fed up of recieving infractions for just bstating my opinion trying to help others


New Member
:hump:i am begginning to have a gutsfull of r.i.u

i only come on here to read, learn, look at others pics and help others if i can, in return i keep getting bad feedback or infractions on my account.

i realy do think that we uk readers should have our own thread section as most americans cant understand our uk slang txt, they insult me for not being able to type where as infact im more than able to type but cant be botherd its just how us uk readers type!!!

wot r ur thaughts uk readers do u think we should have our own section, it would make life a lot easier and learning easier also i believe


Well-Known Member
saying things like g'day gov'ner, wot, lift, tellie, and your love for the queen have gotten you infractions? ive never heard of someone getting infractions for their grammar. or is it because people call you out on your typing accent and you get too defensive? or do you insult and bash on people? or try to buy/sell things on RIU? these are reasons i have/have seen people get infractions for, never for typing like their from the uk


New Member
saying things like g'day gov'ner, wot, lift, tellie, and your love for the queen have gotten you infractions? ive never heard of someone getting infractions for their grammar. or is it because people call you out on your typing accent and you get too defensive? or do you insult and bash on people? or try to buy/sell things on RIU? these are reasons i have/have seen people get infractions for, never for typing like their from the uk
i dont pick on any1, just give my opinion :neutral:

i am a grown man and just on ere to look at pics n learn if i can, i think that all the obvious kids on ere r the ones that should be targeted, not people like me who try and help whenever possible


Well-Known Member
what im geting at is what are you really doing to get infractions? no one gets in trouble for looking at pics and browzing info or even voicing their opinions. when people voice their oppinions and it gets hatful is when people get infractions


Well-Known Member
:hump:i am begginning to have a gutsfull of r.i.u

i only come on here to read, learn, look at others pics and help others if i can, in return i keep getting bad feedback or infractions on my account.

i realy do think that we uk readers should have our own thread section as most americans cant understand our uk slang txt, they insult me for not being able to type where as infact im more than able to type but cant be botherd its just how us uk readers type!!!

wot r ur thaughts uk readers do u think we should have our own section, it would make life a lot easier and learning easier also i believe
I'm from the UK and that text speak drives me up the fucking wall!

There is also nothing wrong with taking the time to check your spelling and capitol letters. Hell, you don't even have to check it, FireFox does it for you!

I suppose that having our own section or not would depend on how many of us there are in here. It's not as if we speak a different language to the yanks.

Make of that what you will.


New Member
I'm from the UK and that text speak drives me up the fucking wall!

There is also nothing wrong with taking the time to check your spelling and capitol letters. Hell, you don't even have to check it, FireFox does it for you!

I suppose that having our own section or not would depend on how many of us there are in here. It's not as if we speak a different language to the yanks.

Make of that what you will.
woteva , have u ever stopped to think that some people cant spell for a start ''like me'' and find it easier to just type slang txt, were not all perfect!!!!!

thats what i make of ur reply to my post m8:-?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
There must be a stated reason given when you get an infraction. You get a message telling you what the infraction was for. Check your inbox. We do not give you one for grammar or spelling, come on now, lol. :peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
All of your infractions were for insulting others members. Ring any bells? :confused:

i dont pick on any1, just give my opinion :neutral:

i am a grown man and just on ere to look at pics n learn if i can, i think that all the obvious kids on ere r the ones that should be targeted, not people like me who try and help whenever possible


Well-Known Member
Nah, you guys should just learn to type or learn to live with people not respecting you. If they made a UK section they would have to do it for all the sections and it would make the site way to bloated.


stays relevant.
We don't need a UK section, because in regards to pot - there is no difference between UK, US, AUS, CH, JP, etc... It's a plant.

Have respect for your fellow members is all I can say.


New Member
There must be a stated reason given when you get an infraction. You get a message telling you what the infraction was for. Check your inbox. We do not give you one for grammar or spelling, come on now, lol. :peace:
i was given infractions for serposily insulting other members!!!!!!!!

i wasnt insulting at all just giving my point of view.

plus i cant spell so why have others got the right to insult my spelling, i find it highly insulting and humiliating!!!


stays relevant.
i was given infractions for serposily insulting other members!!!!!!!!

i wasnt insulting at all just giving my point of view.

plus i cant spell so why have others got the right to insult my spelling, i find it highly insulting and humiliating!!!
Really? I remember giving you infractions for using abusive language toward others regarding whether or not Sean Connery is British or Scottish or what that means in the Michael Jackson thread... IF you dont remember that i'll quote you if you like. :roll:


New Member
We don't need a UK section, because in regards to pot - there is no difference between UK, US, AUS, CH, JP, etc... It's a plant.

Have respect for your fellow members is all I can say.
i believe a uk section would be beneficial to membera from the uk, i.e when u guys go on about wallmart n radioshak i havnt a clue wot ur on about, thats just an example there is a lot more that confuses me, if we had a uk section it would be easier to concur with members about so many different things, i serpose im gunna get another infraction for just stating my opinion and therfore get a life ban, :-| it feels like im being targetted for some unknown reason, go and check all 600 odd of my posts and tell me im ovensive or insulting, like i said ima grown man and hating others isnt my thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end ov:?


stays relevant.
i believe a uk section would be beneficial to membera from the uk, i.e when u guys go on about wallmart n radioshak i havnt a clue wot ur on about, thats just an example there is a lot more that confuses me, if we had a uk section it would be easier to concur with members about so many different things, i serpose im gunna get another infraction for just stating my opinion and therfore get a life ban, :-| it feels like im being targetted for some unknown reason, go and check all 600 odd of my posts and tell me im ovensive or insulting, like i said ima grown man and hating others isnt my thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end ov:?

We have the exact same companies here in the USA. You should be less concerned with segregating members, and more concerned with getting a long better with them. If you don't have a clue 'what we're on about' then you should ask! :)


New Member
tell u wot growtech ur a childish cunt with a right attitude , ur on some sort of power trip throwing out infractions for nothing u stupid childish cunt, u also fdd r a right cunt of a bloke, fucking giving me infractions for nothing, who the fuck do u think u r guys, fuck u and fuck ur american site, all i need to do is sign up with my second email an ul never know, ive been dying to tell u 2 and others how i feel about ur pathetic ways, fuck u bigstyle from the uk, go ahead and band me now because this msg my friend is insulting NOT like any others i have sent!!!!!! cuntz the pair of u, fuck u and ur gimp buddy fdd............................ il be seeing u shortly under a brand new account!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace uk readers, fuck the rest of u!!!!!!!!!!!


stays relevant.
tell u wot growtech ur a childish cunt with a right attitude , ur on some sort of power trip throwing out infractions for nothing u stupid childish cunt, u also fdd r a right cunt of a bloke, fucking giving me infractions for nothing, who the fuck do u think u r guys, fuck u and fuck ur american site, all i need to do is sign up with my second email an ul never know, ive been dying to tell u 2 and others how i feel about ur pathetic ways, fuck u bigstyle from the uk, go ahead and band me now because this msg my friend is insulting NOT like any others i have sent!!!!!! cuntz the pair of u, fuck u and ur gimp buddy fdd............................ il be seeing u shortly under a brand new account!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace uk readers, fuck the rest of u!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow bud... good way to show everyone why you get infractions and end up creating threads like this.