New Member

2.5 year dry spell. Are you in prison?
Or an island of men?j\k.
If i went that long i would be sent to prison.
I would fly right over the coockoos nest.
Just the thought of it. Means i have to sign off.
And tap the wife.
lmao.. you're all a buncch of idiots.. you can go your whole life without sex, so try not to hurt yourself with such complicated thoughts.. I've been six years without sex, and i'm fine..monks go their lives without it.. so despite your shallow thinking, sex isn't something you have to have unless you're judt insecure or something, and then reall all you are wanting is som validation that you're good enough for somebody.. so maybe you should try some therapy or self help books...
If I were you thoug, i'd tread lightly.. with your line of thinking any deep thoughts and you could drown
i can to! but i dont want to waste my money ( if you know what i mean pretty sure you do ) or catch something. plus id enjoy more if it had meaning. peace out brou guys are sad. i can get laid multiple times a day with diff girls each time yet sometimes i can go for months without sex.
i can to! but i dont want to waste my money ( if you know what i mean pretty sure you do ) or catch something. plus id enjoy more if it had meaning. peace out bro
It's been close to a year for me. Ever since I lost my job and moved back into my parents house (unfinished basement) my confidence went right out the window. It's a pretty vicious cycle of failure which I haven't been able to break out of for quite some time.
I can see why you've hit a dry spell.......
No, i'm not in a dry spell.. I at the time, had just simpley chose not to have sex.. there's always oppurtunity.. I mean, in this day and age women and girls are throwing pussy around like candy at a parade..
I just find it to be very ignorant when people act like they just cant live without sex.. Water you cant live without.. food you cant live without.. sex, love, human contact.. while one or more of those things may make your life some-what better.. sex isn't one of them... sex feels good, but so does a hot shower and I know alotof nasty motherfuckers runnin around with a case of the rank ass and unfortunatley are living just fine...
So please. refrain from such simple thoughts.. Sexin this day and age is all about validation and raising one's self esteem.. so if you think you have to have sex, maybe you just need alittle therapy or like I said before.. a nice self help book..ya know..
"I'm good enough, i'm smart enough.. and gosh darn it.. people like it."
thats ironic giving ur screen name: BackDoorMan......hilarious![]()