Obama does it again Big brother fines

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hello I'm here to sell you insurance...it's for your own good. Oh and by the way if you don't buy it we're going to fine you $1,000. If you don't pay the fine...off to jail you go. Have a nice day!!


Well-Known Member
Hello I'm here to sell you insurance...it's for your own good. Oh and by the way if you don't buy it we're going to fine you $1,000. If you don't pay the fine...off to jail you go. Have a nice day!!
Well, that's basically the case already with auto insurance in most states. I can see the need for mandated auto insurance, but I can't really see mandating health insurance.

I sure as hell can't afford it unless they start handing out some pretty hefty subsidies. I like how they keep saying "if you refuse to purchase coverage", like you have a choice at all if you simply can't afford it. It isn't "refusing", it's just not being able to fucking afford it. I don't care how many laws say I have to go out and buy something, if I don't have the money to do it then I'm not going to do it. Period.

I understand the cost of health care is high and blah blah blah.... But forcing a bunch of people who can barely afford GAS and FOOD to buy something as frivolous as health insurance?



Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol JRH is the typical guy who spent tons of money going to the sheep collegfes learned what his liberal professor told him he needed to learn and then is easily offended. See now here is the thing. I never said I was the high and might grammer or spelling champ now did I? Did I post up and toss degrees out as if that made me better then anyone did I? Did I loose my temper to a direct personal attack to a member which by the way will get you ban but I won't turn you in for that your just ignorant to the forum rules I suppose like other things. I guess since Obama's own vice present just came out and officially stated the admisistration was wrong about the economy and wrong on it's decision to issue its stimulous package as it did. Now since this was all things I had stated before I guess that make me as dumb as you are stating. In the forum and threads so far I have been dead on about each fact I put out before it happened so yeah Im stupid. I also assume you must have went to one of the slower school as for myself we went in depth in the foundation and creation of politics and the parties and thier reforms and changes. Yeas basic political science which is what this all is. No need to have spent a ton of wasted money on one side college teaching then get your panties all wadded up as your inccorect and wasted so much money to not be allowed to freely learn. You be the great sheep you have been trained to do enjoy Obama policies and believe we are not a republic founded onb control by the people. The new Obama dictatorship into socialist forced living is going to be great for you hope you enjoy maybe take some anger management and an outside non liberal political science course to learn the truth would help you also. I like how you onointed me so great when i said I personally went out and took my own polls. I see that since I physically went out and did it to make my point and you clearly have not but sat at home sipping wine coolers drinking the Obama kool aide makes you much more correct in your eyes. Why not get off your ass go outside and actrually do a poll physically yourself and come back and report what you found. It maybe different it maybe the same but at least you will have some bases to open your mouth and speak as of right now you have nothing to throw out there as you personally can't even tak the time to follow up on your claims...So now come back curse me out and whimne about how your degree does this and my school taught me this and my high school didnt teach me anything...booo hooo you


Well-Known Member
Im really at the point where I just wanna watch Tom and Jerry cartoons 24/7 I get depressed seeing what these pigs are pulling off each day. Let me know when the revolt is gonna happen and I will turn off the TV.

In all seriousness though, while the cats are chasing the ball ie; debating republic / democracy a real problem is brewing as we all can agree, and the mice are running free doing whatever the fuck they want. I dont just mean on here, nationwide people who consider themselves liberal or conservatives are bickering, and one thing remains clear, we are all americans. Whichever side you align with, these new policies affect you as well, it is time to forget party lines and semantics, just another distraction that makes it easier on these lawmakers. Don't fall victim to this trap, lets all join the 3rd party, the american party, and not worry about the idealogical, and start worrying about the reality, because what you call it and what it is, well I don't recognize what it is, I only know I dont like what it is.


Well-Known Member
I went to a Jesuit high school, earned my BA's at Butler, and finished both my MA and Ph.D. at Purdue.

And with your second bolded phrase, what the fuck are you talking about? I don't want a free lunch. I make over $80,000 a year and pay quite a bit of taxes. I don't mind it at all. And I don't think Obama will save the world. I don't even like him, but a majority of people voted for him and a majority still like him.

And finally, our government is officially democratic. Period. End of story.
Actually the proper term is Federal Democratic Republic. The bottom line is that the country is a Republic, with Democratic institutions which means nothing more than imbeciles believe that they have the right to make government force people to do what they could not themselves for people to do.

About the only difference between a Monarchy and a Mobocracy, err, Democracy, is that at least under a Monarchy there is a limited amount of thieves. I'm beginning to believe that George Washington did the country a grave disservice when he refused to be named King.

