top and super crop them not 100% sure..but my ego is ...hehe.. every rose bush i buy always looks topped from this 1 nusery... and i know u can clone them in st8 perlite with a rooting mom does this all the time. I love getting new plants in!


Well-Known Member
ya i think u can clone and top and super crop them not 100% sure..but my ego is ...hehe.. every rose bush i buy always looks topped from this 1 nusery... and i know u can clone them in st8 perlite with a rooting mom does this all the time. I love getting new plants in!

i wish i was more of a gardener than i am... at least outdoors.. i think its just my focus right now is one other shit.. getting caught up on bills.. got some home repairs to do.. shit like that.. next summer i plan on doin the landscaping tho... hardcore... got some stuff done.. but need more for sure..


Well-Known Member
Sup brother how the morning treating u? did u finish off ur it wuz hot yesterday round here to be working...thank the big G for letting me finish that roof remodel be4 the scortching sun set in... anyways bout my girl 3 zone 3 roses...and some perenials..that we planted last night out front. also got 2 kick asss lilac scrubs..lilacs, and the roses loaded with bud happy to get some of the lanscaping knocked out.. are garden of veggies is taking off too.. its been rough cause normally my girl would be doing all this shit..but she too prego to be a good gardner this year...hope all is well hommie.. wish we could share a fatt blunt for a good wake and bake..and maybe clear the bong a couple times..

Id get in on a blunt this mornining with you all....The seattle hemp fest is coming up August 15....Ive wanted to go for years...Never had the time.


Well-Known Member
i wish i was more of a gardener than i am... at least outdoors.. i think its just my focus right now is one other shit.. getting caught up on bills.. got some home repairs to do.. shit like that.. next summer i plan on doin the landscaping tho... hardcore... got some stuff done.. but need more for sure..

LOL....Sounds like my story sampson. Ive never grown anything except a bean plant in 10th grade...

Next year maybe I start a garden.


Well-Known Member
hell i didnt even grow that.. lol the first i thing i ever grew and the only thing ive ever grown has been mj... well from start to finish at least.. everything i have learned about gardening ive learned from reading about mj... i have dug holes for already rooted shit.. but nothing like this.. :) i just have to get some other shit done to my house before i go doing a bunch of landscape... why frost a cake if it tastes like shit right? thats a terrible analogy... fuck...


Well-Known Member
hell i didnt even grow that.. lol the first i thing i ever grew and the only thing ive ever grown has been mj... well from start to finish at least.. everything i have learned about gardening ive learned from reading about mj... i have dug holes for already rooted shit.. but nothing like this.. :) i just have to get some other shit done to my house before i go doing a bunch of landscape... why frost a cake if it tastes like shit right? thats a terrible analogy... fuck...
I like nice landscaped shit but its not important to me....Just one more thing that wants my attention. It would keep me from other important things like posting on RIU and listing to bootlegs and mixtapes online.