
Well-Known Member
Hey sub and THC, I know you guys are partnas in this whole shebang and thats awesome you have a teammate. Growing can be lots of hard work even when you have someone helping you out. I wonder if others have similar casualty loss as you do. I was hoping that half of my outdoors would make it. So far so good.. 1 plant got knocked out of it's hole and rolled down the hill, luckily it was replanted within a day of this happening and seems ok. So far I have used petrified eggs in a spray mixture.. seems to keep the deer away. I am picking up some hair from the barber Tommorow..supposed to keep the rabbits at bay (silly fuckers). Anyway man I wish you guys the best of luck and hope what does survive is a bountiful harvest. hasta leugo


Well-Known Member
Hey sub and THC, I know you guys are partnas in this whole shebang and thats awesome you have a teammate. Growing can be lots of hard work even when you have someone helping you out. I wonder if others have similar casualty loss as you do. I was hoping that half of my outdoors would make it. So far so good.. 1 plant got knocked out of it's hole and rolled down the hill, luckily it was replanted within a day of this happening and seems ok. So far I have used petrified eggs in a spray mixture.. seems to keep the deer away. I am picking up some hair from the barber Tommorow..supposed to keep the rabbits at bay (silly fuckers). Anyway man I wish you guys the best of luck and hope what does survive is a bountiful harvest. hasta leugo
is that your dog in your avi? cute as hell. I havent tried the petrified eggs yet, may give it a shot if the critters start getting out of control again. thanks for the luck! same to you hermano.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, he is my youngest at just a year old. I have pics of all my others in my profile. He is cute, but a hellion when he wants to be.. I think all dogs are that way when they don't get their exercise.
Just like humans, they need stimulation and exercise to be happy. Most people could get their dogs to behave so much better with a 20 min walk everyday. My guys need more than that cuz of the working breed, but if I am pressed for time, even running a few sets of hills will keep these guys calm all day.


Well-Known Member
Ok, these pics are a couple of days old but you can get the idea. They are looking great with loads of bud sites. They have been flowering for about 17 days so about a third of the way there, these Afghani Hindu Kush plants finish in about 7 weeks. :joint:



Well-Known Member
So thats how you fill a screen!! Good job bro!! I think we might be on the same schedule for our scrogs. Mine are now 23 days 12/12 under a 1000watt. I didn't veg nearly long enough to fill the screen but that's ok, I just wanted to try the concept and needed to flip the lights early due to a major dry-spell in my area. My outdoors won't be ready until oct. so I needed to do something. +rep for that bushy screen


Well-Known Member
So thats how you fill a screen!! Good job bro!! I think we might be on the same schedule for our scrogs. Mine are now 23 days 12/12 under a 1000watt. I didn't veg nearly long enough to fill the screen but that's ok, I just wanted to try the concept and needed to flip the lights early due to a major dry-spell in my area. My outdoors won't be ready until oct. so I needed to do something. +rep for that bushy screen
Thanks for the +rep. For future reference they say to try and veg until the screen is about 60% filled and then you flip the lights to 12/12 and the extra growth will fill in the rest. Good luck on your outdoor, half of my plants were eaten by what I believe to be coons.


Well-Known Member
Thought I would post up some pics of a grow box a friend and I made. He will be growing with cfl's and possibly some T5s. box cost about 40 bucks to make and is 600W equivalent. It consists of 6 26W 2700k CFLs, with 6 computer 80cm fans. He will also have two other cabs; one for veg and clones, and one for mothers. right now he is growing some El Diablo QC, using the LST method; this is a one time grow with this strain. I will be giving him an Afghani Hindu Kush mother plant in the next month so that his next grow he will be growing clones straight 12/12, he can fit 24 clones in the flower cab so hopefully after a few grows he will have another mother plants to make up to 24 clones. He got this Technaflora nute kit for around 35 bucks, I couldnt believe how cheap it was. Might have to get one myself might use some 24" T5s instead of the cfls though.

If you guys have some time check out his grow. This is his first grow every so give him some feedback. I was so excited about how cheap and effective this box is that I'm thinking of building another one myself. I've placed the link below. :peace:



Well-Known Member
This is what my last grow looked like just a few days further in than this grow. The screen was way better on the last grow because I was growing from clones. The current grow is from seeds so I had a few set backs trying to reveg after sexing.



Well-Known Member
Def will check out your friends grow, I thought I vegged until 60% filled. I had a misconception about how the scrog was best acheived, so I had tight node structure from having my flouros buried on the canopy. If I would have done some more hw, I woulda put them much further away to induce the elongated noding. I corrected my experiment with a 3rd plant I just added into 12/12. I originally had 3 plants under the screen and this one got pulled for more veg time. I thought I would run outta room so I yanked it, seems now I shoulda left it in. I will post an update in my journal tom, I have some nute burn on one of the plants, got a little greedy with feeding, shoulda waited 1 more week. Anyway, il stop talking bout all that until I have pics 4 ya. I hope my outdoor survives too. Gonna stop yapping and go update now. peace


Well-Known Member
Almost 3 weeks into flower. They are looking great. Started giving them more nutes this past week, so now they are on, magical, tigerbloom, and Big Bud. I have been surprised out how they are already getting covered in crystals. I've got some pics of a close up of a bud-site; hope you can see it on here. Outdoor plants are another story. All that is left out there is the El diablo, all of the hindu kush and superskunk plants have been eaten. :evil:

Still have a mother skunk and kush so I might try to get a couple out and just go straight in to flower with them just so I can smoke some of that skunk. Not sure what happened out there. I tried so many different things. Pissing on the plants and around them, spraying them with texas pete and water, putting mothballs around them, and spraying them with dawn and water as well as seven spray. Everything I tried just seemed to make the fucking coons or what ever it was eat them faster.



Well-Known Member
Beautiful bro!! Look at all those pretty little bud sites...I am 1 week ahead of you on my screen, so it will be nice to compare results, even tho strain is different. You are growing in 1gallon bags. Soil right?


Well-Known Member
Beautiful bro!! Look at all those pretty little bud sites...I am 1 week ahead of you on my screen, so it will be nice to compare results, even tho strain is different. You are growing in 1gallon bags. Soil right?
Thanks man, Actually they are 2 gallon bags. I use one gallons during part of veg and then put them into the 2 gallons for the last part of veg and for flower.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, how many plants are under that screen and what height did u place them under the screen? Were they vegged for a period under the screen and then flipped, or flipped as soon as the screen was in place? This winter I want to utilize a light mover over a 3'X8' scrog, consisting of 2X 3'X4' screens. I didn't get the canopy as thick as I would have liked, but that comes with experience. I think next time around will be a lot better...I shoulda followed a plan rather than blazing my own trails..oh well, live and learn.


Well-Known Member
Hey Frontal, check out "Somguy"s journal on floro vs. HID scrog. very informative for anyone thinking about scrogging