What is better 18 hours or 24 hours of light..


Well-Known Member
YES... larger roots mean larger PLANTS..

Uhhh.....again, I hate to play devil's advocate....but I disagree with this as well, my biggest, healthiest, bushiest, greenest (is that a real word?? LOL) plant...has the smallest shortest root mass of all.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I also used to think that plants need rest....but they don't, someone on here told me to read ed rosenthal's book....plants don't do anything in the dark nor do they need dark during veg. Plants don't sleep, therefor need no rest, they are the simplest form of cell reconstruction on the planet.

The high temp of the light and it's effect on the plant is more the reason that makes any of this hold water at all. The temp of a HID light on constantly can rise the internal temp of the plants leaves and stalks up over 100 degrees F....unless you are lucky enough, like I am, to have a climate controlled growing room, and this is probably why I've seen no difference no matter what light cycle I've used.

Oh and my leaves, none of my leaves have died or shown signs of chlorosis under a 24 hour cycle. My guess is that is also do to high internal leaf temps.

bro, did you read your previous post.... are two different people posting wit hthe same account? did I miss read you previous post.. are you PSYCHO...

just a few postulations.. since it appears that the pot is calling the kettle black :) :wall:

Not only do I WANT to give theplants rest... but I also want to give the equipment a rest.. and if there is no differenc betweem LIGHTS on 24 or loghts on for 20.. then ligts on for 20 WINS... for a variety of reasons..

first and foremost... $$$$$$$$$$$$ cha ching



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its gonna be a preference call on this one.I played with both 18/6 and 24 on and saw better faster growth with 24 on since my short veg time. I too am luck as I have climate control and have it set to maintain aday time and night time temp to simulate night time temp drops.If your heat is a uncontroled factor then maybe a few hours off would benefit.Growing aer my roots at about week 3 tend to be 5-8 feet long and plants stay nice and healthy.I also keep air stones in the res and add h202 now for an extra boost.Play with the times and find your zone that makes you happy on this one.


Well-Known Member
bro, did you read your previous post.... are two different people posting wit hthe same account? did I miss read you previous post.. are you PSYCHO...

just a few postulations.. since it appears that the pot is calling the kettle black :) :wall:

Not only do I WANT to give theplants rest... but I also want to give the equipment a rest.. and if there is no differenc betweem LIGHTS on 24 or loghts on for 20.. then ligts on for 20 WINS... for a variety of reasons..

first and foremost... $$$$$$$$$$$$ cha ching

Uhhh...not only did I read it, I wrote it...and at no time was I agreeing that a plant needs rest or dark during veg...I said I've tried both, that's not to say I agree, so no pot calling any kettle black....my lights stay on 24 hours a day when vegging. I'm sorry if you are upset, but I think this info is completely bogus and holds no fact....I can find all kinds of info to dispute your claims.

Oh and again...incorrect information...the hardest thing you do to your lights and ballast is when they go on....it causes a spike in voltage. And hate to say it, but when running HID lights, it costs more to turn them on and off than to keep them on.

What you WANT and what NEEDS to be done are two different things...

SO seems you misunderstood me...but that's nice of a mod to insult members....every board is the same...the minute you disagree with someone they start insulting you.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Uhhh.....again, I hate to play devil's advocate....but I disagree with this as well, my biggest, healthiest, bushiest, greenest (is that a real word?? LOL) plant...has the smallest shortest root mass of all.
BTW - i love ED :)

cool... was that a soil grow...? are you sure it was actually LESS root mass/weight...

i saw an outdoor plant last weekend.. 8 gallon container... 6 feet tall with 1-2 lbs of ganja on it... truly unbeliveable... the plant was then pulled out of the container so that I could see the root mass.... and... it was nothing special..

BUT BUT BUT.... the roots were USING the ENTIRE container.. they were not clumped at the bottom... they were everywhere.... I actually have some pictures :)

There were 16 plants in the garden... the 2-3 biggest plants BY FAR were in the ground (2-4lbs per plant)... the smaller plants (STILL HUGE- smallest being about 6 feet with 1lb of dry herb) were all in containers... most were in 5 gallon containers

I could draw the conclusion that this was do to LIMITED root growth.. which was LIMITED by the container.. nothing conclusive of course..

