

Well-Known Member
I don't know what it could do to the plant. I have never seen anyone do that before lol.
It could rot and infect the plant or throw of the pH or it could destroy the roots.
I really just don't know haha


I can't really tell if the cut took yet but it is looking strong!
How old is it now?
5 week but a major updated happend super nute burn with my MG soil so i flushed n she looks so bad...she might not make has sadend me cuz i have no seeds cuz i cant find them..


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of bag seeds that I would send you if it wasn't against forum rules. :wall:

Was is MG soil or nutes that burned it?


well the soil has those nute balls in i gess so it got nute burned very badly i dont know if its save able.......and about the seeds i gess i have to wait untill skool start if he dies and i know it is agnest da rules.



Well-Known Member
You can always try to transplant into soil without the MG if you have any.
It is looking strong enough to put into 12/12 if you want to.
Do you have a pic of your grow set up? I don't remember, sorry.


You can always try to transplant into soil without the MG if you have any.
It is looking strong enough to put into 12/12 if you want to.
Do you have a pic of your grow set up? I don't remember, sorry.
no i moved him out side for right now....and i allready transplanted him but i think must if his roots got f'ed up i mean raly realy f'ed up.....



Well-Known Member
Outside is probably a better place than that rig you have right now (what are the temps in the box?). It will grow a little slower and stretch a bit but it should be ok as long as temps are fine.
It looks like it is over watered though.


Outside is probably a better place than that rig you have right now (what are the temps in the box?). It will grow a little slower and stretch a bit but it should be ok as long as temps are fine.
It looks like it is over watered though.
well i flushed nthen i tokk all the MG dirt out n used some normal potting soil(i think i riped all of the roots) as for growing i cant ceep it out side nothing to hide it. and if the place that i can hide it dosnt get that much main concern is that it dosnt die...if it dose got wait 7 or is it 8 weeks probly more to get new seeds from my guy.:confused::wall::sad::-(

PS its about 80 in there id gess


Well-Known Member
If you tore all the roots that would suck but if there are some left it should be ok.
It just needs some time to heal so be gentle with it and you should just keep it inside so it doesn't go into shock from being moved everyday.