SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
they look like there worth keeeping ...ur got ur new seed order coming..if u have enough sites that is.. to keep all intact..i would..


Well-Known Member
so you think i should keep them all and just fill in the gaps?? or should i pull the og and the chem and free up the sites?? i have 12 sites total.. 8 are in use with the above and 4 are empty.. so i am def putting 4 seeds down... just done know if i should yank any more for new seeds or not?


Well-Known Member
so you think i should keep them all and just fill in the gaps?? or should i pull the og and the chem and free up the sites?? i have 12 sites total.. 8 are in use with the above and 4 are empty.. so i am def putting 4 seeds down... just done know if i should yank any more for new seeds or not?

There small enough still...I don't think its a huge loss on the small ones....I definatly think you could bring them back with no effects later on, i figure the shock and stress should wear off and they will get to normal before the flip.

Your still not out much if you decide to clear you sites.


Well-Known Member
i think i am just going to do what i thought i would originally.. i am going to keep everything going like it is now.. and make the call when the new seeds arive... worst case scenario i will pull the chemdog, the two smaller og kush, and the smallest bb and just fill in the 4 empty sites i already have plus the ones i empty out by pulling those.. best case is they all spring to life and i keep them all and just germ 4 seeds... so i will end up germming anywhere from 4 to 8 new seeds...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell ya bro things are most defanetly looking good. great job.
well checking the seeds i got from you out of the 16 i germed 14 sprouted or 12 shit can't remember well have to count again....LOL but any ways 2 so far males for sure, not to bad. i left2 out in the green house tell the day light changes for flower then i'll move them to the veg room for longer veg time...


Well-Known Member
glad to hear the seeds are treatin ya good so far... hopefully you dont get to many males out of them... am really excited to see what you can do with them!!

things are turing around for me.. i stepped back and kind of took it all in... how much the room has progressed over the last few weeks.. how much growth has occurd over the last 4 days since the addition of the chiller.. and really.. i cant complain... the girls are all growing after everything... at different rates.. but are growing.. the growth looks good.. everything is good... im back at peace again finally... bongsmilie


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
glad to hear the seeds are treating ya good so far... hopefully you dont get to many males out of them... am really excited to see what you can do with them!!

things are Turing around for me.. i stepped back and kind of took it all in... how much the room has progressed over the last few weeks.. how much growth has occurred over the last 4 days since the addition of the chiller.. and really.. i cant complain... the girls are all growing after everything... at different rates.. but are growing.. the growth looks good.. everything is good... im back at peace again finally... bongsmilie
yep i hear ya.same here with the new flower room with 2k of light. good growth plant and flower. will update 6th grow journal. yep looks like your off and running bro..keep it up and green:hump:


Good 2 see u have everything working now, I will studying ur grow extra hard this time so i will learn, because i will do a small hydro next grow and see if i get it 2 work, :), Its always Good feeling 2 a read ur journal, and all ppl like MG,TM, and many more just make this a great place 2 come and learn. Keep up the good work guys.

Puff,Puff bye


Well-Known Member
yep i hear ya.same here with the new flower room with 2k of light. good growth plant and flower. will update 6th grow journal. yep looks like your off and running bro..keep it up and green:hump:
i love the feeling... when all the work is done... and you really get a chance to enjoy things for what they are.. you start seeing progression.. and everything just starts coming together... damn its a nice feeling... glad your on the same path with your veg and flower.. your flower room is nice... always looking forward to the updates!

Good 2 see u have everything working now, I will studying ur grow extra hard this time so i will learn, because i will do a small hydro next grow and see if i get it 2 work, :), Its always Good feeling 2 a read ur journal, and all ppl like MG,TM, and many more just make this a great place 2 come and learn. Keep up the good work guys.

Puff,Puff bye

hey there friend.. glad you could stop in and check out the new journal!

its been a struggle for sure.. from the room temp to the res temp to the set up and construction... wow... its just been a long few weeks.. its taken a lot to get there, but i finally got it all worked out..

glad you are gonna check this grow out to brotha... since ive gotten everything in line and working right im loving the hydro... its more work initially to get going.. and more daily up keep.. mainly just making sure the res ph and ec are right.. but at the same time its less work.. i dont know how to explain it... but i love it.. bongsmilie i recommend if you are in a consitantly warmer area to add a water chiller to your initial list of supplies.. this thing saved my life... temps in the garden can be warmer as long as the res temp is in the high 60's, low 70s... anything about 80 to 85 (res temp) and the roots cook and growth is deathly deathly slow.... the chillers are a bit expensive.. but well well well well well well worth the investment...

