Quick question guys


Active Member
My seeds have germinated and i have planted them in soil and covered the pots wit clear saran wrap to keep the soil moist,do i still need to place them under light ? I would appreciate any feed back. :confused:


Well-Known Member
My seeds have germinated and i have planted them in soil and covered the pots wit clear saran wrap to keep the soil moist,do i still need to place them under light ? I would appreciate any feed back. :confused:
Yes - get them under lights ASAP

I suggest CFL Lights if this is your first grow, you can get them at Walmart or most other dept stores with hardware/lighting sections. Look for Wattage over 40w per bulb (NOT equivelant Wattage, Wattage USED by the bulb)

Look through in CFL Sub Category in this forum for more info and pics of other peoples GROW setups.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yes they need light, but watch out for the heat.they can't handle very much heat right yet..


Well-Known Member
They don't really "need" light until they break through the soil. If they are in small pots, putting them under lights could actually cause the soil to dry out and kill the sprouts.

I've spent the past few weeks playing around with germinating seeds, etc, and every time I put them under lights before they break the soil I end up with dead sprouts - even if I wrap them to try and keep moisture in.

Your mileage may vary, obviously, but I'd wait until they break the soil - just based on my own personal experience.


Active Member
What's the point of light if the plant hasn't broken through the soil? Duh!
some say use light so seedling will no which direction to grow & some like u say no light until seedling breaks dirt, I'm a newbie trying to learn thats why i ask da question DUH !!!!


Well-Known Member
some say use light so seedling will no which direction to grow & some like u say no light until seedling breaks dirt, I'm a newbie trying to learn thats why i ask da question DUH !!!!
The "duh" was not intended for you - it was for the people that responded to your question. A seedling does not need light to know what direction to grow - it's gravity actually. Light is not necessary until it has sprouted.


Active Member
The "duh" was not intended for you - it was for the people that responded to your question. A seedling does not need light to know what direction to grow - it's gravity actually. Light is not necessary until it has sprouted.
Thnks so much mick i appreciate u helping,and i apologize for being sarcastic.Can i keep the saran wrap on my pots till they sprout mick ? also where should they be kept until they sprout ? Thnks dude


Well-Known Member
Thnks so much mick i appreciate u helping,and i apologize for being sarcastic.Can i keep the saran wrap on my pots till they sprout mick ? also where should they be kept until they sprout ? Thnks dude
In my opinion I would not cover the pots with saran wrap it promotes bacterial growth. Fresh air is just as necessary as moist soil for a seed to germinate and grow. Good luck growing!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
The "duh" was not intended for you - it was for the people that responded to your question. A seedling does not need light to know what direction to grow - it's gravity actually. Light is not necessary until it has sprouted.
after a seedling breaks ground it does need light but just not that intense right away.cfl's i would put them under for a couple weeks then do what you what after that. MH or outside.. but just watch your heat on the little ones..


Well-Known Member
I cover my newly planted seeds with plastic wrap or a plastic bag and have never had any problems with it. Just leave it a little loose so some air can circulate, but honestly, the plastic won't be on for long enough to cause any issues. A day or two at most.

Once the seedlings break soil, get them right underneath some lights asap or they'll end up all stretchy. Doesn't really matter where you keep them in the meantime... somewhere not too hot, not too cold. I keep mine on the kitchen counter.


Some people say that 24/0 is better at the beginning of the plants life. any got any thoughts?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Some people say that 24/0 is better at the beginning of the plants life. any got any thoughts?
i prefer 18/6 staying as close to natural light cycle, they preflower sooner so when introduced to 12/12 they flower quicer.:hump: