800 watts of cfls pics (should I switch to hps??)


Active Member
Your buds look really bad dude. get hps. anyone that loves your setup is new to growing.
800w of cfl?!!! get a 400w hps you will get heaps more and it wont look like fluffy crap and take you 3 years to Finnish.


Active Member
the point is HE IS ALREADY DONE AND READY TO CHOP,he knows the benefits of both....i personally think for him being new to growing i think he did a superb job....cfl's and all,why dont you holla at ROSEMAN,CFL GROWER with awesome results


Active Member
Your buds look really bad dude. get hps. anyone that loves your setup is new to growing.
800w of cfl?!!! get a 400w hps you will get heaps more and it wont look like fluffy crap and take you 3 years to Finnish.
cool... I will certainly have to try it at some point when the $$ is there. thanks... and to anyone else, I'm not the type to get offended by anyone on here. I never thought I'd get this far and like any newcomer, I'll just have to fine tune it as I learn... thanks again


Active Member
cool... I will certainly have to try it at some point when the $$ is there. thanks... and to anyone else, I'm not the type to get offended by anyone on here. I never thought I'd get this far and like any newcomer, I'll just have to fine tune it as I learn... thanks again
ayo my dude,thats what im saying,you basically are learning on the fly just as i am,but i read my ass off and i experiment and yeah hps's cost bread and i dont have that kind of space,so after reading ROSEMAN'S posts i jumped in,and i aint a dealer so everything i grow is for personal use,so whether its 7 o's or a pound im good


Active Member
how much does 800 watts of cfls cost including light fixture?
what does it matter,he already bought the cfl's so...nah mean,it dont help to come in here tryin to beat him,he new to the game and he did good,congratulate the homey on his effort...yeah for all that bread he could went hps,but its too late for this grow and there's always next time.....its all good


Well-Known Member
Point is, you should definitely get an HPS (or two 400 watters) for next time. I'm using prolly 500 watts of CFL's at the moment and IMO it's a pain in the ass to adjust everything for plant size, heat, etc. constantly, as opposed to 1 or 2 lights. I just chopped my plant last night, it was in there probably as long or longer than yours. Not to mention the buds are fluffy as hell, though I'm not complaining. I just know that when I get an HPS, I'll be way happier. Anyways, good job :joint:


Active Member
nah, the bulbs cost maybe 50 dollars and then the fixtures were $1 each from the dollar store. so everything for under $100. did it this way mostly for the lack of height at the time (veg chamber up top, flower below) and $$$.

it's all for the next one. I think that I could cut the tops off these and let the other under lit branches flourish for a bit then chop again... or is this making it go past it's prime? I've read about revegging but something tells me that the trics on the bottom will all be red by that point... (maybe that'll be cool to test as well! ha ha couchlock to all hell!)


Active Member
Point is, you should definitely get an HPS (or two 400 watters) for next time. I'm using prolly 500 watts of CFL's at the moment and IMO it's a pain in the ass to adjust everything for plant size, heat, etc. constantly, as opposed to 1 or 2 lights. I just chopped my plant last night, it was in there probably as long or longer than yours. Not to mention the buds are fluffy as hell, though I'm not complaining. I just know that when I get an HPS, I'll be way happier. Anyways, good job :joint:
when you say fluffy do you mean you can see through them slightly? cause mine are seriously hard nugs that I can only press together slightly... if I pushed the main cola together with my fingers as hard as I could I'd still have at least an inch of bud that won't get compressed anymore. (haven't tried it but I can tell from how hard it is...) does this sound fluffy or are the hps grows producing brick hard buds that you can't even squish at all?

If not, I really think I nailed it for this type of grow.


Active Member
nah, the bulbs cost maybe 50 dollars and then the fixtures were $1 each from the dollar store. so everything for under $100. did it this way mostly for the lack of height at the time (veg chamber up top, flower below) and $$$.

it's all for the next one. I think that I could cut the tops off these and let the other under lit branches flourish for a bit then chop again... or is this making it go past it's prime? I've read about revegging but something tells me that the trics on the bottom will all be red by that point... (maybe that'll be cool to test as well! ha ha couchlock to all hell!)
ha ha,that the way...sit down and forget your legs


Active Member
when you say fluffy do you mean you can see through them slightly? cause mine are seriously hard nugs that I can only press together slightly... if I pushed the main cola together with my fingers as hard as I could I'd still have at least an inch of bud that won't get compressed anymore. (haven't tried it but I can tell from how hard it is...) does this sound fluffy or are the hps grows producing brick hard buds that you can't even squish at all?

