
Well-Known Member
Before I started growing I was always told that male plants "tend" to be tall and skinny while female plants "tend" to be short and fat, not to much unlike us homosapiens. Since growing I have discovered that I aint got a clue as I always use femenised seeds so never had a true male to compare to. I have had hemie's but they look just the same as my other plants, apart from the bollocks they grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey again wondering "because people have got me skeptical" does your "best" looking plant always turn out male?
or whats the percentage is what im asking....:weed:
sorry if i mighta gotten you worried about your big plants being male but... you think id lie about something like this. dont automatically think its male cuz your kids did have some trauma erly on so they could be stunted and the one thats biggest got hurt the least. it could be anything

yes...dammit. EVERY time! I get one or two BIG FAT Happy plants and a whole bunch of little, dainty ones...and you can BET them bigs will turn out to be males.
Somebody explained it to me this way: It Nature's way. The males get bigger sooner so they will tower ABOVE the girls and have PLENTY of pollen sacs to shoot all over those shorter gals...sigh. Sucks, dont it?

the plant stands tall while the female is on her knees and when the pollen sacks burst "shoot all over those shorter gals"


but im gunna grow my big one even if its a male i can have it for decoration its a male its not illegal
maybe if you live in Canada or have a hemp license or something

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
sorry if i mighta gotten you worried about your big plants being male but... you think id lie about something like this. dont automatically think its male cuz your kids did have some trauma erly on so they could be stunted and the one thats biggest got hurt the least. it could be anything

the plant stands tall while the female is on her knees and when the pollen sacks burst "shoot all over those shorter gals"


maybe if you live in Canada or have a hemp license or something
thats funnuy as shit kaleeo!
yea my 2 tallest ones are 6 1/4in.
my best one is indica i think cuz the leaves are much thicker than the others


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna call false on this one. While being taller may help, nature doesnt usually leave pollen transfer up to gravity. There is A LOT of pollen in each male banana and very little breeze is needed to make it airborne. It also goes against other plans that nature has. As far as nature and natural selection go, it is better to be pollinated by plants further away and less related. Also, being tall means more sun. I doubt that a female plant benefits at all by having other mj plants around it blocking its sunlight. The fact that males are taller probably has more to do with the fact that its not growing buds or something along those lines.

Yeah, still illegal...

I know you felt the need to disagree.. but I still go with my theory(it's not just mine).. yours is a bit flawed.. makes more sense then "because they aren't growing buds or something.." since it grows taller/faster just in the veg state... not even being flowered.. to each his own though..

gravity is part of nature.. thus it's used by all IN nature.. gives us the ability to walk on the ground...
I just started growing two baby outdoor plants that sprouted about 3 weeks ago, but i need help on what i can get to Fertilize the plants and what nutrients i need in the begining and towards harvest end. Also it there any thing to make them grow faster. These are my first plants i've tried to grow on my own and are looking good for now but i'm guessing on everything here on out. Please tell me what i need to do. I water them everyday / every other day, so what else do i do?


fried at 420

Well-Known Member
you dont need any nute till the round leaves fall off wen the plants make thier own chlorophyll but miracle gro is goo and full of nutes