Mostly, because at least then the government would tend more towards consistency and more away from the imbecility that is running rampant in the halls of Congress.


Well-Known Member
lol JRH is the typical guy who spent tons of money going to the sheep collegfes learned what his liberal professor told him he needed to learn and then is easily offended. See now here is the thing. I never said I was the high and might grammer or spelling champ now did I? Did I post up and toss degrees out as if that made me better then anyone did I? Did I loose my temper to a direct personal attack to a member which by the way will get you ban but I won't turn you in for that your just ignorant to the forum rules I suppose like other things. I guess since Obama's own vice present just came out and officially stated the admisistration was wrong about the economy and wrong on it's decision to issue its stimulous package as it did. Now since this was all things I had stated before I guess that make me as dumb as you are stating. In the forum and threads so far I have been dead on about each fact I put out before it happened so yeah Im stupid. I also assume you must have went to one of the slower school as for myself we went in depth in the foundation and creation of politics and the parties and thier reforms and changes. Yeas basic political science which is what this all is. No need to have spent a ton of wasted money on one side college teaching then get your panties all wadded up as your inccorect and wasted so much money to not be allowed to freely learn. You be the great sheep you have been trained to do enjoy Obama policies and believe we are not a republic founded onb control by the people. The new Obama dictatorship into socialist forced living is going to be great for you hope you enjoy maybe take some anger management and an outside non liberal political science course to learn the truth would help you also. I like how you onointed me so great when i said I personally went out and took my own polls. I see that since I physically went out and did it to make my point and you clearly have not but sat at home sipping wine coolers drinking the Obama kool aide makes you much more correct in your eyes. Why not get off your ass go outside and actrually do a poll physically yourself and come back and report what you found. It maybe different it maybe the same but at least you will have some bases to open your mouth and speak as of right now you have nothing to throw out there as you personally can't even tak the time to follow up on your claims...So now come back curse me out and whimne about how your degree does this and my school taught me this and my high school didnt teach me anything...booo hooo you

My favorite part was about drinking the "wine coolers" and the "Obama kool aid". What does that even mean? There's Obama kool aid? I want some!


Well-Known Member
whenever Kool-Aid comes into the conversation, I know it's time for me to go...peace out, bawly bawlerstein.


Well-Known Member
thats why im a libertarian
I too would at least say I lean this way as well, the problem is, it doesnt much matter what you call anything as it is at some point subject to corruption, greed, lies, you know, all the good stuff that makes our country what it is today. And I invite anyone to debate me on the corruption that exists today, I have seen some who are happy with whats going on and feel they are taken care of. But when you introduce bills to screw the american public and give certain reps no time to read, that is a serious problem beyond belief.


Active Member
[...]you have to carry the government insurance oir your fined for not having thier insurance.
it was never suggested that government insurance was mandatory. anyone can opt for private insurance.

with that said i disagree with the idea of mandatory personal health insurance. if someone wants to f*** themself by not being covered than so be it. i cant stand how they attempt to justify it by comparing it to auto insurance. such a ridiculous leap in logic since the whole reason auto insurance is mandatory is liability coverage.


Well-Known Member
You DO realize that "a republican form of government" simply means that NO state will be established as a monarchy, right?

the definition of democracy, from Merriam-Webster

–noun, plural -cies. 1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. 2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies. 3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. 4. political or social equality; democratic spirit. 5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

The definition of republic, from the same source:

–noun 1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. 2. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth. 3. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state. 4. (initial capital letter
) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic. 5. (initial capital letter, italics
) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

You're acting as if the US can only be one or the other, when in fact, the US is BOTH a republic AND a democracy, because those two words are SYNONYMS for one another (they mean essentially the same thing).
Republic and Democracy are not synonyms and the definition given by Merriam-Webster is actually incorrect.

First there is the small fact that the proper term for the United States is a Federal (Centralized Government) Democratic (Voting) Republic (Rule by Law).

A better way of putting it would be to say that the United States has a centralized government (Federal) that has officers elected by a representative popular vote (Democratic) that then determine what laws and statutes are put in place (Republic.)

There is a large difference between a Democracy and a Republic, to ignore this difference is an attempt to say that the Democracy of Athens and the Republic of Rome were essentially the same, despite the overwhelming differences between the two (ignoring the more obvious fact that Athens was a Direct Democracy where as Rome (in addition to it being a Republic) was an Indirect Democracy.)

Democratic and Republic are not synonyms.

Constitutional (like Constitutional Monarchy) and Republic on the other hand are fairly close to being synonyms.


New Member
So because medicine man doesn't like Obama, every other liberal must not like him either? Logical fallacy.