If not, I really think I nailed it for this type of grow.
you did my dude,you nailed it,tight compact nuggets,smoke one for your boy when she's done curing:joint::hump:


Active Member
i know... so many more weeks of waiting... or I mean, smoking a few nasty, nute filled, quick dried, emergency need to get f'n high already nugs... while I wait for a few weeks


Active Member
lol,but think of it this way,it'll feel and taste that much better cuz its YOURS and its from your own blood and sweat that that came from


Well-Known Member
wow, 1 dollar fixtures, i have to pay 7 dollars for mine at lowes. thats a hell of a deal!


Active Member
wow, 1 dollar fixtures, i have to pay 7 dollars for mine at lowes. thats a hell of a deal!
i have a feeling that yours are a bit more secure than mine... I'm using the connectors that you can screw the bulb in one end and the other end plugs into an outlet... my first try nearly resulted in burning down the entire house however... i was maybe 10 mins into smelling something other than the wonderful greenery and that was it... i went in there and made sure everything was taped and in no way of creating sparks ever again... and upped the gauge on the wire. what a mess almost!


Active Member
i got almost half a lb from 5 plants using 750 watts of CFLs if that helps.
that's great... I've only got one plant but in a 1 by 2 foot area that one plant has taken up every bit of space... I'm very curious how much this will yield.

I wonder if I quickly got a 400 or 600 watt hps if it would help in the last two weeks of flowering, while flushing? or should I just finish this off and be done with it? more light at the very end is pointless?


Active Member
that's great... I've only got one plant but in a 1 by 2 foot area that one plant has taken up every bit of space... I'm very curious how much this will yield.

I wonder if I quickly got a 400 or 600 watt hps if it would help in the last two weeks of flowering, while flushing? or should I just finish this off and be done with it? more light at the very end is pointless?
thats why i emphasized your space restraints,you are doing such a good job with your stealth grow now,why switch up the flow by adding an hps before you even expanded your grow area?

all youre going to do is add more heat and in turn this stresses the plant


Active Member
yeah I hear ya... if i did go higher right now I'd make sure i had a cool tube attached... but I gotta say, with all these bulbs going at the same time it is unbelievably hot in there right now and without the plexiglass directly under the bulbs and the fan sucking the hot air out of the top of the light box my plants would have burned a long time ago. (I bet you anything my 38 bulbs are running hotter than a single 400 or 600 watt hps.

I mean, when I read this post I got very excited... http://boards.cannabis.com/grow-faqs/38520-homemade-1000w-cool-tube.html. If this guy can get no heat coming off 1000 watt bulb I'm almost tempted to try two 400 with cool tubes in my cabinet flipped on it's side. Not as much height (2 ft of space from plant base to ceiling... but if that cool tube really works I'd be able to grow the plants maybe 12 inches up, scrog them over 4 feet of horizontal space... that'd be a monster plant. but only if I can put the bulb within 12 inches... that's normal anyway for a 400 watt without the cool tube right? with cool tubes I could put the lights even closer... what do you think?


Active Member
yeah I hear ya... if i did go higher right now I'd make sure i had a cool tube attached... but I gotta say, with all these bulbs going at the same time it is unbelievably hot in there right now and without the plexiglass directly under the bulbs and the fan sucking the hot air out of the top of the light box my plants would have burned a long time ago. (I bet you anything my 38 bulbs are running hotter than a single 400 or 600 watt hps.

I mean, when I read this post I got very excited... http://boards.cannabis.com/grow-faqs/38520-homemade-1000w-cool-tube.html. If this guy can get no heat coming off 1000 watt bulb I'm almost tempted to try two 400 with cool tubes in my cabinet flipped on it's side. Not as much height (2 ft of space from plant base to ceiling... but if that cool tube really works I'd be able to grow the plants maybe 12 inches up, scrog them over 4 feet of horizontal space... that'd be a monster plant. but only if I can put the bulb within 12 inches... that's normal anyway for a 400 watt without the cool tube right? with cool tubes I could put the lights even closer... what do you think?
yeah definitely but....2 hps's with cooltubes still wouldnt be cool enough to put that close unles you plan on using an a/c unit for the intake fan,if so then hell yeah,but the thing i worry about is since youre doing a scrog and in your case space limits wont allow you to get full coverage of the plants so you would need a lil extra space to spread that light over the 4 feet width right?? i would imagine so because since hps's are meant to be used at a distance to get maximum coverage...and what about the cfl's,would you still be able to use those?