Low stress training

hey guys, im germintaing 4 seeds and i wanna gather as much info on lst'ing them that i can get. please help. i have limited space and wanna keep them small and bushy. it is a cfl set up in a grow box, any help you can give would be greatly appreciated
thanks, very informative, does anyone have any pictures of lst? that would help alot. ive heard of a few different ways and im deciding which would be best for me. thanks


Well-Known Member
There are probably as many different ways to LST as you could imagine! The one thing that they all have in common is "tying the plant down". It's just a matter of how you go about it. There are some very elaborate methods of attaching "tie-points" as well as some really simple ones.
I "stole" this method from somebody a long time ago and improved it by eliminating any string (and therefore any frequent re-tying of knots, a real "Pain in the ass!):

1. To anchor the "tie-downs" to the pot I use "these" around the rim:
They are little metal "Binder Clips" and are available in all sizes, almost anywhere.

2. Instead of "string", I use regular paper clips - cut into various sizes of "S-Hooks" (some long, some short, some in between). You can acheive any length you want by using different combinations, or, by "bending" the S-Hooks a little.

The binder clips are easy to add or move as needed, around the rim of the pot; plus each one has 2 good "loop handles" to hold a lot of "tie-downs".
The "S-Hooks" work best if the "Hook" part is left, relatively, small (not much bigger than needed). Also - the "S" isn't just a flat S, the center section should be "twisted" so that the "Hooks" are off-set by about 90 degrees. This will become obvious when you try to "hook-up" with it - but the reason is because the branches cross the plane of the rim at about a 90 degree angle; "nuff-said?". Some of the branches will be "more parallel with the rim" (allowing for a "flat" S-Hook).

Please don't let my long winded explaination scare you off, it's really as simple as using X-mas tree decoration hangers - as opposed to actually tying each item on the tree by hand! You just hook one end over the branch to be tied down and hook the other end onto the binder clip. Adjustments are so easy!


Active Member
I completely agree with using coated paper clips instead of string for LST. We have HTGSupply's smallest grow box and we fit 7-8 plants in there in 1.5 gallon containers under a 250 HPS. I don't have pictures of our grow, but the plants look something like this. Most of the buds are at the same level and get good amounts of light. It can get a little crazy if you let the plants veg a long time (2-3 months), though I think that would be the same for any method of LST.