Closet Grow (with pics) - Feedback plz


Well-Known Member
hey guys -

This is my first grow, and I would love some feedback from you guys to know what I'm doing right/wrong!

I germinated 3 seeds (bag seeds), and planted the germinated seeds on July 1st ( 5 days ago).

I am growing in my closet with 4x 45 Watt Cool White CFL's a few inches from the top of the sprouts. I have a fan in the closet moving the Air Around, and a second fan blowing air from the bottom of the closet UP towards an opening at the top of the closet. I am building a GROW box to move the plants in, to better air/exhaust/odour - but my setup is working for now. I hope to have my box finished in 5-7 days when my parts come in that I have ordered.

Planted with Organic Ready to use Soil Mix - African Violet Mix by Premium Nature Mix (HORTIBEC). Ingredients: Peat Moss, humus,Compost, Perlite

For now my Temps are between 84- 88F (A bit high? , is that okay for this early in development?) and I am watering once/day (small watering with Spray bottle (fish water from fish tank). I am not watering very much to avoid over watering, the soil obsorbs the water very fast, and the weight of the pot does not increase.

Things SEEM to be going well - I have not added any nutes or food, and have had steady growth thus far


-My temps are in the mid 80's, and sometimes hit 88/89. When I turn the lights off over night the TEMP drops to the mid/high 70's. Is this TOO high?! I know this is on the "high side" - but i am on a budget for now, and dont want to make any major ajustments until my box is finished.

-My stem is somewhat purple (see pics) Is this a bad thing?

-Should I be adding any nutes or food to the plant at this point?

-Do I need to add light to the side of the plant this early? I have other lighting, but dont think they require extra lighting at this stage - Am I wrong?

Thanks a LOT guys - this website is kickass


You don't want to add any nutes while your plants are this small. It will kill them.

You don't need any additional lightening at this point in their life.

The temps are kind of high. Try to find a way to lower them asap. Shouldn't harm the plants just yet, but can cause major problems later on.


Well-Known Member
You don't want to add any nutes while your plants are this small. It will kill them.

You don't need any additional lightening at this point in their life.

The temps are kind of high. Try to find a way to lower them asap. Shouldn't harm the plants just yet, but can cause major problems later on.
Thanks for the feedback - I've added a fan in the window of the room to pump cooler air from outside into the room - towards the closet. Temps have lowered from mid/high 80's, to Low/Mid 80's.

Thanks again n' happy growing! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
One more Question guys:

At what point of my grow will I get hints regarding the type of strain I am growing? I am growing bag seed, and from what i've read - different strains require slightly different grow periods and care.

And will I see hints of Male/Female in the late Veg stage, or not until Flowering?

Thanks again
One more Question guys:

At what point of my grow will I get hints regarding the type of strain I am growing? I am growing bag seed, and from what i've read - different strains require slightly different grow periods and care.

And will I see hints of Male/Female in the late Veg stage, or not until Flowering?

Thanks again
You won't be able to tell what strain you are growing. You can tell if it's indica or sativa dominant but that's about it. You can tell certain phenotypes about the plant(Smell/taste/thc production/size/etc), and decide from their what type of plant that sounds like, but since different plants have a huge variety of different phenos it's impossible for some one to tell you exactly what strain you are growing.

You can tell what sex the plant is after it becomes sexually mature. That will either be naturally by letting it veg long enough, or forcing it or a clone from it to flower.

A male plant usually becomes mature first, and will produce little balls. Female pre flowers will look like little white things in a V shape.