none of it makes sense/ just let it happen


Well-Known Member

the one in the ground has 7 blades per leaf. the one in the pot has 5. the one in the ground is warlock. the one in the pot is hijack. apparently i mixed up my clones in the beginning.


in the world of science you would now be completely discredited and permanently irrelevant!

thank goodness we're just on a weed site. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i just smelled the one in the ground. it smells like warlock. the one in the pot smells like hijack. completely different smell. i messed up. i have no idea how. i was very careful. labeled everything individually...


Well-Known Member
hey, it's no big deal. just let them finish up and then send me the cured buds so we can get that potted vs. in-ground taste test done...




Leaf count doesn't tell strain at all...

Unless you are 100% sure you switched them on accident I wouldn't count on that as a deciding factor of what's wrong/different. The healthier the plant the more fans per leaf. Thats what I've been taught at least. I've seen an 11 fanned leaf in my uncles back yard. I could only find probably 10 or so leaves like that on the plant and the plant was a 12 foot monster so others could've been missed. Other than that everything else was pretty much 9 or 7 fans.

I think the seepage was the best idea.

Other than that though they do look amazing! Keep up the good work!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya i know its been a few years but im thinking it has to due with the nutes being contained in the pot, thats why that cola is bigger and denser, while the ground really buffs out sum of the goodies, thats why that one is a bit on the behide and airry side..