When to harvest?

Question, when do you harvest? I goofed up and lost my notes of when I started 12/12 and can't tell if it's ready for harvest. I've tried a pocket microscope to check, but still can't tell. I have some pics. Seems like it hasn't grown in last two weeks and looks like it would be done except for the fact that top of plant buds have white all over and not really any reddish hairs like the rest of lower buds have. Here are some crappy pics i took to get this up quick so you can judge and try and help. I appreciate it.



Well-Known Member
Question, when do you harvest? I goofed up and lost my notes of when I started 12/12 and can't tell if it's ready for harvest. I've tried a pocket microscope to check, but still can't tell. I have some pics. Seems like it hasn't grown in last two weeks and looks like it would be done except for the fact that top of plant buds have white all over and not really any reddish hairs like the rest of lower buds have. Here are some crappy pics i took to get this up quick so you can judge and try and help. I appreciate it.
I'd say at least 2-3 more weeks if not longer.


take the guess work out of it go to Radio Shack buy their $10 microscope and you can look at samples whenever you like and the harvest your girls at their peak. I promise it will be the best $10 you spend on your investment.
Thanks, wow this is great bc i think the local garden center doesn't handle questions like these. I appreciate your speedy feedback. Couple questions if you don't mind, I got a 100 x pocket microscope and still can't see too much, is it me, or is it pretty tough to see. Also, I had started flushing with distilled water and now that you told me, I went back to jack's african violet flowering fertilizer, is it a huge deal that i had done two feedings with plain water. Should I still keep fertilizing bc I did today based on the fact that you thought it would be a couple more weeks. I thought I'd flush again when I get much closer to harvest. Make sense? Boy, I hope bc this stuff does look like it's gonna be really really good. Also, do you know if its indica or sativa I have no idea. I've been collecting seeds from top of the line kb's for like a year (most ounces don't even have one) and this was one of those seeds. Also, is there any way to clone it now bc I have already cloned my first attempt (i let it grow to big in veg state for the space i had, so I cut and cloned and only this one out of 7 rooted) and this is that plant . I should have been more on the ball and cloned this one 2 just in case, but I didn't so now is there anything I can do bc this plant is producing the kind of bud I love and I would be really bummed if this works out and I can't ever get the same strand again. thanks so much, tony


Active Member
yes absolutely rite harvest when the pistols are about 70-75% red. they look kinda like a mix but the leaves going by the thickness of the fingers look to be indica but im not a pro just going by what mine look like i have 2 sativa and 2 indica niether are true sativa or true indica tho


Active Member
but as far as cloning it now i dont know when you clone you get the same plant as well as age of plant so to clone now by what i understand would do no good unless im wrong havent ever wondered about cloning a mature plant would love to hear a defenate answer to that one


Active Member
as far as scope goes look on ebay last night i got a 160x-200x illuminated microscope for like 12 bucks with free shipping


New Member
THeres alot of people who dont have a clue how to harvest Fuck the pistills right off for a start, harvest on the colour of the trichomes as thats what shows you the maturity otherwise it' wont be at its peak


Active Member
yes you can look at trichs but his scope is not functioning well enough to look at trichs

Cap K

Well-Known Member
but as far as cloning it now i dont know when you clone you get the same plant as well as age of plant so to clone now by what i understand would do no good unless im wrong havent ever wondered about cloning a mature plant would love to hear a defenate answer to that one
Theres a dude on youtube with an instructional video on taking clones late in the flowering stage. Apparently he does it all the time successfully.