The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
thanks westy that helps a little. i will mother it cut off the first side shoot and clone it then stick it in flower too see what its like. hope its the original or else it can get tossed.


Well-Known Member
very VERY cooL mr.WesTiE ..... double serration ... I had read that before ... and now thnks .... I have seen it .... muy gIGaNto ExcellentE .

mr west

Well-Known Member
very VERY cooL mr.WesTiE ..... double serration ... I had read that before ... and now thnks .... I have seen it .... muy gIGaNto ExcellentE .
that double seration is fairly comon t a lesser or grater degreee lol my bublelicious had em.


Well-Known Member
hey man ... yea ... I'm a goonnna be loooooking for dat. Neat. mR.WeStIe .... learned me sumthin tuday .... thanks you ma grateful sIR!!

'n DaT stripin too .VeRY KeWLL!


Well-Known Member
and I have a 14 yr old daughter that txts me all the time I guess its comes natural when I am totally relaxed and having a chillin'ed time ....with all the RIU folks!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
well thats as good an answer as u could hope lol. I aint got no kids yet but do have a 20 yearold girlfriend lol


Well-Known Member
I had a twenty year old gf too ..... that was ummmm ..... aahhhh ...... 23 ...24 .... hmmm ....that was quite a while back ..... hahahaha! Hope you and ur gurl enjoy urselves .... the journey is the only thing there is ..... missing the journey .... is missing life ..... pray tell ....that's where the Walk On! comes from. Good Sh*t Bad Sh*t and InDifferent Sh*t happens everywhere all the time .... the only difference is .... in how you react ... to said Sh*T Walking on ....


Well-Known Member
so so true my friend ..... my dad had a great saying .... mistakes ..... of course you'll make mistakes ..... but ..... as long as they don't kill you .... or put you in jail ....then just try not to make the same one too often ....