SMG's Guerrilla Outdoor '09


Well-Known Member
:roll:how do you know what size planter to use
does it look like i use planters?? negative. start your own thread elsewhere if you have questions that do not apply to the thread at hand. If you want to comment my grow, feel free. but don't spam my shit.



Well-Known Member
little CFL update until I can get some more outdoor pics... :peace:

thanks to THCofgreen for babysitting my sideways girl and my clones, now it's time to make some bushes. :blsmoke:

P.S. I had to cut down one of my mini cola girls today. she started forming tiny little seeds, but I caught it just in time. wish it could have went 2 more weeks, but what can you do? still have one more finishing off...



Well-Known Member
Are those cfls in a box or closet or what?
right now I'm having to move them around so the landlord can make some repairs and move his belongings out. I had that set up in the closet, but found out he's coming tomorrow so I had to break it back down. they're going to be a little starved for light for the next couple of days while I get situated.


Well-Known Member
I am sure you already know this, but she looks a little over watered. Not bad tho cuz the pot is so small.. few days and she will be perky again.


Well-Known Member
I am sure you already know this, but she looks a little over watered. Not bad tho cuz the pot is so small.. few days and she will be perky again.

she was actually bone dry for a good couple of days. I just put her into a bigger pot before the pic was taken, so I watered to aid in the transfer. I think it's like a 24qt. she looks droopy because she was growing sideways and I've planted her right side up. she's already started correcting herself, and the sun isn't even out. :blsmoke:

here's a rooted clone off of her that I just put into a 3 gallon bucket. not sure what her fate is...



Well-Known Member
Good stuff man, it really is amazing how fast these plants can change the direction they grow, check my journal out, i got some crappy pics of a branch that broke and was laying on the ground and all of the growth turned to face the sun.. really amazing, at least 2 me. That clone will survive as long as you let that medium dry out, I found once my clones were rooted, they liked to suck all the water dry before they had more. Really forces those roots to stretch and look for the water source. I know you got the CFL setup indoors, maybe start training her for a scrog using those CFL's u got. I used T8 shop lights from walmart, but ur CFL's will do the same job, just a little easier to adjust the shoplights. Anyway, I am sure u will find a good use for that clone. Grow on bro.


Well-Known Member
here's a little girl I stuck outside to do her thing, I'm not expecting much. just something to watch grow. :weed:

I won't be making it out to my other patch until sunday or so... but we had some good rain and it's been mild...



Well-Known Member
here's a little girl I stuck outside to do her thing, I'm not expecting much. just something to watch grow. :weed:

I won't be making it out to my other patch until sunday or so... but we had some good rain and it's been mild...
I'm jealous.. wish we got summer rains :? but it's dry as a fucking bone out here
that indo looks pretty dank though considering it's just with cfl's


Well-Known Member
I'm jealous.. wish we got summer rains :? but it's dry as a fucking bone out here
that indo looks pretty dank though considering it's just with cfl's

they're not the most frequent occurrence. last year was horrible... all the lakes were dry, etc.

thanks man, I used to be a hater when it came to CFLs. they still leave A LOT to be desired, but they're a good bang for your buck in a tight space. :joint:


Well-Known Member
they're not the most frequent occurrence. last year was horrible... all the lakes were dry, etc.

thanks man, I used to be a hater when it came to CFLs. they still leave A LOT to be desired, but they're a good bang for your buck in a tight space. :joint:
I found a small stream near my garden but that dried up beginning of may, so I have to haul all my water about 1/2 mile to my spot every time.. kinda sucks but should pay out nicely and worth the hard work.
but yea I was thinking about starting up another small cfl grow in my basement/storage area. it's always a little cooler down there so that'd make life a lot easier. but what was the size of your area and how many cfl's did you use?


Well-Known Member
I found a small stream near my garden but that dried up beginning of may, so I have to haul all my water about 1/2 mile to my spot every time.. kinda sucks but should pay out nicely and worth the hard work.
but yea I was thinking about starting up another small cfl grow in my basement/storage area. it's always a little cooler down there so that'd make life a lot easier. but what was the size of your area and how many cfl's did you use?

roughly 3' x 2.5', most of it's life it was under 5 26w 2700K CFLs. I could have def done better with more attention, but it was pretty much shoved in a closet and left to grow with an occasional feeding. I feed it every watering, rather than every other like I usually do... didn't hurt it what-so-ever, and I was also jacking the nutes up each time way past the manufacturers recommended dose... fuckers drink it up.