Temperature Problems

The Rabbi

:leaf:Hello fellow people, i am having some heat issues with a closet grow. I have125 watt enviro and temperature is as high as 35 degrees c / 95-100 degrees f I think its abit too hot. I cannot place intake or outtake, are there any other alternatives? Please please help, im desperate.Thank You:leaf:

Cap K

Well-Known Member
:leaf:Hello fellow people, i am having some heat issues with a closet grow. I have125 watt enviro and temperature is as high as 35 degrees c / 95-100 degrees f I think its abit too hot. I cannot place intake or outtake, are there any other alternatives? Please please help, im desperate.Thank You:leaf:
Gotta get a little desk or computer fan in there at least man.


Well-Known Member
You could flaten out a 4 or 6' duct and shove it under the closet door with a $20 inline fan from home depot. Closet grows are hard to controle temps. Are you controling smell, or can you just leave the door open?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
You need to get the heat out some how. The fan is just circulating the hot air. :weed:

The Rabbi

I dont mind about the smell but i dont leave the door open because im afraid that pests will begin to accumulate?


Active Member
you need inlet and outlet......

for the inlet you can use some of the carbon filter cooker hood filter

The Rabbi

Every house has pests and bugs regardless, but now is the summer period so the likely hood of more bugs/pests being present in the home is higher ?


Well-Known Member
Pest will get in there regardless if you close the door or not. Trust me, they will find a way in if they want in there. Get some vent fans in there or open the door to get rid of the heat. You need to exchange the air in there.