ROOTS that get more O2 --- I would bet --- do BETTER...

just food for thought.. and some yummy pictures to boot

My actaul witnessing was of 500 plants grown aeroponically... the roots were all hanging in the water.... the reservoirs had airstones in them.. the plants that were over the airstones and had direct contact - ROOT to AIRSTONE.. totally out yielded the others.... and had larger roots...

maybe root size doen't matter and it was just the o2.. either way....

I am happy to have huge white roots... :)


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Uhhh...not only did I read it, I wrote it...and at no time was I agreeing that a plant needs rest or dark during veg...I said I've tried both, that's not to say I agree, so no pot calling any kettle black....my lights stay on 24 hours a day when vegging. I'm sorry if you are upset, but I think this info is completely bogus and holds no fact....I can find all kinds of info to dispute your claims.

Oh and again...incorrect information...the hardest thing you do to your lights and ballast is when they go on....it causes a spike in voltage. And hate to say it, but when running HID lights, it costs more to turn them on and off than to keep them on.

What you WANT and what NEEDS to be done are two different things...

SO seems you misunderstood me...but that's nice of a mod to insult members....every board is the same...the minute you disagree with someone they start insulting you.

bro bro bro -
i never insulted you
i was never insulted by you
i never called you names
i never even claimed to be right... fook dude.. you are probably right...

that is why I said WHAT i want.. not what was right...

please forgive me if you felt unsulted by anything i said... it is the farthest thing from my mind... cheers



Well-Known Member
I grow hydro, top feed bubble ponic....all I have to do is pop the top of my res to see my roots.....and my biggest plant has the smallest roots....it's like night and day compared to the other 3 plants in the res.

BUT I will absolutely agree that the closer the plant or specifically it's roots are to an air stone the more the roots will grow...or so it would seem as the plants that have the largest root mass are in fact the plants closest to the air stone in my res....BUT the biggest plant is furthest from the stone and has the smallest root mass.....go figure. :sad:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

i personally think REST is good.. :) a few hours every day.. even 1 hour..:)
I loved your post... I agreed with you THAT it can be argued both ways....
i said MY "personal"... I am NOT standing on a horse or a ladder...

I am on the ground with my pants down around my ankles.. I am not preaching to you that I am RIGHT... just my personal choice...
and MY personal choice may be wrong... :bigjoint:

please lte me clarify further LOL

I thought you were saying that (LOL) it can be agrgued either way.. and then in the very next post you jumped on one side of the fence saying that 24 IS RIGHT

Thats what through me off.. that's why I made the jokes.... i am once again very sorry.. I want this place to feel comfortable for you..

cheer and love

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
BC.. please dont take this wrong.. I totally believe you.. 100%... but I still would like to see a picture... I always ask people for pictures.. and if you dont have a digital camera.. I still belive you.

it would just be nice to see it...

I have heard this before so I know you are not alone.. i know many other people have said.. I HAVE great roots and small plant...
I would just like to have this on the record as a picture for future people to see...

cheers bro

one more thing... are all theplants the same strain?


Well-Known Member
I loved your post... I agreed with you THAT it can be argued both ways....
i said MY "personal"... I am NOT standing on a horse or a ladder...

I am on the ground with my pants down around my ankles.. I am not preaching to you that I am RIGHT... just my personal choice...
and MY personal choice may be wrong... :bigjoint:

please lte me clarify further LOL

I thought you were saying that (LOL) it can be agrgued either way.. and then in the very next post you jumped on one side of the fence saying that 24 IS RIGHT

Thats what through me off.. that's why I made the jokes.... i am once again very sorry.. I want this place to feel comfortable for you..

cheer and love
HA HA HA ok....yeah I can see how we both got to where we are....so let me clarify....I think half the world could debate with the other half of the world all day long on which is best....when in reality it's probably our feeding schedule, or poor air quality...or so many other things that really effect the plant.