I consider myself a liberal because I am free from all political constraints. Liberal literally means freed. I am free. It means NOTHING else. That being said, I don't like Obama. But I'm not going to sit on here and whine like a little bitch all day, making shit up to prove that I am better than those who support him. Belittling does not prove a point.
What's truly amazing is that someone with your educational credentials honestly believes that the modern political definition of the term "liberal" is someone who stands for freedom.

Go back to the turn of the 20th Century, around 1890 or so, and you'll find that the "Progressives" commandeered the term "liberal" in order to cover up their true intentions.

Yes, the term "liberal" USED to stand for a person who favors a small central government with the power to the states, free minds, free markets and individual liberty. These people were known as Jeffersonian Liberals. Today, they are known as conservatives and/or libertarians.

Today, the modern liberals are now reverting back to calling themselves "Progressives" again. In fact, Hillary Clinton recently admitted this openly.

Modern liberals, Progressives if you will, stand for central government control over every aspect of our lives. There is nothing they don't want to regulate and or tax. Hardly a prescription for liberty, my friend.

So, before you say that you are "liberal," perhaps you should define your terms.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
it was never suggested that government insurance was mandatory. anyone can opt for private insurance.

with that said i disagree with the idea of mandatory personal health insurance. if someone wants to f*** themself by not being covered than so be it. i cant stand how they attempt to justify it by comparing it to auto insurance. such a ridiculous leap in logic since the whole reason auto insurance is mandatory is liability coverage.

You kinda misunderstood. This policy would make those who cant afford insurnace or are covered by a company to have to buy the governement insurenece at a discount of $300-to 4400 a month for an indiviual with no kids unmarried. i cant afford bluecross blue shild now so saying just pay 3-4 hundred or get fined or put into jail doesnt help shit. If I had that moeny Id buy private insurance so how do I find that money for Obama if I cant find it for anyone else??? I can afford maybe $75 a month for full iunsurance and that would strap me to the fullest as I am working 100 plus hours a week already and just above water with little surplus. I dont go out and I dont get vactions and I dont do entertainment so the solution to me not being able to afford health insurance is to fine me or put me in jail..Thumbs up great plan.. I dont qualify for any aide health programs so i just do it old scholl way "I walk it off" til Im better.


New Member
I don't subscribe to her definition or her connotations. And when did Hilary become an authority on etymology?
Ummm, hummm ... and Hillary really wasn't the point of my post, now was she?

Come on professor, don't be dishonest.



Well-Known Member
Ummm, hummm ... and Hillary really wasn't the point of my post, now was she?

Come on professor, don't be dishonest.

Look Vi, I merely commented on the etymology and direct transliterative meaning of the word. When I refer to myself as a liberal, I mean to say that I'm free of all binding constraints. I vote all over the place. No party owns me.

So LIBERAL, from the Latin liberos = free

Conservative, on the other hand, comes from the latin 'con', meaning within and 'servo' meaning to serve. So the direct meaning of a conservative is one who serves within a boundary, aka a slave.

I was, and am, merely giving information. You don't have to accept it.

And I do understand that these terms have different meanings in the political arena, but I do not base my definitions on the bastardized political manifestations. Politics fucks everything up. It will NOT take my language from me as well.:evil:


Well-Known Member
The Congressional Budget Office estimated the fines will raise around $36 billion over 10 years. Senate aides said the penalties would be modeled on the approach taken by Massachusetts, which now imposes a fine of about $1,000 a year on individuals who refuse to get coverage. Under the federal legislation, families would pay higher penalties than individuals.
Who was running their mouth about there not being fines?


Who was running their mouth about there not being fines?
Noob please read more than what your professors put in front of you to read, try the Federalist Papers, try a dictionary that was written with the meaning of the words when they were written. For God's sake and the sake of our REPUBLIC which is not mob rule and you will begin to understand the concept of how our country was founded. Democracies have never worked and can never work because of the nature of people, once they learn they can obtain a free lunch via the ballot box the country is doomed, period. Read history, study history and please if your college taught you anything of value I hope it taught you how to learn, to research and how to look at competing sides of an issue. Now for your dictionary try reading a few dictionaries published at the time of the writing of the words you want to examine, you will find that a the two forms of government are not the same.
Government school is the fastest way known to man for us to become Marxist or at the very least socialists. Read Karl Marx and see what he has to say about government education. Everyone better wake up soon because as of now 51% of the people pay no income tax and they will continue to vote for the people willing to give them more, once that happens the country is finished, period. Happy with Obama, not happy either get involved for a solution or do what I did, I got my assets out of the country along with myself while I still had what I worked for all my life.
Thank God we are a REPUBLIC.