Mj123 purpz adventure


Well-Known Member
pheww, ok guys that's my up to date grow so far, I will try and keep it up to date however busy times are upon us, so I will try my best.


Well-Known Member
Damn son those buds are looking super duper frosty! I can't wait to see these ladies when they are fully matured


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about molasses* spelling, how much does this actually benefit the taste of plants? as this time I want my bitches to be really sweet.


Well-Known Member
I have used it and I didn't notice much of a difference in taste. You can give it a try, it couldn't hurt. I never experienced it but I have heard of people getting pest problems when they started getting molasses. I guess the bugs like the sweetness of the molasses or something. If you do go for the molasses I suggest getting Grandma's Molasses:


Well-Known Member
dam, I was hoping it was gonna make my bud taste more sweeter. I was thinking, I know this sounds like a long shot, but if I feed small doses of tomato feed, as I know good tomato feed will help tomatos taste a lot sweeter... hmmm, I wonder if it would fit with my bio bizz grow & bloom.

Do you know any other nutes that will help, I am wanting my bud to taste as sweet as it does in the dam


Well-Known Member
the mollasses feeds the soil microbes so i dont think it will make it sweet but it does increase the weight of your buds.