Hell I don't know that I am right, or wrong...which means you could be wrong....or right....or are you left handed? LOL

Wait, I'm confusing myself....I'ma go smoke ha ha ha :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have a camera, but lazy and about to go to bed, I'll snap some pics tomorrow night of the plants and their corresponding root systems for you.


Active Member
Filthy Fletch's post agrees with the literature I cited in my previous post on page 2. Basically, 24 hours, especially with strong lights, might injury the plant if the temperatures are steady. Fletch actually varies the temperature to simulate night and day temp, but keeps lights on 24/7, and gets more growth, and gets results just like what is stated in the literature. Which is why some people find they get better results by turning their lights off for a few hours each day. I find that if I want to keep my lights on 24/7, I need to go easy on the intensity, because I was getting chlorosis. Also, my cuttings were getting burnt when I had them too close to even just fluorescents, and I prefer to cycle them to give the roots a chance to cool off. Too high a root temperature stimulates just a big blob of callus, whereas at cooler temperatures, lots of roots will grow. This might explain the experiences other people are having and why they claim that "roots grow during the night" - it might be just that the coolness helps the callus to develop rootlets.

The above post is for entertainment purposes only. I do not grow pot, and do not advocate breaking the law.


Well-Known Member
I did a 24 hour light cycle. The plants needed rest. I did a 18/6, I could tell they needed more. I did a 16/8... they were so happy it was insane.


Active Member
Uhhh.....again, I hate to play devil's advocate....but I disagree with this as well, my biggest, healthiest, bushiest, greenest (is that a real word?? LOL) plant...has the smallest shortest root mass of all.
root mass is not so important when you are correctly watering / nutes feeding


Well-Known Member
interesting, i had my light on for 3 days but am now going to switch to 17/7, seems like a good amount of night. I wasnt planing on keeping 24/7 light but i thought maybe it would be an extra precaution to prevent stretching when using CFLs, let them get enough light at first and then give them some sleep.


Well-Known Member
My only question regarding this (and I probably missed it somewhere) is internode spacing with lower light cycles. Maybe less green growth with less light being used, more stretching induces less light reaching the bottom 2/3 of the plant since your plant is stretched more. I agree that good root growth is essential for plant development, but couldn't you just offset lack of root growth with some enzymes or something. Then get the best of both worlds, shorter internode spacing and root growth comparable.

Again this is all hypothetical, I'm just trying to understand the advantages and of course the disadvantages.


Well-Known Member
I grow hydro, top feed bubble ponic....all I have to do is pop the top of my res to see my roots.....and my biggest plant has the smallest roots....it's like night and day compared to the other 3 plants in the res.

BUT I will absolutely agree that the closer the plant or specifically it's roots are to an air stone the more the roots will grow...or so it would seem as the plants that have the largest root mass are in fact the plants closest to the air stone in my res....BUT the biggest plant is furthest from the stone and has the smallest root mass.....go figure. :sad:
The reason the biggest plant would have the smallest root mass is that its clearly wasting no energy looking for water and nutrients, if its getting ideal uptake it will not waste energy on more roots, it will just grow bigger faster


Well-Known Member
I have to go with Science on this one and from the literature that I read basically stated that the plant was like a machine. It does not need anything except food, water, light, and oxygen. I think this was best proven with LED light growing bubble DWC's systems where even the lights were each colored for spectrum coverage, (you had a red light, a blue light, a yellow light...ect..) where everything is broken down so the the plant has everything it needs 24/7.

The only benefit is probably in the fact that folks that get cooler or changed temps because they turned there lighs off for 6 hours. People with climate control that can simulate the cooler temp changes (simulating night but with the lights on, its also proven that even the moon light in phases can give the plant enough light at night.) would see no ill effects or benefit by turning there lights off for 6 hours eveyday.

I like to stick with science when possible and they say 24/7 can give the fastest growth. The conditions (its enviroment during life cycle stages like nutrients, light conditions, temp conditons, oxygen conditions..ect..ect..) and plants genetics will still control and have final say on how well that plant can ultimatley grow and succed NO MATTER WHAT! PERIOD!

This is just my opinion from the research I have done. NO offense was intended with this post.

Thank you!