fed up of recieving infractions for just bstating my opinion trying to help others


Well-Known Member
WOW what a great thread! So since taffo143 isnt a member anymore i can call him a big fucking douche bag loser and not get in trouble right? hey maybe we could make a section for banned members so they can flame each other to death.


Well-Known Member
wow ....i just read this whole thread and wow...........what a jerk. he is mad that ppl are baggin on him but he is doing the same thing. i do respect the fact that he has some balls tho. i'll give him that. but a jerk none the less.................


Well-Known Member
LOL funniest shit EVER!!!

Thanks brits for putting a smile on my face :-)

P.S. I find it funny that people get mad when people can't spell. Seriously? How valuable do you think the information they have to say is? And if someone makes fun of you for typing like a retard, getting angry and calling them names over the internet does NOT make you sound any smarter... LOL but it is oh so amusing!
for what it's worth, I think the mods are doing a good job at cleaning the shallow end of the gene pool of this forum :-)


Well-Known Member
LOL this guy has no balls he is talking shit on the internet then trying to act like somebody else when h e comes back, thats a bitch.Haha good point if you cant even spell people probably dont need your help.


Well-Known Member
:lol::lol::lol::lol:lol... "sorry man, but if you couldn't make it past the 3rd grade in school, I really don't give a shit what you've got to say!"


Well-Known Member
just keep an eye out for a pissy pants who cant spell for shit from the UK with 1-3 posts and you'll know him when you see him. ill bet he comes back blatantly saying that he was unjustly baned and calling fdd a gimp