Pics of my grow! Any advice?!?


Well-Known Member
Yea Ive been doing about half strenght nutes every 2nd or 3rd watering, not really set schedule just when the plants look like they need it and I think its working out pretty nice! I do seem to have spider mites tho and I dont know what I could buy at HD or Lowes to get rid of em w/out sprain hella nasty shit on my plants! any ideas/tips? HD or lowes are my best bet since they are the closest.

Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Lowe's should have the Neem oil and should have the BT caterpiller killer out in the garden center. I found out my local Lowe's is even stocking Medina nutrients now.


Well-Known Member
Is the neem oil labeled just that or is it found in another product? If its there Ima go out now and get it, is that the best solution for the spider mites?

thanks slab appreaciate the help


heh guys...i'm doing something similar and havent really had a whole lot of advice in my thread...take a look first time out... and i'll start posting progress first time and could really use the advice...

oh yah...sorry about hijacking the thread...


Well-Known Member
Found neem concentrate at Lowes, 10 buck and says it makes 16 gallons, guess it mite last me a while. Im off to check how much to dilute it so I can get these fuckin bugs off my crop! Thanks 4 the heads up on where to get the neem slab!


Well-Known Member
found tons of posts on neem oil on the site but none on how to dilute it, are the directions on the bottle good enough or what would you guys recommend?


O yea its neem concentrate says its 70% concentrate extract sumthin or other, haha just woke up still kinda fucked up n late 4 work!



Well-Known Member
Yeah that's the same Green Light I use. Just mix 2 tablespoons per gal of water. I mix up a gallon then keep a $1 Store sprayer for misting the plants. Just douse tops and under the leaves. It's safe so just drench them with it really good. I'd do it a few times a day until you start seeing results.

Oh yeah... shake it well before you mix and before using it each time.


Well-Known Member
I sprayed em 2 days in a row, cant tell if the mites are gone but the plants seemed to like being drenched in it for a while. Hopefully those shit bastards get off my damn bud


Well-Known Member
It doesn't kill like a conventional poison so it takes a few days to really see the benefits. Spray again after any rain.


Well-Known Member
Yea still waiting on a for sure on the spray, but beside that, the plants are really loving that oily shit, I watered with molasses on tuesday and I think they loved that too, theyre geting hella big!

THanks For lookin everyone, ima ry and get some new pics in here later today or tomorrow to show my progress


Well-Known Member
found a few males in the bunch, tried making weed cookies out of one of them but the butter didnt end up so good, no high at all just waste of time and materilas haha now down to a few plants, the biigest bushiest one ended up being a male, i hant killed it its too nice for me to kill it, but its separated fromm the rest in a very isolated area. The girls are looking nice and looks like one of em is starting to bud, all the little white hairs cominng out look too sick. Ill get some pics up soon. looking into getting my lights, any prefferences in between a 4ft t5 light fixture with 4 bulbs from here :

or just a bunch og 40+ watt CFL spirals with the reflectors?

Input is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
anything? Is it more of a prefrance deal or is there actual benefits or downsides to using one versus the other?


Well-Known Member
I'm not much of an indoor grower but the most popular grows seem to be with HPS. A small 250w system is pretty affordable for what you'd spend on cfl's. The banks of cfl's put off more heat due to the extra ballasts so close to the plants. But then again you can almost use anything in a pinch. I'm looking at saving up for a 400w myself. They are pretty versatile for a small grow or a mother or two.


Well-Known Member
Thanks slab, i was reffering more about CFLs though, the difference if any in between tubular lights like the t5's and spiral light such as reg. screw in CFL's. Have any input on those?
