hydro VS soil


Well-Known Member
they WON the cup. and they are using SOIL.

at least be honest.

i love you
Ok, I'll be honest, I hate soil, I think its shit, its dirty its bulky and its harder to get rid of. It hinders root growth and growing in hydro doesn't always mean your not growing organically.

Fuck theres soil growers that don't grow organic.

This is a dumb ass thread and it seems like your only intention is to stir up an argument that will never be settled. I don't come to you and try and convince you that hydro is better. I'm sure the next remark you make will be something like well soil is better so theres no chance, well thats your opinion and like everyone else your entitled to your own.


Well-Known Member
i have no plumbing. i have no drainage. i see no need to constantly change water. dump out good nutes. add this. check that. measure this. up that down this. adjust this. hoses everywhere. pumps everywhere. leaks. water dripping. moisture. wet floor. drag the hose 50 feet. pump this out somewhere. fish tank heaters. air stones. hoses. hoses. pumps. leaks. water, water everywhere.

i'm a connoisseur. i enjoy a finely grow herb. grow with love, respect and pride. you can tell if a bud was grow with love. those who know know. i've had A LOT of people compliment me on the amount of pride that was grown into my weed. i used to laugh and shrug it off but over the years more and more people tell me this. some people want big dollars. all they see is money. faster, faster, faster. more, more, more........ look at wine. is it quick grown? nope. only grown in the finest soils around the world. some wines are cheap and average. some wines are expensive and exceptional. what bottle do you want to drink?

i love pot


Well-Known Member
lol oic, well like you said before,,, you do what works for you. but while your luggin big buckets of dirt around ill just turn on the water. when your almost done veggin ill be almost done flowering. when your almost done flowering ill be almost done manicuring the ton of sweet sweet bud i just grew. and when your ready to start cureing ill be kickin back smoking "saying eat my dust."
but thats ok,,, cuz you like the taste of dirt. lol


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll be honest, I hate soil, I think its shit, its dirty its bulky and its harder to get rid of. It hinders root growth and growing in hydro doesn't always mean your not growing organically.

Fuck theres soil growers that don't grow organic.

This is a dumb ass thread and it seems like your only intention is to stir up an argument that will never be settled. I don't come to you and try and convince you that hydro is better. I'm sure the next remark you make will be something like well soil is better so theres no chance, well thats your opinion and like everyone else your entitled to your own.

you get sooooo pissed. it's just a thread. :peace:


Well-Known Member
lol oic, well like you said before,,, you do what works for you. but while your luggin big buckets of dirt around ill just turn on the water. when your almost done veggin ill be almost done flowering. when your almost done flowering ill be almost done manicuring the ton of sweet sweet bud i just grew. and when your ready to start cureing ill be kickin back smoking "saying eat my dust."
but thats ok,,, cuz you like the taste of dirt. lol
Don't forget shit, most organic nutes contain some sort of shit in it.


Active Member
ive grown both hydro and soil and i have to go with FDD on this one.
soil all the way. thats where the taste and potency is.
let me ask this question.....
Would you prefer Pamela Anderson?
or Angelina Jolie?
implants or real breasts?
fake or real?


Well-Known Member
you get sooooo pissed. it's just a thread. :peace:
I do when someone else tried to ram their opinion down my throat. As I said earlier this thread is bullshit and it still is, just like all its predecessors. You can't convince a hydro grower to grow soil and vise versa. The thread seems to settle down again and then you chime in with soil rocks hydro sucks. Ok we got the message dude. You don't like hydro.


Well-Known Member
funny how all the hydro growers are starting to lash out. soil growers are all chillin' "diggin" their grow. hydro boys are getting all red in the face. lol.


Well-Known Member
I do when someone else tried to ram their opinion down my throat. As I said earlier this thread is bullshit and it still is, just like all its predecessors. You can't convince a hydro grower to grow soil and vise versa. The thread seems to settle down again and then you chime in with soil rocks hydro sucks. Ok we got the message dude. You don't like hydro.

ramming it down your throat? you saw the title before you clicked it. i've only stated my opinion. not once did i TELL YOU to grow in soil. relax. sorry my friend it's just a thread. :peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


lol oic, well like you said before,,, you do what works for you. but while your luggin big buckets of dirt around ill just turn on the water. when your almost done veggin ill be almost done flowering. when your almost done flowering ill be almost done manicuring the ton of sweet sweet bud i just grew. and when your ready to start cureing ill be kickin back smoking "saying eat my dust."
but thats ok,,, cuz you like the taste of dirt. lol
when your experienced in soil, things are not slow.....my clones root in 7 days they veg for 2 weeks and flower for 7-8 weeks, i yield an average of 2 ounces per plant of sweet organic soil grown cannabis .......also I don't lug any buckets, I use 2 gallon grow bags..easy and convenient............soil growing is slow when you don't do it right...:hump::hump: