SOG growers wanted !!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Gypsy,
I wasn't complaining. Those are some GREAT shots. I especially like the one that is just covered in trichs. You can barely see that it is green. You do some fine work.


Well-Known Member
no apologies needed bro... :razz:

don;t even know why you would think that......

and Thanks a lot...

I guess one of the points I try to make with these photos is that ANYONE can do it... it just takes following a proven method...

Al B. Fuct is my Master and I couldn't be happier... I am glad I followed him like my sig says...:clap:


4 per square foot...

I use a 3x3 tray under a 600HPS...
I was thinking about just upgrading to a 600w HPS for my flowering section. I remember reading that for the 2 week period where the clones are in the rockwool cubes only that you can have 4 per sq foot, but after you get them in pots (I was planning on using 6" mesh pots), how many would the light support? As many as I could fit together without them being too crowded?


Well-Known Member
My clones are packed...when they root they go in the flower room at 4 plants per square foot...

4 plants per square foot is the common single cola lollipop spacing for SoG...

here... clones.. packed tight in RW cubes..

as the clones get rooted, the get poted into 5.5" square pots... solid pots not net pots... this is ebb flow...

then the pots are packe in as tight as I can get in my tray...

7 rows of 7, minus one for the fittings...

like this... SoG...

did that make sense?

use solid pots.. not mesh....

Ask SZ he used them.. and now he switched...
4 plants per square foot is the max without crowding...

regardless of size light...

choose your tray for the light...

1k 4x4

600 3x3

never used a 400 so I dunno...

I hope that helps...

Sorry I;m crabby.. my leg hurts... not in a very fine mood today...

but the info should help...:razz:


thanks guys. i guess hydroton will be the answer. by the way ur clones look great. im only getting around 50% success those darn stems in the Rw seems to go soften and falls over. but again thanks


Well-Known Member
So I Just weighed my harvest from my indoor SOG, :D....... 1098 grams ....... :D I am guessing I will still loose about 50 or so grams during the cure.... but for now the buds go into me mason jars..... :D ....... Im super happy....... buds are super dank....... :)


Well-Known Member
I chopped the most of the plants nine days ago, and a few eight days ago (immediately trimmed and hung). Because I trimmed as I harvested, they dried out a bit faster...... that and I didn't water for two days before harvest, :D, and it was mostly lolipopped plants :).


Well-Known Member
My clones are packed...when they root they go in the flower room at 4 plants per square foot...

4 plants per square foot is the common single cola lollipop spacing for SoG...

here... clones.. packed tight in RW cubes..

as the clones get rooted, the get poted into 5.5" square pots... solid pots not net pots... this is ebb flow...

then the pots are packe in as tight as I can get in my tray...

7 rows of 7, minus one for the fittings...

like this... SoG...

did that make sense?

use solid pots.. not mesh....

Ask SZ he used them.. and now he switched...
4 plants per square foot is the max without crowding...

regardless of size light...

choose your tray for the light...

1k 4x4

600 3x3

never used a 400 so I dunno...

I hope that helps...

Sorry I;m crabby.. my leg hurts... not in a very fine mood today...

but the info should help...:razz:
Damn:hump: Great post man. Seriuosly. Wish someone would have explained things to me like that haha. Beautifull garden bro. Perfection.


I chopped the most of the plants nine days ago, and a few eight days ago (immediately trimmed and hung). Because I trimmed as I harvested, they dried out a bit faster...... that and I didn't water for two days before harvest, :D, and it was mostly lolipopped plants :).
sorry if i missed but how many plants and what wattage


Well-Known Member
So I Just weighed my harvest from my indoor SOG, :D....... 1098 grams ....... :D I am guessing I will still loose about 50 or so grams during the cure.... but for now the buds go into me mason jars..... :D ....... Im super happy....... buds are super dank....... :)


Right on Bro!!!!

Do we get some pics... you can post some over at the Picture Depot if you want...

Right on Bro!!! I wish your next one to be even better:clap::clap:

thanks guys. i guess hydroton will be the answer. by the way ur clones look great. im only getting around 50% success those darn stems in the Rw seems to go soften and falls over. but again thanks
How do you water your cubes...

