Help with diagnosing a problem


Noticed awhile back that my eldest plant had a burnt tip. I thought it might be a light burn so i moved her a little further away from the light, but now 2 other leaves have brown tips, and one of the first sets of leaves is turning light green / yellow, and feels dry. Temperature is about 82°F during the day, and about 72° at night. Light control is 18/6

I feel like I'm watering as needed, but maybe too much? Take a look at the picture. Help would be appreciated


MG Moisture Control
FoxFarm GrowBig @ 1/2 strength once a week
6500k @ 2700k 100w equiv. CFLs 1" away
Oscillating fan
open bowl of water to maintain humidity



Well-Known Member
I always cut any coulour out of my plants during veg just incase it is a problem that could spread and it normaly works.Flush the plants through too many guys and gals on these sites only think flushing is for the final weeks.The more that youcan flush the plants the better and healthy they will be.Don't think what most folk think that you are takeing valuble nutes out of the plant because once flushed[water ph 5.0/5.5]then leave for about 4/5 hours in the bath to get rid of the flush water.Has soon has this time is up make some fresh nutrients and feed the plants this waty the ph of the nutes is bang on.You will find you have far less problems.I flush 1 a week during flowering useing the same method.


Active Member
I always cut any coulour out of my plants during veg just incase it is a problem that could spread and it normaly works.Flush the plants through too many guys and gals on these sites only think flushing is for the final weeks.The more that youcan flush the plants the better and healthy they will be.Don't think what most folk think that you are takeing valuble nutes out of the plant because once flushed[water ph 5.0/5.5]then leave for about 4/5 hours in the bath to get rid of the flush water.Has soon has this time is up make some fresh nutrients and feed the plants this waty the ph of the nutes is bang on.You will find you have far less problems.I flush 1 a week during flowering useing the same method.

What??? First off I have trouble reading what exactly your trying to say. Second How many times do you flush one plant man!! All I see in your posts is flush flush flush... No nutrients is the way to go huh!! I have trouble understanding what your saying, but what I get from what you said is, flood the plants for 4-5 hours. Then give them a new nutrient solution? A full dose of nutes or what??? Do you really think plants like being flushed of all nutrients every week????? What do you flush your plants with???????


I ended up cutting those two bottom fan leaves that were turning yellow. Is it safe to cut off just the brown tip of one of the upper leaves, or will that send it into shock / stunt growth?

Thanks for all the help thus far


Well-Known Member
Fender, don't worry too much about your problem, it's minor... And PLEASE don't cut leaves again even if they are yellowing, the plant still uses them. As for flushing, flushing, flushing... NOT a good thing, ever! Flushing should be a last resort to a really shattered plant. Even then, it's still not recommended. Flushing normally does more harm then good. I would also stay away from moisture control soils they are normally rubbish. Through trial and error you will learn to know what your plant needs. :peace:


Active Member
Fender, don't worry too much about your problem, it's minor... And PLEASE don't cut leaves again even if they are yellowing, the plant still uses them. As for flushing, flushing, flushing... NOT a good thing, ever! Flushing should be a last resort to a really shattered plant. Even then, it's still not recommended. Flushing normally does more harm then good. I would also stay away from moisture control soils they are normally rubbish. Through trial and error you will learn to know what your plant needs. :peace:

I woulnd't put that much emphasis on not cutting back leaves. Sure his plants seem a bit young to be doing any manicuring. But it is not as detrimental to the plant as you make it sound. Wouldn't recommend it, but it surely isn't going to effect your plants in a noticeable way. Unless your hacking all the fan leaves off like an IDIOT!!


I think the problem was heat related. The plant is doing a lot better now, even with the two leaves trimmed off. It was a closet operation, the temperature sometimes reached nearly 90 degrees. I moved the plants into my basement where it's on average 72 degrees.

My grow box is made out of an office depot box that held 10 reems of paper; with the lights on in there its now about 76 - 80 degrees.
I also added larger vent holes at the top, and made a 2 liter co2 machine using yeast and sugar, hopefully it'll boost growth. The plant sprouted out of the ground on june 18th. For 3 weeks and change old, it's kinda small. I figured adding a little more co2 would help.


Active Member
Closets suck, hard to get proper ventilation. Co2 will always help plant as it is required for photosynthesis. There are all kinds of diy ways to produce co2, like melting some dry ice in water. Good to hear your babies are doing better though, keep up the good work!


Active Member
Nice first post bro.

Sure your soil can go fast if its hot. Ever heard of evaporation? Being hot could defiantly be a problem...


Active Member
I was under the idea that you should Waite atleast three weeks till you use any nutes?
looks just like mine did just before I found it was nute burn. Just water till you see growth then you'll know


Active Member
I was under the idea that you should Waite atleast three weeks till you use any nutes?
looks just like mine did just before I found it was nute burn. Just water till you see growth then you'll know
I would disagree, there is no problem at all with a low dose of nutrients. Just like I have been saying. I wouldn't give seedlings nutes for a week or so, because they alreay have everything they need all packed into their itty bitty shells.


Well-Known Member
the seed is were the leafs should be

I had a sprout come up wearing his seed shell as a hat. It's not anything to worry about. If he doesn't manage to shake it off in a day or so, gently try and pry it off without damaging the leaves underneath.

As for the OP, I have a few plants that have the same yellowing/ browning of some of the leaves. What happened was I went out of town for four days and seriously overwatered some of my plants before I left. While I was gone, we had some 100 degree weather and on top of that the plants grew into the light bulbs even though I moved them a good distance away.

I'm attributing my yellowing/brown spots to the combination of overwatering and heat stress from the temperature and the lights being too close. Been home for 2 days and some pots are still heavy with water! I'm letting them dry out completely and so far they haven't gotten worse so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.