thank you for the kind words... i'm glad we all can help out... there is a lot of knowledge within the circle of people who frequent my journal.. feel free to probe anyone of us for whatever we can help with!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
morning samy. thing are great on this end. getting ready to build my ne veg room..should be done in about a hurry on this end.with the new 1000wtt addition to the flower room buds are comeing on hard core...yea what a great feeliong when things run smooth
bummer bout the heat bro. imyself can't ask for a better tem. even with a heat wave with lights on i heat maybe 85 degrees.. 90% of the time im at 79 to 81 degress


Well-Known Member
morning samy. thing are great on this end. getting ready to build my ne veg room..should be done in about a hurry on this end.with the new 1000wtt addition to the flower room buds are comeing on hard core...yea what a great feeliong when things run smooth
bummer bout the heat bro. imyself can't ask for a better tem. even with a heat wave with lights on i heat maybe 85 degrees.. 90% of the time im at 79 to 81 degress
morning to you to MG... glad to hear all is well.. cant believe you are up running around with that knee tho... is it getting any better?? im pullin for ya...

i cant wait to get the hps flower room that i have in my head into practice.. i want to see the difference in growth first hand.. im sure adding that 2nd 1000 watter made a HUGE difference in the amount of buds and size they are as of now... i really want to get a camera and take some a pic of my grow everyday at the same time from the same location, and then put them all together for a badass little grow movie...

temps are down for me about to where your at... sometimes when it gets hot, like yesterday (in the 90s) it gets a little warmer.. but since i installed the new fan temps are about perfect.. and even if temps get in the upper 80s and lower 90s its nice knowing that my res is still only 68 to 72 :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
morning to you to MG... glad to hear all is well.. cant believe you are up running around with that knee tho... is it getting any better?? im pullin for ya...

i cant wait to get the hps flower room that i have in my head into practice.. i want to see the difference in growth first hand.. im sure adding that 2nd 1000 watter made a HUGE difference in the amount of buds and size they are as of now... i really want to get a camera and take some a pic of my grow everyday at the same time from the same location, and then put them all together for a badass little grow movie...

temps are down for me about to where your at... sometimes when it gets hot, like yesterday (in the 90s) it gets a little warmer.. but since i installed the new fan temps are about perfect.. and even if temps get in the upper 80s and lower 90s its nice knowing that my res is still only 68 to 72 :)
good deal on your temp. ya im actuly walking some with the crutshes,stillthe size of a football and a 1/2..but im still getting things done...LOL have to go finish painting a house 2day... oooooo ladder work.. better get the wife for that.... make her were a skirt....LOL:mrgreen: opps with no panties


Well-Known Member
good deal on your temp. ya im actuly walking some with the crutshes,stillthe size of a football and a 1/2..but im still getting things done...LOL have to go finish painting a house 2day... oooooo ladder work.. better get the wife for that.... make her were a skirt....LOL:mrgreen: opps with no panties
dont think youll get to much painting done with you wife on a ladder with no panties... LOL another case of hot dicken cider.. or a finger or two... be careful if you end up doing the ladder work yourself..

:mrgreen:morning guys...:mrgreen:, gettn ur perv and paint on 2day MG?
morning bro.. hows it going today?!


For sure i ask u guys thing when i have a problem. This 1 one of my new plants. its about 3 weeks old, And dont look at the pic on smokes, that pic almost makes me wanna stop smoking, This plant i will do some topping so i will learn, i hope it will be okay,if u have any other ideas for me 2 do with the plants just give a some orders and i will follow them :)

Puff,puff bye



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
For sure i ask u guys thing when i have a problem. This 1 one of my new plants. its about 3 weeks old, And dont look at the pic on smokes, that pic almost makes me wanna stop smoking, This plant i will do some topping so i will learn, i hope it will be okay,if u have any other ideas for me 2 do with the plants just give a some orders and i will follow them :)

Puff,puff bye
here you go watch this.i'll show you how to pinch your tops. i really should go out and take some pics of where i pinched this girls.. wow is ali can say:mrgreen: topping video.


Well-Known Member
im quickly becoming a fan of super cropping.. its easier to have you check these links out first and then ask questions.. see how its done and read a little before me trying to explain it.. im not always good at explaining shit like this... shes looking good tho.. topping wont hurt it, but does cause more stress than supercropping.. but some strains like topping and respond well to it.. check out those links tho and see what you think..


Well-Known Member
here you go watch this.i'll show you how to pinch your tops. i really should go out and take some pics of where i pinched this girls.. wow is ali can say:mrgreen: topping video.
they respond well??? of course they did... look at the massive trees you have going.. LOL your videos are very helpful tho.. gotta love em!!

if given the choice to paint or get pussy... hmmm.. make the pussy paint then get it!!:mrgreen: