Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
king next get a 250 watt hps light which uses same amount of watts and you ll get more buds that are densewr and heaviers at no extra cost and would be cheaper to buy about $60 at home depot looks good for a cfl though


Active Member
I should mention too, I am totally fuq'd ;-) You can see my HPS in one of the pics..Went in to checkthem today...DAMN!!!!!! Aint no joke about how much they grow in flowering..raised my light to the limit on its current hanging cross-beam...going to have to raise the cross beam and probably install a couple CFL's sideways...

Yeah, first time grower, my girl's "reached" too much...Won't let THAT happen again indoors..


Mr I Can Do That For Half
well Now I got an itch to just post some new stuff to but will have to wait til i go to one of my spots maybe tonight get afew shots of some sweet purple in week 3 flower.... Thinks i need to either get some of my Hijack seeds going or maybe some kc33x master kush or hmm time to order some sedds like The Black mmmm


Well-Known Member
well Now I got an itch to just post some new stuff to but will have to wait til i go to one of my spots maybe tonight get afew shots of some sweet purple in week 3 flower.... Thinks i need to either get some of my Hijack seeds going or maybe some kc33x master kush or hmm time to order some sedds like The Black mmmm
Ooooohhh The Black!

I have been researching that one for a while :) It looks dopealicious :)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes The Black is on my to order list, then I want greenHouse version of Great White Shark and then I want the original gret white which is now called Sharks breath. Then Im looking at RockBud warlock and a warlcokx romulon cross to fill out this years line up which already has sweet purple, My original Bubblegum mother clone,some new Hijack coming soon and the KC33 x Master kush from KC Brains


Well-Known Member
I have one feminized seed of GWS from greenhouse seed co. I can't wait to start her. What makes you want that strain? It looks like it is going to produce some killer bud


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I want that one as its a heavy producer with a good narcotic stone. Its not the original as arjan stole the name and had to do some back crossing when he an the original partner split. His old partner started Mr NiceGuy seeds and renamed the original Sharksbreathe but they are different and share same linage so i want both for use and breeding..Ok time for some new pics.Heres so sweet purple originally from Paradise seeds I keep a mom I selcted few years back and these are all clones from her at week 3 flower under 1 1000watt light cheap ass old barrel reflector fox farm nutes and an old over used bulb in homemade tent on a 3x3 flood table 6 plants

