Dirty Cops

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
I've heard many experiences from people i know
about cops that have tried to get them for something
small just to piss them off, framing them, and taking their
alcohol/drugs to either sell them or use them themselves.

Anybody ever went through such an event!?

But from what i hear local cops are much worse than the state.


Well-Known Member
my best friend got pulled over with a 1/4 of kind buds on him. cop took his stash and replaced it with some shitty regs. how's that for crooked?


my best friend got pulled over with a 1/4 of kind buds on him. cop took his stash and replaced it with some shitty regs. how's that for crooked?
That's kind of awesome. When the cops pulled me over and took all our (about one and a half oz) weed he didn't replace it with anything! I would be been much happier had he just given us shittier weed.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Do you think they smoked/sold the weed they took from yall?

Did you guys get arrested or anything, or did they just took it?


No I don't think he smoked or sold any of it. He seemed like a pretty straight cop. We got tickets because it was decriminalized in the state we were passing through.


Well-Known Member
when i was younger this gang unit in my neighborhood used to always try and catch me for anything,and i mean anything!either they couldnt catch me or the charges would never stick.anyways this one day they pull me over i had some buds on me and there was no way of stashing it in time,they pull me out and tell me how they got me now and how this weed is gonna b the start of good things for them to come.i wasnt even trippin on a under an oz. weed charge and they knew i wasnt,after a few minutes of searching the car they r high fiveing each other and telling me how im screwed,im like what the fuck r u pigs taliking about just give me the ticket so i can go about my day and find some more herbs.this dirty pig picks up this fucken 25 cal. i think,and says they got me good!the gun was not mine or in the car if u see where im going with this.they tell me how i should just crawl under a rock and stay there couse next time there gonna make it stick!!!they let me go,dont inpound the car and dont give me a ticket for the weed,just a good fucken scare of how dirty these fucken dirtybastards really r!yeah,they showed me lol....guess who ended up with my sac....fucken stoner cops,i can laugh about that dumb shit now but,damn,there biggercriminals than i was.and the l.a.p.d. r th biggest gang in california witha badge.if your from here u know what im talking about......rascalone


Well-Known Member
try living in an area where your cops are BALLING, we got helicopters dodge chargers, all types of undercover bullshit, they riding in my towns parks and recs vehicle bustin people,


New Member
The police are a government-run protection racket. If you don't pay your taxes, its these boys that come for you. Take you away, lock you up like an animal for a while.

I learned pretty early on not to antagonise the police. Once they've got you in those cells, they can do what they like. Same goes for the prison system, if the jail's run properly, you don't fuck around with the screws. They also, can do what the fuck they like to you.

Just smile and be polite is what I do now. I pretend that I like them.


Well-Known Member
Well I have had a warrant before in the U.S. and that gave them reason to search. Rather than digging through the vehicle they asked me to let them know ahead of time if I had anything of concern and I did. They gave me a ticket and did not touch anything else. They let the vehicle go to a family member or really close friend (whom I was visiting at the time). I got a paraphenalia ticket for a half ounce of weed in the United States. They really did not care much for the bud as much as the warrant for a scrap that I had long since forgotten about. All said and done when I got out there were three joints in the ashtray that we both forgot about LOL. Just be cool no matter what and remember to be legit. Do not do anything that can compromise somebody else's life and then there is no reason to worry. Even if you are implicated for something you did not do as long as you did not do anything then there is not a bad vibe to express. I have had some strange experiences with them but I also know my rights in whatever country I visit. You have to be able to stand your ground with confidence based upon your own experience and knowledge. Even with marijuana, we have to consider that being locked up is a possiblity and if they choose to do so then in a sense maybe martyrs come in many forms.


Well-Known Member
As someone who eats lunch with a cop once a week I will tell you that cops are people too. I mean just like some people would find a wallet with a $100 dollar bill in it and actually find the owner and others would just keep it, some cops are good and some are bad. Most of the cops I know think they are doing you a favor when they take that QP off your hands and send it to the furnace.


Well-Known Member
Ive had NUMEROUS run ins with the po-po. And I've yet to be charged with anything (knock on wood). There are two words you need to know when dealing with cops: KISS ASS. Everything should be "yes sir, no sir, sorry sir." The better you kiss his ass, the less likely you are to get in trouble. Sure its degrading, but i'd rather suck up to a cop than do a year for growing.

