Male or Female? Can we tell YET?


Well-Known Member
Can we tell yet? Male or Female? I have a really good quality 20 Megabyte .MOV file that I could share the link to if someone could recommend a website that I can upload it to. These pictures are from a previous post that I began about a month ago. Link:

From the attached pictures, can anyone tell if it's a male or female?



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You should probably kill it now.

Do you have any others?

The balls on your male will pop open soon and will ruin any females within as much as 1 mile away. (by ruin I mean pollenate...the chicas will get full of seeds and their buds will be weaker in potency)


Well-Known Member
I heard you can extract oil from a male and also make some decent butter, but you won't be seeing any bud on that guy!


Well-Known Member
You should probably kill it now.

Do you have any others?

The balls on your male will pop open soon and will ruin any females within as much as 1 mile away. (by ruin I mean pollenate...the chicas will get full of seeds and their buds will be weaker in potency)

Awww, that was my pride & joy. I probably stressed it with light defficiencies too early in its seedling stages. I have one right next to it, that may have gone through the same thing with the light defficiency, but it is not as far along as the one in the picture above. I'll kill it soon, so you guys are 100% sure it's a male, and can tell right now?


Well-Known Member
Sorry but yeah he's got balls and no bush! That's definitely male! 100%, feel free to get another reference though.


Well-Known Member
Awww, that was my pride & joy. I probably stressed it with light defficiencies too early in its seedling stages. I have one right next to it, that may have gone through the same thing with the light defficiency, but it is not as far along as the one in the picture above. I'll kill it soon, so you guys are 100% sure it's a male, and can tell right now?
Genetics determine male or female, nothing of your doing, certain stresses can probably cause hermaphrodites but not male or female. They were boys or girls when they hatched.


Well-Known Member
Awww, that was my pride & joy. I probably stressed it with light defficiencies too early in its seedling stages. I have one right next to it, that may have gone through the same thing with the light defficiency, but it is not as far along as the one in the picture above. I'll kill it soon, so you guys are 100% sure it's a male, and can tell right now?
If it has balls/bunches of grapes it's absolutely, positively, without any doubt a male.

Kill it before the balls open. They could open any day now from the looks of them.


Well-Known Member
If it has balls/bunches of grapes it's absolutely, positively, without any doubt a male.

Kill it before the balls open. They could open any day now from the looks of them.
Yeah, I think 1 did already; i touched it and it was dusty like with pollen. Male flower eh? Shit, hopefully (my girl) right next to it isn't ready to be buttered up by mr. male. Well thanks guys for the help; i'll keep you guys updated on the one right next to it. Payce



Well-Known Member
Good luck man, hope it's not too late! If it is, you can keep the seeds that your empregnated female produces and try again with those


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think 1 did already; i touched it and it was dusty like with pollen. Male flower eh? Shit, hopefully (my girl) right next to it isn't ready to be buttered up by mr. male. Well thanks guys for the help; i'll keep you guys updated on the one right next to it. Payce
Well if one opened it probably pollenated the plant next to it. But there are degrees of pollenation. If just a little pollen got on her...just a few of her buds will have just a few seeds in them. Acceptable but obviously not preferable.

If she gets coated in his "gunk" she is preggos to the hilt.


Well-Known Member
Well if one opened it probably pollenated the plant next to it. But there are degrees of pollenation. If just a little pollen got on her...just a few of her buds will have just a few seeds in them. Acceptable but obviously not preferable.

If she gets coated in his "gunk" she is preggos to the hilt.

Thanks for this! +rep :D I'm new here and that is something even I didn't know and it's very useful information, i thought once she was pregnant it was game over for 'er. Varying degrees of pregnancy, interesting!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this! +rep :D I'm new here and that is something even I didn't know and it's very useful information, i thought once she was pregnant it was game over for 'er. Varying degrees of pregnancy, interesting!
This new knowledge can be used brother.

For example read up on purposely harvesting pollen from a male. Tapping a little pollen on ONE budsite of the female (a very low bud site not seed up your main cola) Also make sure you are not outdoors in a hurricane ;P or even a breeze as your pollen will go where the wind carries it.

By doing this can have a female with ONE bud site chock full of useable/plantable seeds...and the rest of the plant is grade A smokeable herb w/o any seeds.


Well-Known Member
Genius!! I will definitely be looking into this more. Thanks again for the wisdom man. I'm going to need some opinions in the near future on my own project, you will more than likely be one of the guys I consult - if you don't mind, of course :)


Well-Known Member
Genius!! I will definitely be looking into this more. Thanks again for the wisdom man. I'm going to need some opinions in the near future on my own project, you will more than likely be one of the guys I consult - if you don't mind, of course :)
my pleasure...I'm doing this so that I no longer have to deal with lame ass dealers who cannot even show up on time to get a payday.


Well-Known Member
dealers=bastards, at least where i come from anyways. man i will never go back to buying weed off the street again.

also i would just like to add, that bud that has been pollinated isnt actually that bad, its not grade a, but i think about it this way, the cheap beer i buy isnt grade a either but it gets the job done right? i had two plants that went hermie on me, but the bud was great. i got a lot of seeds now too. but those buds are smooth, taste good and get my high every time. im not complaining. at least i didnt pay 70 bucks (canadian) for a quarter of god knows what right?


Well-Known Member
70 for a quarter is ridiculous anyway! Where the heck are you from? haha. I could walk down main street and find someone dealing a quarter for 50 easy :P But either way, free + homegrown tops any price imo


Well-Known Member
70 for a quarter is ridiculous anyway! Where the heck are you from? haha. I could walk down main street and find someone dealing a quarter for 50 easy :P But either way, free + homegrown tops any price imo
lol im from canada? 60-70 a quarter tho is a normal price around here unless u know where to look. (thats also canadian dollars, so idk 55 usd?)
but you are right, my little cfl setup cost me 150 bucks and i got 2 ounces off it. im not complaining, and now i got all the stuff :idea:
i feel so independent lol


Well-Known Member
Nice, I'm just getting started for the first time and I think I'm too eager lol. It's all I have thought about for the past 48 hours, how to effectively grow a plant inside my apartment haha. I'm from the maritimes and around here, 10$ a gram is almost unheard of, unless the guy is a total dickhead. 55 a quarter is pretty much the standard in these parts, of course friends can always top that though :D