my first cfl grow!


Active Member
i have 4 26w daylight cfl and 2 26w softwhite cfls on three plants right now and im using my own home made soil and no nutes, on the big plant im using lst and the small ones i mite do later on but the big ones at least 2 to 3 weeks and got fucked up and amost die untill some one gave it to me then i fixed it and the small ones are about a week to 2 but what does anyone think about these plants, ooo yea there all bag seed!



Well-Known Member
looks good bro, nice rigged up set up to go with these plants, is this area enclosed at all? is this your first grow or your first cfl grow


Active Member
what do u all think about this, and what kind u think it is i think one small one is indica and the othere two are sativa's what do u all think?


Active Member
yea the big one was givin to me and it was like died, most its leaves fell off but its lookin hell of alot better and yea the leaves in that pic are yellow but getin greener every day, wen i first got it it was all yellow but y u ask?


Hey guys is it a good idea to keep your plants under 4 foot? would you get the same results as one 4 feet plus (results meaning bud quality perhaps even quantity?) would it cause any shock or problems to the tree?

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-nice is a perfect example why i love LST-the plant under training is much healthier and bigger than the others.
are you planning on adding some more cfls or going to the end with only that setup???

keep up the good work...


Active Member
well that setup is gona stay for now until flowering i mite just take 2 of the daylights out then add 4 solf whits witch is 2 26w daylights and 6 26w softwhites wen im flowering, does that sound good?


Active Member
any another thing is that i got these reflectors that im going to use, will that make a big deffernce or just stay how i am?


Active Member
does any one have any suggestions on how i should change my set up or wat i should do that well help me or any thing?

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo-always if you can use reflectors cas without them your waisting your light and that means your waisting your money.


Well-Known Member
looks good bro.. not many suggestions i can give right now.. seems you got the right idea... as was already said, if you can use a reflector you should.. make sure your plants get every bit of light they can from those bulbs... other than that you seem to have things locked in pretty well..

and to whoever asked about the height of the plant.. the biggest thing to consider when figuring out how tall to grow your plants is the size of the space you have to grow and the amount of light you are giving them..


Elite Rolling Society
Wow, I admire soil growers. Such patience!

Those Sativas are going to take 4 or more months and get very tall. Looks good tho.