I had a cop in a Dodge Charger pull me over when I was at college. I had 4 passengers (in a car that seats 4 total), and none of the three in the back had seatbelts. We passed the cop in the middle of smoking a bowl, and 4 of 5 people had weed on them. I saw the cop pass me, and turn into a driveway. I knew then that he was coming for me. I said to my friends "give me the weed, NOW." I pulled my ashtray out of my center console, and shoved all the weed behind the dash. Cop pulls me over for doing 31 in a 25. 6mph over. Rather than giving him "are you kidding me?" I simply said "really? Im sorry officer, I had no idea." He then asked me if there were any drugs in the car. I looked him right in the eye and said "No sir." He took my ID to make sure I didnt have any warrants, and let me go with a verbal warning. As he walked away, I said "Hey, thats a beautiful car... is that the V6 or the V8 package?" His response was classic.

"Well, I know its got a HEMI, but im not sure if its a V8."

Didnt know they made V6 hemi's!


New Member
Hmm, Dirty Cops... Good Topic....first thing i thought of was this guy i seen who get busted for doing something. i don't know what all i seen is the cop get out of his car with something in a zip lock bag and then go over to the guy and reach in his pocket and act like he found it there. i was like WTF, but there wasn't much i could do cause i was in the backseat of another cop car. LOL


Well-Known Member
try living in an area where your cops are BALLING, we got helicopters dodge chargers, all types of undercover bullshit, they riding in my towns parks and recs vehicle bustin people,
I fucking know same with my town..i mean seriously dodge chargers? they also got sliver chrysler mini vans?? i also saw not a dodge charger but the one with the back on it that looks like a station wagon..my towns getting alittle ridicoulous:evil:


Active Member
The police are a government-run protection racket. If you don't pay your taxes, its these boys that come for you. Take you away, lock you up like an animal for a while.

I learned pretty early on not to antagonise the police. Once they've got you in those cells, they can do what they like. Same goes for the prison system, if the jail's run properly, you don't fuck around with the screws. They also, can do what the fuck they like to you.

Just smile and be polite is what I do now. I pretend that I like them.
I agree with this. Best to let the pigs think you like them... Some of them can be ok... I've been friends with a few. Most pigs think they are god and will fk you over in a heartbeat.

I had cop catch me in a park with a joint once... He let me go and said he wasn't going to give me a ticket. That ckskr ended up charging me with a felony, and listed me as a "transient with no connection to society." A few years later, I got to spend a couple days in jail when I got pulled over for speeding and that warrant popped up... Good times.


Active Member
Here's one of many to illustrate corruption... I'd love to explain more but I did cause quite a commotion locally and who knows who watches these boards....

My pitbulls get out, don't attack anyone, are barking/biting with a large male pit behind an iron gate. Cop follows them for 10 min. prior, doesn't check obvious tags, doesn't attempt to call animal control or pick them up in cruiser....instead freaks out and shoots one of my dogs as I'm driving up trying to find them. Still has weapon drawn yada yada, afterwards I grill the cop, he admits he was wrong and I point out everything he should have done.

Police report hits- He lied through his teeth to cover his ass, and miraculously the in car video is partially deleted and our conversation is "inaudible"... yeah. Cops are crooked and the good ones don't make up for the bad.

edit: oh and more so... their lead witness to contradict me and support them is a convicted felon. I'm sure with no pressure on their part...


New Member
Dont get me started man i need calm in my life. my mate in the uk is a cop and when i see him i cant look him in the face till he's out that uniform, to give him his due he is a cool guy, but in the uniform lets face it hes a cop, out it hes my mate, nuff said.


Active Member
Here's one of many to illustrate corruption... I'd love to explain more but I did cause quite a commotion locally and who knows who watches these boards....

My pitbulls get out, don't attack anyone, are barking/biting with a large male pit behind an iron gate. Cop follows them for 10 min. prior, doesn't check obvious tags, doesn't attempt to call animal control or pick them up in cruiser....instead freaks out and shoots one of my dogs as I'm driving up trying to find them. Still has weapon drawn yada yada, afterwards I grill the cop, he admits he was wrong and I point out everything he should have done.

Police report hits- He lied through his teeth to cover his ass, and miraculously the in car video is partially deleted and our conversation is "inaudible"... yeah. Cops are crooked and the good ones don't make up for the bad.

edit: oh and more so... their lead witness to contradict me and support them is a convicted felon. I'm sure with no pressure on their part...
Fuck pigs... The detectives in my town (a big one) retire with 7 figure retirement funds, then get hired back as "contract advisers" on $200,000+ salaries... Fuckin ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
"You know what gang violence is, mostly and the people dont want you to hear this somebody shoots your family member so of course you retaliate, You know what i mean Same thing the U.S does except nobody even shot their family members you know, they see that, somebody bomb a school and all these people get killt so the united states feel like ooh thats messed up we gotta go show em who tha real killers. this country was built on gangs, you know i think this country still is run on gangs republicans, democrats, the police department, the FBI the CIA, those are gangs, you know what i mean the correctional officers, I had a correctional officer tell me straight, 'we the biggest gang in New York state' straight up"
2pac quote