Organic Montana Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
heres some update pics of after all the dead and crispy leaves off!



Well-Known Member
shit looking good to this nigga.....when im done with a grow i usually have a trash bag full of dead nasty leaves..


Well-Known Member
no dont have to have 1.. u could get that same version of ph only for a bill at planet n. would be nice to have both..all depends on ur buget.. id veg till they were 18in -24in then flip..or if u just wanna knock this 1 out and get on to the next anytime....
ok Kool , i hav the 200 for the good one.... so i think i will get the black later on down the road when i need them !!
and they r allready 14'' tall i dont wanna run out of room on my lights so im kinda trying to figure on how much more room i have for flower growth


Well-Known Member
theyll usually stretch at least 12 inches during the 1st 3 weeks of 12 12 theyre real stretchy..then they stop...

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
hey, wat up gto? fellow montucky here. 34 years myself. wishing i would have found your thread earlier. i believe you are not giving ur plants enough water. i believe your soil has dry pockets. every pic i have seen, has dry soil. go to wally world and get their dual moisture, and ph meter. in outdoor seasonal section. i long broke and discarded mine, otherwise i'd hit you up wit a photo. they are less than $10. i want you to pour, i'm not kidding, more water than your pot capacity through your pots. place them out the door of the garage or catch with a trash can. ur using 5 gals, so pour 6 gals through each. this will completely soak the soil, and eliminate all dry pockets. you should always water til you have at least 10% run out the bottom. i just suck it up with a shop-vac. the point i want to stress, is that when plants are in a room @ 90 f, they dont go through respiration, they simply transpire. meaning instead of taking co and water and nutes, making sugars of these things, ur plant simply sweats. even if in these temps for only like an hour, the plant has to adjust. if ur gonna hit high temps, then plan ahead and over water. imo you can also get an a\c @ wally world why you are there(u will be there getting the dual meter). $129 model will cool ur garage off real nice.
absolutely kick-ass! hang in there brotha, i think ur grow will rockbongsmiliebong rips for everyone

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member

this is what they look like, actual product may vary, dual units are center 2. also i wonder if fdd will show? usually u print his name and viola.


Well-Known Member
your birds are looking great GTO! :weed: dead crispy leaves are pretty hard to avoid, so don't stress when you see a couple. your plants are looking pretty damn good though man. they're nice, thick bushes and that's what you want. vegging is fun, but just wait till you switch to 12/12 :eyesmoke:
keep up the good work man and never get discouraged


Well-Known Member
hey there GTO. like the others have said. yup, some bumps along the way but nothing the halt the real progress of your grow. Keep on the path. Walking On!!!~~~


Well-Known Member
Those plants are looking awesome. I'm on my first grow too (one plant) and am starting to learn how hearty they can be. Having the journal helps too - you get up to date advice, and cooler heads from the experts to keep you from freaking out. Looking forward to seeing a garage full of colas.


Well-Known Member
damm, loking really nice, thats state of the art right there, check out my primitice outdoor grow lol, and give me some advice


Well-Known Member
hey, wat up gto? fellow montucky here. 34 years myself. wishing i would have found your thread earlier. i believe you are not giving ur plants enough water. i believe your soil has dry pockets. every pic i have seen, has dry soil. go to wally world and get their dual moisture, and ph meter. in outdoor seasonal section. i long broke and discarded mine, otherwise i'd hit you up wit a photo. they are less than $10. i want you to pour, i'm not kidding, more water than your pot capacity through your pots. place them out the door of the garage or catch with a trash can. ur using 5 gals, so pour 6 gals through each. this will completely soak the soil, and eliminate all dry pockets. you should always water til you have at least 10% run out the bottom. i just suck it up with a shop-vac. the point i want to stress, is that when plants are in a room @ 90 f, they dont go through respiration, they simply transpire. meaning instead of taking co and water and nutes, making sugars of these things, ur plant simply sweats. even if in these temps for only like an hour, the plant has to adjust. if ur gonna hit high temps, then plan ahead and over water. imo you can also get an a\c @ wally world why you are there(u will be there getting the dual meter). $129 model will cool ur garage off real nice.
absolutely kick-ass! hang in there brotha, i think ur grow will rockbongsmiliebong rips for everyone
thanks dude !!!
when i water i do just that... my gararge has a a drain in it........i just need to water more often........and im using 7 gal pots.....and as far as a AC from wally would take a hell of a large one to cool my gararge ...its 28'x27' a little 129 dollar would not work .... i do have an indutrial swamp cooler that will work!!

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
thanks dude !!!
when i water i do just that... my gararge has a a drain in it........i just need to water more often........and im using 7 gal pots.....and as far as a AC from wally would take a hell of a large one to cool my gararge ...its 28'x27' a little 129 dollar would not work .... i do have an indutrial swamp cooler that will work!!

thats a tall garage, but you don't need to cool it. you just need to cool the grow room. swamp coolers are great, if you need extra humidity. do a lil research on ur strains. ww needs nitrogen up to day 30 of bud, unless you like little crisp brown sugar leaves. i could go on with ur others strains, but you need to learn this first hand. i think you will get it figured out. maybe when u get er all done we can meet up n match. i see you have six flavors, i'll make sure to bring six. rock out bro!!!!!!bongsmilieonce again, bong rips for everyone


Well-Known Member
thats a tall garage, but you don't need to cool it. you just need to cool the grow room. swamp coolers are great, if you need extra humidity. do a lil research on ur strains. ww needs nitrogen up to day 30 of bud, unless you like little crisp brown sugar leaves. i could go on with ur others strains, but you need to learn this first hand. i think you will get it figured out. maybe when u get er all done we can meet up n match. i see you have six flavors, i'll make sure to bring six. rock out bro!!!!!!bongsmilieonce again, bong rips for everyone
so go on about my other strains,give me heads up! and i have 5 died


Well-Known Member
That's pretty clutch with the drain in your garage. they're looking pretty good tho man. you gonna switch them to 12/12 pretty soon?


Well-Known Member
That's pretty clutch with the drain in your garage. they're looking pretty good tho man. you gonna switch them to 12/12 pretty soon?
thanks man...Yeah its nice having the drain..............I'm going to go 60 days for veg from seed and today is 47 im going to wait 2 more weeks then 12/12:leaf::leaf: