SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that could be trouble... LOL it will happen tho.. someday... in the not to distant future.. can you imagine the mix of smoke we will be smoking on tho?! ill have to get some tape and tape my eyes open or else ill be so slant eyed i wont be able to see at all..
thats ok if it all happens here i'lljust press record. we wont miss a beat.....LOL :hump: with all the bull shit flying around i want something to catch it...LOL


Well-Known Member
that would be either a very entertaining video or a very boring one.. it'd either be us talkin about some silly shit being stupid or us being so baked we cant move... just the occasional drool that falls from out mouths... LOL


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that would be either a very entertaining video or a very boring one.. it'd either be us talkin about some silly shit being stupid or us being so baked we cant move... just the occasional drool that falls from out mouths... LOL
na i want the one of us out in the boat all fucked up, trying to fish or water ski, or knee board.. i've got the best of all worlds right here at my front door. now you and TM need be knocking on it.....LOL


Well-Known Member
hell ya.. that would be a lot better... someday my friend.. it will happen.. really, once i get everything up and running right, i can take my vacation i will so deserve.... just not quite there yet..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell ya.. that would be a lot better... someday my friend.. it will happen.. really, once i get everything up and running right, i can take my vacation i will so deserve.... just not quite there yet..
wilafter the outdoor is down and locked up in the gun safe, me and the wife are thinking about heading back east to see her family in Oklahoma, and arkansas. either way its going to happen.:hump:


Well-Known Member
hell ya.. you deserve it more than most bro... between the 5000 grows you having going at once, all the constant work you have to do, plus being a hardass and doing it all with gimp leg or bad back you need a break!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell ya.. you deserve it more than most bro... between the 5000 grows you having going at once, all the constant work you have to do, plus being a hardass and doing it all with gimp leg or bad back you need a break!!
strait from DR>SAMYS mouth... and i will thats for sure.... ya would like to stopby wyoming on the way and see closettoker. ya i for got to tell you that story.. closettoker cameout to work in portland and needed some smoke so hi text me. i sai come on down and just gave him bout an oz, just grabed a big old hand full and shoved into a bag. well any way it been about a month to month 1/2 sence i herd from him. he got home and sent me a PM telling me that he got pulled over and they could smell the buds...they wanted to search he said no so they brought the dog in and found it...he was strait bumd ou, he said that waz the best smoke he has ever had.. but whats more fucked then that is his wife didn'tnow he is a toker let alone growing in therehome, well needless to say they man may be going threw a devorice. that sucks, cuz its allover my weed i gave him.i no i didn'tput a gun to his head and makehimtakeit,but it still bothers me though.makes me wish i said i had nothing....


Well-Known Member
strait from DR>SAMYS mouth... and i will thats for sure.... ya would like to stopby wyoming on the way and see closettoker. ya i for got to tell you that story.. closettoker cameout to work in portland and needed some smoke so hi text me. i sai come on down and just gave him bout an oz, just grabed a big old hand full and shoved into a bag. well any way it been about a month to month 1/2 sence i herd from him. he got home and sent me a PM telling me that he got pulled over and they could smell the buds...they wanted to search he said no so they brought the dog in and found it...he was strait bumd ou, he said that waz the best smoke he has ever had.. but whats more fucked then that is his wife didn'tnow he is a toker let alone growing in therehome, well needless to say they man may be going threw a devorice. that sucks, cuz its allover my weed i gave him.i no i didn'tput a gun to his head and makehimtakeit,but it still bothers me though.makes me wish i said i had nothing....

wow... thats a fucked up story... i understand the third person guilt... but you have to shake it off... you had no idea he was going to get pulled over.. im sure he had no idea either.. and if you are growing in your house and lieing to those who live in it then you run that risk... i mean.. he was lieing to his wife.. lieing to a woman is bad enough.. but lieing to a girlfriend, let alone a wife.. well thats just suicide.. us as men should know that by now.. you cant lie to your girlfriend/wife.. especially about something like that in your home... you may be able to for a while.. but eventually they will find out.. and its your balls..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
wow... thats a fucked up story... i understand the third person guilt... but you have to shake it off... you had no idea he was going to get pulled over.. im sure he had no idea either.. and if you are growing in your house and lieing to those who live in it then you run that risk... i mean.. he was lieing to his wife.. lieing to a woman is bad enough.. but lieing to a girlfriend, let alone a wife.. well thats just suicide.. us as men should know that by now.. you cant lie to your girlfriend/wife.. especially about something like that in your home... you may be able to for a while.. but eventually they will find out.. and its your balls..
hay i no bro... i just hate to see peeps get the shaft over gods great creation.....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
oh yea.. i cant agree more.... its a damn dirty shame... plus a terrible waste... like a party foul times 10
ya we just had 2 big potbusts on I5 a few day ago.. pounds and pounds gone....:cry: then the news ancor got a couple of emails that they shared over the air, that said why don't they just leave the pot sene alone quit waisting tax dollors on busting these waz great to hear that...:hump:


Well-Known Member
it always nice to hear local media support the legalization.. although around here its a little different.. the larger the bust the bigger the hard on... one guy got popped with 3 tons and everyone applauded.. well not everyone.. but you get what im saying..


Well-Known Member
Ya these stupid fucks that believe, there only come back is , that marijuana is a ''gateway drug'', and its such a relief to have that off the street, me and old susy can sleep better at night..........BULLSHIT. meanwhile , theres pharmicitical pill poppers and alchololics jamming rave beats blasting down the highway, and legaslized prostitition in Nevada. The marijuana battle has been the biggest waste of time, money, and resources, dragnetting innocent hippies to be ass raped by murderers. Ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
the biggest reason its still illegal is because a, the government is afraid they will lose money.. they make a LOT of money off the war on pot and researching it.. and the private sector makes a TON of cash too.. and pockets even more... so it would be pulling money from someones fat government salary.. and also because no one wants to be the first to legalize it.. it will be carrier suicide for whoever does... but there has to be a first... politicians are just worried about getting re elected.. and are affraid if they push for legalization they wont get reelected... dumb shit huh!? they have my vote already...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
a gate way drug ya ok, thats funny ha.ya i could of used that as a cop out excuss when i did dope, i used marijuana and now i need someting better...pot just don't do it for me anymore...cop out fuck, jus say it how it reaslly is, i waz a weel little fuck and whanted more.... LOL


Well-Known Member
yea.. its a cope out for sure.. people have the choice to do something or not to.. but whatever.. people make excuses for everything.. its easier to pass the buck then take the blame.. if you take the blame you have to take the consequences.. if you can pass the blame its easy to put the consequences on others.. own up to your shit ya know...

ive got the munchies bad as fuck.. think im going to have a stromboli.... :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yea.. its a cope out for sure.. people have the choice to do something or not to.. but whatever.. people make excuses for everything.. its easier to pass the buck then take the blame.. if you take the blame you have to take the consequences.. if you can pass the blame its easy to put the consequences on others.. own up to your shit ya know...

ive got the munchies bad as fuck.. think im going to have a stromboli.... :)
hey samy i just transplanted the samy seeds. yep they are allin one tote.8 little plants just 10 days in flower...thats there home to the end..... them litle fucks smellright now.... thats great..... thanks again bro...:hump:



Well-Known Member
cute lil fellers.. which strain is that from sammy in the tote? i gave my boy some crystal, and i havent seen it in a while but hes bout to flip em and sex em.. says they look lush.. i wuz debating started some crystal, gdp, or soma randoms. hmm. suks when u have #'s to abide by, and so many flavors to try.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
cute lil fellers.. which strain is that from sammy in the tote? i gave my boy some crystal, and i havent seen it in a while but hes bout to flip em and sex em.. says they look lush.. i wuz debating started some crystal, gdp, or soma randoms. hmm. suks when u have #'s to abide by, and so many flavors to try.
ya i hear you bro, on adiding by the #'rs. helland i thought i was the only one growing my alotted amout... i see im notthe only one that wants not trouble.......:hump: yes them are the seed from are friend... not sure what they are.they are out of the same bag....


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well i came to a thought last night,ya i was high also while thinking....LOL any way as soon as the last 2 seeds show sex and one is female im going to leave it in the dixie cup run 24.0 lighting then put ina dark closet of 12 hrs and keep doing this till flower is over.... just a little curios to what will happen.