When I listened to Al and weighed them, I got 99% success...

No guessing... it's called growing by numbers...

Do this.. get that.. period...

My cubes are 4 to 5 grams dry...

I wet them to about 35 grams(total cube + plant)...

Thirsty clones root fast...

If you mist, dome etc... you are giving the clone what it needs... so it will just sit there until the stem rots.. and it will...

keep the alive, but barely, and they will fight..

keep them alive, but thirsty, and they will make roots like crazy to seek more water...

When I need roots ASAP.. i keep the cubes at 25 grams... but that requires more than one daily watering...

less than 25 grams just dries out too fast and causes trouble...

more than 40 grams (45g on a BIG clone) and it will just sit there and sit there and sit there... and die...

Damn:hump: Great post man. Seriuosly. Wish someone would have explained things to me like that haha. Beautifull garden bro. Perfection.
Thanks Man...

I guess you didn't read Al's threads 4 times back to back eh?!?!

It's all in there....

But pictures do help...:mrgreen:

Cheers guys...


Well-Known Member
GB im going to be perfectly honest with u man.. I never actually sat down and read a whole entire thread from Al b bro. Ive never had the time. Or have ever been sober enough to i guess.
But I owe my whole entire grow to these ideas man.
Its all perfect actually. Im sure of that.
Cant wait to try it the way its supposed to be.
Much love soggers.


Well-Known Member
I still go over them....over and over...

I just read Al's posts, he quotes all the questions...

Dude.. just bookmark where you started... and start again from where you left off...

You will never remember everything... but every time you read you will have different issues on your mind, so you will read it different...

I believe every SOGer sould read those threads back to back in a rotation.. just like their gardens....

I think I have read each thread more than 10 times... back to back...

and I still learn EVERY TIME... without fail....

I can't recommend it enough... and your op will ONLY benefit....:razz:


Well-Known Member
sorry if i missed but how many plants and what wattage

1 1000W HPS
26 Purple Kush plants in a Sea of Green hydro Ebb and flow table (self constructed simple) in one gallon pots (table measured 3ft W by 42 inches L), coco choir perlite and 15% FF OF soilless mix

The table was surrounded on all four sides by side shelving that contained an additional 18 plants in 5 gal. pots. 10 of them were Sensi Star, the other 8 Purple Kush. The plants in 5 gallon pots were either in a FFOF Bio Bizz mix, or an all organic homemade mix with local soil and perlite, no coco choir, hand fed.

Im about to burp and take pics.....


Gypsy - do you take out each cube and weigh it before and after handwatering (dipping in a corner of the cube) to make sure you have the right amount of water?

or do you have the flood set up on a timer so that it pumps the exact amount of water needed?

And also, when you said solid pots I assume they have drain holes around the bottom so that the water can fill up the pot from the bottom?

Sorry about the questions, just trying to get everything squared away before I start this.


Well-Known Member
Gypsy - do you take out each cube and weigh it before and after handwatering (dipping in a corner of the cube) to make sure you have the right amount of water?
At first I set the cube/clone on the scale and used a seringe to add the EXACT amount of water to each cube/clone...

After hundreds and hundreds of weighed cubes... I developed a "hand" for Al's method of dipping the corner of the cube...

But only after hundreds if not thousands of clones were successfully rooted with the scale...

My friends laughed at me... but when I went from newb to 99% success rate they shut up real fast...

Do the scale thing and you will have success...

or do you have the flood set up on a timer so that it pumps the exact amount of water needed?

each clone is different...

they all drink at different rates... sometimes I see a dry cube next to a damp cube...

one just drank more than the other... roots cause that too, when they show roots the drink like crazy...

And also, when you said solid pots I assume they have drain holes around the bottom so that the water can fill up the pot from the bottom?
right, I meant non-net pots...

all my pots have hole in the bottom

Sorry about the questions, just trying to get everything squared away before I start this.
No problem.. it's much easier for the community to help you do it right the first time than to help you correct a bunch of shit later...

much more pleasure-able to have a successful grow from the start too...:mrgreen:

ask away...