Black Magic potting soil, eh? I'm using the same thing, and here's what I think... it stinks.
Put all my seedlings into it once they'd germinated. The stuff was so chunky and full of sticks and shit that I ended up having to sift it before using it. I accidentally dropped two of the seedlings on the way to the grow room, so I refilled those with a sphagnum/vermiculite mix. The ones in the sphag/verm are doing SO much better than the ones in the potting soil, even though I dropped them on the floor and was certain I'd killed them.
I've been using this soil to try and start a bunch of tomatoes, peppers, cukes, and herbs for the outdoor garden and not having much luck at all. I'm pretty sure it's the soil, because everything in the sphag/vermiculate mix does just fine.
What I did just now was transplant my babies into larger pots with more of the sphag/verm mix. Hopefully the ones that weren't doing as well will catch up now.
Anyway, that's just my two cents about Black Magic potting soil.